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Everything posted by QueenChrysalis747

  1. Pinkie heard it, she always hears it, it Wha easy to hear...the cuteness!!!! She squeed, paid for her cake and ate it too and bolted, soon reaching the fox and finding Lyra, "Oh Oh Oh Lyra Lyra!" she jumped up and down as spotted the hay, "HEy tats Hay!" she bounced high up and prepared to die bomb into it!
  2. (I didn't see that But okie also forgot the underscores: dark_heart_747) (not sure what to post ATM XD)
  3. (Kitsune) (cool and are those lower case L or uppercase i? Also I'm DarkHeart747, picture of NightmareMoon)
  4. (hey who has steam??? I want some brony friends on steam, pweaze XD) Pinkie bounced around town as she was on a mission, Twilight was cleaning her library....again...and wanted her anthropology books back. So pinkie had to find Lyra and getthe books, nothing would distract he...."CAKE!" she cheered and went to get some....this might take a while!
  5. So is our idea good? Should I make an app or just play the pony when te time comes?
  6. No I can't, I am mostly on iPod when posting, I literally have an inability to manage to get a paragraph out of this iPod, plus I'm not sure I can think of a paragraph to write/
  7. Darkness lay on his side under the tree, he had passed out
  8. And I hate to say I'm gonna have to drop out now, didn't notice the paragraph minimum, I can't do that, sorry, I can never come up with enough to say
  9. Indimara Jess galloped toward the location that she had heard of, a place of Adventure!! She was eager to see what she would explore this time, oh how she explored sooo many locations before,syne she had already been here and just forgot? She shrugged and soon reached te palace doors and knocked with 3 sharp, but soft, raps on the door with her hoof
  10. "I..I'm not sure," she said able to hold back the shadow side a bit better as she made no rude, snarky, or snappy comment afterwards
  11. Shaymin looked back, "You talking to me!" she said sharply then added calmly, "If so what do you mean?"
  12. A black pony sat in the shadows of a tree in Ponyville and watched life go on by, it was always fun to watch. Everyone was happy and cheery, and he would just watch from the shadows, that was his style. He was shy and very alone so he was used to this, non less it upset him a little
  13. "You beat up Pokemon for practice!" shay growled but soon calmed and looked away, "Wh..how do these battles work? Ma..maybe I can try," she said with a smile, then a glare, "but I'm not yours to keep!" she snapped and looked away, "Just wanna do something different"
  14. The shaymin decided to begin to investigate the other trainers and began heading over to Cloud, finding him with his sl...er...pokemon, "So whats your deal!" she barked to him then looked down, "I mean, what is your goal?"
  15. I'll play my Moonlite Frost (Link on my page) Except she will have been in Las Pegasus, oh fun haha
  16. ( relax I'm just a technical game nerd is all haha)
  17. (ah I stopped liking the show after his pikachu beat a ground type with an electric move)
  18. (harden would have no effect, harden is defense not sp defense, just saying)
  19. (it says join, how? I want to)
  20. Yeah, not sure how much of the Black ops Zombies idea we would want to take though
  21. "Oh an eevee, your so special!" Shay said sarcastically then smiled warmly, "I've never seen an eevee before, wonder which evolution it will become!" she chipped then rolled her eyes, "Not that I care or anything!"
  22. Mob of the dead from black ops 2 pony style. Basically it's and escape from alcatraz but its destroyed a bit and there are zombies.
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