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Everything posted by WillowWing

  1. Signs freaked me out a little bit, I will admit. Alien movies tend to do that to me. It was a good movie though...made better by the fact that I was eating an awesome sandwich while watching it.
  2. Well, this didn't scare me per se, but I like suspense movies like Cloverfield and the Blair Witch Project that are kind of like documentaries. Cloverfield scared the crap out of one of my friends, but I just thought it was kind of cool. I've never seen the Blair Witch Project, but I like that kind of supernatural, paranormal stuff. I think it's more interesting than scary. Paranormal Activity was just stupid though. I only saw the first one and I thought it was the dumbest movie I'd ever seen.
  3. Hmm, seems like there are lots of Lord of the Rings bronies~ Awesome!!
  4. I watch reruns on the Hub for now... I watch some on YouTube if I don't finish one, but not too much because I have a 5 gig internet cap. I'm getting Netflix soon, so I guess I'll watch with that eventually.
  5. "That was my freaking rolly chair!!" - My boyfriend, when talking about picking up chairs in Portal 2 P.S. Loving the GlaDOS quotes, Portal is hilarious~
  6. It was awful here! We didn't have power for like...36-48 hours, and there were a bunch of trees down...we got power back this morning, but there are some people near me that still don't have power now. Half of my grandma's roof was blown off! My house was okay, 'cause we got a new roof recently, but there was some serious damage down here. Lots of lightning and grass fires and such. Scary stuff.
  7. The welcome song has been sung! xD I see you like LOTR...automatic best friends!
  8. Oh Celestia, Marble Hornets scared he crap outta me. That's what made me start knocking hr door at night. It's sooo freeeaaaaking scary...suspenseful...downright horrifing, in my opinion. e3e
  9. Okay, I fixed some stuff and changed it to final. I think it's ready to be reviewed.
  10. Mine apparently aren't...so I'll definitely definitely look that place up. Thanks for all the information!
  11. I wasn't creeped out until the very end at the credits when Jade jumps at the screen... I have to admit, I flinched.
  12. Yeah... The comments said, "Change your real time to blahblahblah" I was like...is that necessary? Apparently it is.
  13. I played both of those games... Story of the Blanks was kinda creepy, but I had to look up the creepy ending for Super Filly Adventure. I kept getting the warrior ending.
  14. Well, I'll have to check that out soon! That could be useful for some of my other hobbies too... Is it just pony stuff or can you arrange meetups for anything?
  15. Prometheus! I love sci-fi, and that one looks really good. Men in Black 3 looks good to, but I'll probably wait until it comes out on Bluray.
  16. Meetup.com? I didn't know there was such a thing. Maybe I can find some meetups around where I live... I'd love to get to know some other fans that actually live near me.
  17. I'm gonna start an art thread. (: Ponies have given me a chance to actually draw and get better at digital art, because I can't draw people, and I have no dragon characters that motivate me...so, I'll draw ponies, and post them here. I'm still experimenting with style, trying to be a little bit more realistic than the actual MLP style, but not very much. I'll update as I do more. Any constructive criticism is greatly appreciated, and thanks for looking!
  18. I love Okami! The style is really cool~ I can't wait to see ponies in that style! I'll definitely be watching this.
  19. Well, I just want to know more about the navigation and whatnot. I should probably just get one and play with it for a bit.
  20. xD I love those moments. "Some people develop a wishbone where their back bone should be." - Anonymous This is me.
  21. "Let's hunt some orc!" - Aragorn ((If you can tell me when in the movies he says that, you get ten points.)) I always feel motivated for some reason when he says that. It makes me want to go whack things with a sword. "Gentlemen, I wash my hands of this weirdness." - Captain Jack Sparrow I use that quote almost daily. It gets me off my butt. ...Darn, I can't remember the other one. Oh well. (:
  22. I'm currently in the middle of Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers. Such epic movies...I've probably seen them all a gazillion times.
  23. Okay, I elaborated on the personality a bit. I think it's better now...I'vea always had trouble with that sort of thing. P:
  24. Hmm. Well, I may have to do some research on that. Does anyone know about Yahoo? Kind of random, but my friend said that Yahoo is better than Gmail and Hotmail. Is it true?
  25. That seems really nice...a lot more streamlined than Gmail. Does anyone know when that's supposed to come out? I would definitely check it out.
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