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Everything posted by Ancre

  1. Hello everypony ! I've been trying to draw recently, and here is the result. There's a lot of mistakes everywhere, and my lines are blurry, but I'm happy with it ! It's a daddy pony and his foal. I have a lot of backstory for them, but I'm not sure they'll turn into roleplaying characters.
  2. Ancre

    Ancre tries to draw

    In which you can see my doodles and my completed works.
  3. Ancre


    From the album: Ancre tries to draw

    This is the first I've drawn in months, if not years. Say hello to the grumpy daddy pony and his little foal ! There's a lot of mistakes that I can see, probably more that I can't, and my lines are wobbly, but overall I'm pretty happy with it.

    © Me ?

  4. I have to say, I wonder who is going to say "I'm just a Dr Who fan / TF2 fan" ... on a pony forum ! I like Doctor Who a lot. I've discovered it recently, and I'm watching every episode one after the other with a friend. We're not very far yet, but it's a lot of fun, and I especially like the amount of awesome and slightly bizarre ideas they can put in that universe. TF2 on the other hand ... no. I haven't tried it, but I'm not very curious to. I've seen a few pony/TF2 videos and comics, the characters just aren't attractive for me, for no real reason. (And of course I like ponies ! )
  5. pro : you're now unbeatable at video games. Nobody can compete against you on the playstation ! con : you look very silly. Superpower : shapeshifting
  6. Louise LaMare agreed to Opuntia's proposition, and settled on presenting her the town while they walked toward the house. There was the store. There, the sheriff's office. Sheriff Silverstar commented with a bunch of puns of words, which made Opuntia snort, in a mixture of surprise and chuckling. “Well, it's not an old joke if you've never heard it before !”the green mare replied. The pegasus pony continued to show the different sights of the town, like madam Bistro's Bed & Breakfast. Eventually they all left the town and continued walking on a dusty road. Opuntia and the others could see the house they were trying to reach, proudly sitting on its little hill. Finally they reached it. Walking up the hill under the sun was more tiring than they thought, but everypony simply shrugged it off. 'I'll get used to the sun too', thought Opuntia. She didn't even disliked it. It was nice to live in a desert, and she couldn't wait to see what the nights would look like. The house had kept all the promises the paper had made. It was a bit old, and it looked a bit small, but it was perfect for Opuntia. It was built in the style of every other house in Appleloosa : four simple and sturdy walls, painted in bright red, covered with a gable roof, with the slopes on each side of the house. The green mare opened the front door of her new house, with the key she had been given, and the three of them entered inside. The first floor was a living room, and was furnished with a table and chairs, as well as chests and coffers to store the things a pony would need. It was well lit, with windows on every wall, yet private enough. At the back of the room there was three doors, one leading to the bathroom, one leading to the kitchen. Both of these rooms well simply furnished but adequate, and the kitchen had a door that opened to the outside of the house. It also had a trap that led to a dark cellar. The third door led to a spiral staircase. Under the roof was the sleeping room proper. It had a huge bed, obviously made for a couple, which would give the mare plenty of space to turn ; it had a desktop under a window, and shelves where she could store her books and her clothes. The roof was low, and the wooden beams were visible. “This is just great !” Opuntia sincerely exclaimed. Her house was simply perfect. It could do with some decoration, of course, and some rearrangement here and there, but it was everything she wanted. Having put her bag on the living room's table, she turned toward the sheriff and the writer, and started to put all the plants inside the house.
  7. I'm not sure I'll do anything this year. I still live in France, so Halloween is a family thing for me, since we don't know any other americans living around here. I'll surely be working that day since it's falling on a monday. Sooo ... I'll probably treat myself to some very nice food while watching TV on my computer. I miss doing costumes though. Perhaps next year I'll have the opportunity to do it !
  8. The little group of ponies quickly cleaned the place and loaded the wagon. They were ready to go. Mojo thanked everyone, and Jubilee invited Whirlwind to sit next to her. The white pegasus flew toward one of the front seats of the wagon, soon rejoined by the pink one, who landed awkwardly, half crashing into the seat. She quickly shuffled back in place and then smiled a goofy smile that showed there was nothing to worry about. Meanwhile, Starflower and Mojo had managed to enter in an argument. The unicorn wanted to help the earth pony to carry the wagon, and he declined – but she took offense of it, thinking he thought her age made her weak. Everything finally defused, as Mojo's his calm attitude and gentle explanations showed there was nothing to be angry about. In the end both ponies hitched themselves on the wagon. They were kinda cute to watch, really. Jubilee saw it too, and whispered to her friend : "For a minute there, I thought those two were gonna kiss" It made the two concerned ponies neigh a retort, and Whirlwind roar in laughter. She took a few seconds to calm down, but still wore a big grin on her face. “Hehehe” the pink pony chuckled, “you really are fun you know !” The wagon started to roll, and slowly but surely they moved toward the next town. Fillydelphia could be seen on the horizon, its rooftops shining in the white sky and the morning dew. With a steady pace like the one they had, they would surely reach the city by mid-day.
