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Everything posted by QueenChrysalis747

  1. Oh yeah, that was my own mistake, not there's, does suck though but we are both lost on what to do, I screwed it up.
  2. Well the thing is that I am not specifically looking for it, I mentioned it here and when the say they are interested we can talk further, I like leaving things open, more options.
  3. Rarity sighed, "so what now then my dear?" she asked him and looked around at all the people around
  4. Hello I am newer to this Mane Rp, I use my character, Moonlite Frost(link to come) and I want to rp her a bit. She works and lives in Canterlot, unicorn, mare (duh) and works at the library. She is single and lonely hoping to find a colt friend, so keep that in mind, not saying I won't rp with other that are taken just wanted you to know do your not insulted if she seems weakly flirty. She isn't good at that so her flirting will be bad anyway Anyway just post here if you want to rp, thanks then we can go to pm or new thread to talk about ideas.
  5. (colt and Twilight, oterwise no sorry, damm I think this is a flunk sorry)
  6. (I don't know, kind of guess I was hoping he would start to like her. So I have no idea, ugh)
  7. She remembered Word Smith, he was an ok pony, not too fond of him though. She thought and simply replied, "I dont know," she said and went on. She didn't want to sound like a real mean pony but right now she just wanted some one to hold. She shook her head, "Stop that Moonlite!" she said to herself and grumbled. She soon was outside the cafe and froze and looked at it with a sigh and went to go in. All these years of loneliness were getting her, eating away slowly. (I wouldn't risk it)
  8. She blushed, "Awe so sweet," she smiled and hugged him, "But really you should make some friends, it makes it more fun, trust me!"
  9. Rarity walks over to Dopple and sits next to him and puts arm around his shoulder, "It's alright, your not like most Changling, just give it time, I'm sure you'll make friends."
  10. "hmm well first Manehatten and Phillypelphia," Moonlite thought and looked at him and shrugged, "Maybe Ponyville but that's all I could imagine," she shook her head, "Sorry I can't help anymore then that," she looked down, "I'm going on break," she said simply, "I'll be at the corner cafe," with that she locked up her register, threw her book in her bag and walked out as a new Stallion walked over to cover her break. She walked out and sighed, "I need to find a Stallion as well," she turned back the library then back to the street and began to walk off.
  11. Rarity sighed, "Wherw is the sewing club, teach some girls about real sewing!" she smiled and looked around. Pinkie smiled, "Oh I want to join student council!" she said looking to see if it was there. Fluttershy looked at Night, "What should we join?" she asked quietly, but nervous at the large crowd
  12. "well I actually think she did, you see the day before she dissapeard she came to talk to me about magic for some reason," Moonlite said the. Shook her head, "Anyway in the end she began to mention how ponies in this town were to judgmental of music and don't like to just listen, she mentioned she wanted those kind of crowds," Moonlite sighed and sat and looked at him.
  13. Moonlite shook her head, "No, sorry Thes," she said sounding like she actually card about her and his situation, "Bu you know me, always looking atthe papers from all over Equestria," she smiled, "If I get anyword I'll be sure to tell you first chance I get ok?" she said and went back to her book expecting his usual response which was a saddened groan, a weak thank and then to pad out. She continued to study the spell she was on, it was a teleportation spell, a fairly advance one.
  14. Moonlite Frost had been at the library that day since 6 am, just at the crack of Dawn, she loved the library, so many books and so peaceful. She always came in extra early to scan the entire library for disordered or messy shelving and books. Then she would go to the counter, pull out a book on magical spells and read until opening. Even after she opened it was usually so dead, so she would general practice a few minor spells, nothing to hurt the precious library. But then she heard a familiar sweet voice which could only mean one thing, "Thes!" she said quietly but overjoyed still. Oh how she adored this Stallion, brave, strong, and such talent, not to mention very, very handsome. But she would always put those those thoughts aside, otherwise it would just make her sad. She knew Thes only wanted one mare in this entire land, that was Heart Song, and that upset Moonlite, yeah she wasn't as talented or pretty but she would always be there for him. She mentally shook her head to throw away those thoughts, "Why are you here Thes?" she asked not that i really need to ask.
  15. Yay! Oh btw wanna put this out there, imma dude, just so you know.
  16. Hate u, you took scoots! Oh well Sweetie Belle it is!
  17. Sure sounds good, shall I set up or you. Personallt I see you since your character is the one going to the library.
  18. We can just leave it open and play as we go. Did you read my bio? Moonlite Frost is her name.
  19. I love rping! Any what's up I can rp. Only 1 mane rp charrie though so you know.
  20. Eh maybe I'll stay, can someone pm me when Twinkie(i believe thats her name) gets back
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