  9. Opuntia looked at the stores and thought about the proposition for a moment. Then she turned towards Louise LaMare, who seemed excited to go shopping. “You know what ? I think it's wiser if we just move on to the house first. I haven't actually seen it, so I don't really know what I'll need. Plus we won't be carrying two dozen of cactus all across the town – makes more place for the stuff we'll buy you see !” The green pony smiled. She didn't expected to really start working on her farm before tomorrow, as she already had so much to do with the moving, so she could very well visit the city later during the day, and spend some time shopping with the pegasus writer. “What do you say, miss LaMare ? We move to my house, unpack the stuff, take a look around, and then go back to town to buy whatever I will need. Seems good, no ?”
  10. Oh my this is fun. Thank you for the link Chonico !
  11. The three ponies carefully loaded the wagon with all of Opuntia's plants and goods. It didn't took much time and soon they were ready to go. The sheriff pony hitched himself to the wagon, the pegasus mare sat on the front bench, and the green earth mare opted to walk. Sheriff Silverstar commented on the good deal Opuntia had made. Apparently the house was furnished – something the real estate agent hinted at, but that she overlooked in her excitement. She was so eager to quit Manehattan and start a life of her own, and she was so unexperienced in these affairs, she had settled her decision in a heartbeat : she could afford it, so she did. The green pony smiled at the sheriff's comment and replied : “Well that's a lot of good news in a very little time sir ! If things keep on that way, my coming here is going to be a brilliant success ! ” A lot of things could have gone wrong, but so far everything had gone right instead. The most important part in her acquisition was that it had sufficient terrain to start a farm. That it was furnished, or on a little hill with a stunning view of the surrounding landscape, or that it had two big Saguaro cactus at the right and the left of the front door was an added bonus. But she did liked hearing so many unexpected good news about her deal. The three ponies walked in the little town's main street. Opuntia looked at everything with great curiosity and great delight. The wooden houses, the shops, the ponies saying hello to the Sheriff, everything was just like she expected. Louise LaMare talked about her arrival in the little town as well. She had come here just a few months ago and had stayed in ma'am Bistro's Bed & Breakfast. It was a nice place to be, and she suggested they stop there on their way. “Why not ?” Opuntia answered. “And I'll have to find some paper and pen to write a letter too. We could go there and have a meal and I could write my letter sometime today.”
  12. So we've talked about pony icons for computers, and Brianblackberry suggested I post my link on the forum ! So here is it : Stevecolt's pony pack There's more icons than those just presented, and I'm pretty sure that if I had a passing knowledge of image editing I could rework them to fit exactly my desires (I want a Zecora safari icon ! ) but it's already pretty extensive as is. It comes with an explanation on how to ponify your computer, and works for mac and windows. Just like the title says (gosh it does sound like a spam advertisement !) Have fun ! Your fellow wealthy nigerian banker, Ancre.
  13. Ah, I have read the full OC creator once again, and it's clearer than I first thought. There is this post that says zebras can have cutie marks, and this one that explains that it is subject to change as the show evolve. From what I read I guess it have been decided that zebras do have cutie marks. I think I just confused myself sorry ! And thank you for the snake ! EDIT : argh I finally got the links right !
  14. My zebra character is finally done ! Apologies for the very long background. The board's ruling on zebra's cutie marks are confusing, so I decided to include it anyways. I can change it if necessary however. Edit : Is the snake ok ? It's a venomous one, and he's not a very small pet, but I don't really intend to play it like a vorpal sword equivalent or something. That's it ! Thank you for reading !
  15. Name : River Spirits Sex : Mare Age : Mare Species : Zebra Pelt Color : Charcoal black, with thin white lines. Cutie Mark : A stylized, white outline representing a cauldron. Physique : River Spirits is a tall zebra ; she is thin, but tougher than she looks. She rarely takes care of herself, and looks unkempt and wild. Origin : She was found somewhere in the Saddleveil Plains. Roleplay Type : Mane RP Occupation : Traveling merchant, guide, or whatever job she finds while she's on the road. She also knows a lot of different recipes for making soups and beverages, and she's a good botanist. She doesn't know how to capitalize on it yet, but she is looking for a way to do so. Motivation : River Spirits travels the world to collect herbs and plants for her recipes and experimentations. She takes every occasion she can to enrich her botanist skills or her knowledge of Equestria. Pet : She have a snake. His name is Crossroads, he is quite long, of a silvery color, and the inside of his mouth is black. He can look dangerous, especially when he raises himself above the ground and hiss to scare others away, but he's actually quite timid. He loves to sleep in the zerba's saddlebags, or to curl around her neck and rest in her mane. Likes : The sun rising in the morning, traveling, preparing food, smoking her pipe, collecting plants, flowers, the sun setting on the horizon, and sleeping under the starlit sky. Dislikes : Living in a city, sleeping inside a house, being forbidden to go somewhere, and administrative shenanigans. Character Summary : River Spirits never had a birthplace, a hometown, with a school and friends like the other foals. Or a real family, with a grandpa and a grandma and brothers and sisters. Or even a mother. She had a father though, and he was the best father of the world. His name was Horizon. Horizon was a sky-blue earth pony, with a white mane and tail, freckles and great, orange eyes. He had a bundle stick for a cutie mark. He said he had found her as a little foal in the swampy bank of a minor river in the Saddleveil plains. She was lost in the reeds and the weeds and was unconscious and motionless, and it was by chance that he stumbled upon her. Quite who would be heartless enough to get rid of a child this way, they would never know ; but, as muddy and slimy and smelly as she was, he took her with him and saved her life. He named her River Spirits, because the little foal had no name, and because he had found her in the river. It might have seemed silly, but he had the conviction that gentle spirits watched over his little zebra. The Princesses took care of all of their subjects after all. River Spirits never discovered why he didn't just left her at an orphanage in one of the cities he visited. Horizon said that she was scared of being abandoned again and that she would never be adopted anyways since she was a zebra. He was probably just trying to convince himself. Even if he never said it out loud, Horizon loved the little foal like his own daughter and was very happy to take care of her ; but he wasn't sure he could give her a good life. Yet River Spirits loved her father as well and was very happy to be with him. She liked her life, and she never complained. Her daddy was a traveller ; and they spent their life traveling. They never stood in the same place very long, and they lived with what they could gather on the wild, and with the odd jobs Horizon would do when they settled in a city for a few days. Grass was free, and it grew everywhere, so they always had enough to eat ; but he taught her the knowledge of the plants, which ones were good and which ones were not, which ones would cure and which ones would poison, when will they bloom and when will they wither. River Spirits proved herself to be very good at this. He taught her how to read, too, and when they would reach a city she would spend her time in the public library, reading books, while her father worked to buy what they couldn't gather in the wilderness. The zebra filly worked her best to help her father, which mostly consisted in remaining calm at the library while daddy worked. She learned to cook, however, and her readings helped sometimes, which always made her proud. Horizon liked to thank her with sweets he bought with the left over bits from his various jobs. She rarely made demands, but he always satisfied them as best as he could. He offered her saddlebags to carry her belongings, a fancy green hat, pencils and paper to write, simple kitchenware. She was always overjoyed when she received gifts, and did her best to thank him. She gained her cutie mark this way, a cauldron, showing her love for botany and cooking, when she mixed into a stew the many plants they gathered to eat into the simple small cauldron he bought her. They lived this way for countless years. They visited many places in Equestria, and saw many beautiful natural sights, which the stallion lived for. River Spirits grew up to be a wonderful zebra mare, tall and beautiful, while Horizon grew old. River Spirits never realized it until the very end. He was weaker than before, and grayer, and they walked less, sometimes they didn't walked much at all. He started to question her about what she planned for her future, what she wanted for her life, but she never understood why. He suggested they settle somewhere so she could make friends, but she kindly refused, saying this wasn't the life he wanted, which was true. He worked an entire day to buy her a pet, which at the time was a strange little egg, and confused the zebra mare who never asked for one. And one day, he didn't woke up. They had a good dinner under the stars the day before, and he had commented on the happy life and the wonderful daughter he had before he gently fell asleep. Nopony lives forever. But words alone never explained what it really meant. She cried. She buried him there, next to the roads he loved, and carved his name on a piece of wood, and she cried. She remained there for a few days, alone in her sorrow, and unwilling to leave it. So that's why, she thought. It felt strange – and it hurt – to be left alone again. Horizon had always been there ; she had been lonely sometimes, but she had never been alone. Her father had seen it coming, and had done his best to help her, but now he was gone and she was not and she was completely lost. What will I do, she despaired, what will I do ... The little egg hatched. A little snake slowly came out of it. It was small and silvery, with a black mouth and a hissing tongue and a gentle gaze toward the zebra. She chuckled. Horizon had such strange ideas sometimes. He was right, though. River Spirits got up. Picked up her little snake, and walked toward the road again. She had things to do, brews to brew, views to see, projects to build, ponies to meet, friends to make. Horizon had lived, and he had lived well. She still had her life to live. So she walked again. She was still living on the road – it was just like before, in a way, but she had her own goals this time. She travelled throughout Equestria searching for wild plants to collect and new ways to use them. Over the times her skills and her knowledge expanded ; her snake grew up ; and her ideas became bigger. Perhaps it was the time to have a little house with a real kitchen to call her own somewhere.
  16. Fashion Trend Mannequin That's all I can think of crp_dude's ideas are very good.
  17. That's awesome ! Wouldn't two rainbow trails point to two rainbow dash though ?
  18. I have ... four brother and sisters. Does that count ? Other than that, no, I never had a pet and I don't have one. However we have in the family : a hamster, which looks really funny because he's black with a pink nose and paws, and is actually quite energetic, a guinea pig that squees whenever someone comes next to the kitchen in order to get food, and a caricatural, fat bunny that lazily hops around the house. The bunny have made me reconsider my attitude toward pets. I didn't wanted one before, because pets in general either demand a lot of attention (dogs) or are boring (pretty much everything else), and I didn't wanted to own one to get bored with it a few days later (I'd still take care of it, of course but it would have turned into a chore). But my brother's bunny is quite cute, and a lot of fun. I love to see him jump around the house on his way to adventure or something, and I realized I was looking forward to pet him. He's still afraid of me, but I hope it won't last long. I wouldn't mind having a rabbit.
  19. Beauty Brass politely declined Moondrop's offer of a breakfast : she had brought her own, and suggested they eat together instead. The white unicorn nodded in agreement, and delicately munched on one of her flower sandwiches. They both started to chat. The sky blue mare thanked Moondrop for her compliments ; she explained that the instrument she used was called a sousaphone ; she talked about how much she liked sunsets and sunrises. The white mare listened with attention, smiling gently. Ideas formed in her head, ideas about toys, about places to go and things to do. She really had to listen to a music concert, to see how it is for herself, one day. Beauty Brass rolled in the grass in contentment. Directed the discussion toward Moondrop with a gentle question and a gentle laugh. The albinos unicorn replied with enthusiasm in her soft voice, laughing with her for a moment. “Why yes, I'm a morning pony too ! I really like the night, and I like the twilight just as much. So I often wake up early to do my deliveries, that way the shop owners have their goods before they open their business, and I can enjoy the sunset before heading back home.” “I actually have a lot of deliveries to do every week ! It's fun, when I think about it, what really started as a hobby grew into a full-time job for me. I make toys, you see, and I never thought anypony but me would like them.” Moondrop fell silent and looked at the sunrise. The sun was finally freeing himself off of the horizon, and the magnificent orange and red hues of the sky were slowly disappearing. Today promised to be a glorious day. The albinos unicorn took off her glasses, and put her sunglasses out of her saddlebags, now looking completely disguised with those two round circles of pink in front of her eyes. She didn't seemed to realize how silly she looked though, or perhaps she didn't care. She smiled at Beauty Brass.
  20. The Sheriff gently presented himself and his friend in more details. His name was Silverstar, and his friend's name was Louise LaMare, who wrote books about ponies that were quite similar to those in Appleloosa. The pegasus mare added that she was living here precisely because it reminded her of the stories in her books. Opuntia could understand that. Appleloosa's lifestyle was one of the major reasons she decided to settle here, after all. “A famous writer heh ? I haven't read any of your books, ma'am, but perhaps I will have the chance to do so in the future.” Sheriff Silverstar announced that he had a wagon to transport Opuntia's belongings. Well that was some good news ! Along with the pegasus mare, he gently agreed to help, and even proposed to give her a tour of the city. The green mare happily accepted. “I don't have any other belongings than what's in my bag, save for all my plants, so there is no need to make two trips to the house. But I'd be quite happy to discover the city with you two !” Her bag was quite small and seemed to be quite full and ready to burst open. Opuntia had done what she could with Manehatten's stupid regulations on passenger's personal belongings, and she hoped she would never have to cramp so many things in it ever again. She carried it on her back and walked towards the Sheriff's wagon, accompanied by Silverstar and miss LaMare.
  21. HIIII ! I've discovered Doctor Who only recently. It's quite fun ! Welcome here !
  22. HIIII ! Have you made your avatar yourself? I love the expression the pony have ! Pirates of the Caribbeans is awesome ! But Ponies of the Carribean is even cooler ! Well, I wish somepony wrote a fanfic about it. We have music remixes of it though. Anyways, welcome here !
  23. HIIII ! Welcome to Canterlot !
  24. Ancre


    HIIII ! Zecora is best Zebra ! Welcome here ! What's a "hardcore" brony ?
  25. HIIII ! Welcome here mr. bronsician ! (I love that word ! )
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