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Status Updates posted by TheInvisiblePony

  1. That's the way we wash our hands Falalalala Lalalala

    1. MyLittlePonyTales
    2. TheInvisiblePony


      ...Does it have to be something?

  2. Anybody exited about the Double Rainboom Project?

    1. TheInvisiblePony


      link here for the interested
    2. tacobob


      I'm looking forward to it..

  3. I really need to start finding new songs. I haven't branched out for quite a while.

  4. So apparently there's this 'urban sleep schedule' which involves taking multiple naps rather than a night's rest. Sounds intriguing.

  5. You know, I was just thinking: I should get a fedora.

    1. StarStorm


      Yes!! Everybody needs at least ONE fedora!! Its the rules C:

    2. MyLittlePonyTales
  6. Movie of the week - Rosencrantz and Guildenstern are dead. Spoiler: the main characters die at the end

    1. weesh


      Fantastic movie.

      But it has been a long time since seeing it. My memory was that they may have been dead for the entire thing. Does it clearly progress chronologically?

    2. TheInvisiblePony


      Oh, I'm not quite sure, I'm a bit fuzzy on the whole thing myself. Something like that, though. Heck, their deaths may have not even really been 'deaths' persay.

  7. Might I apologize for not exactly posting my quota on the forums? I've been somewhat busy/exhausted of late

    1. weesh


      (sigh) well alright, you can make it up, with interest, over the holiday break. :)

    2. TheInvisiblePony


      You, sah, have yourself a deal

  8. So today I've been working on a British accent for a play audition. Wot wot.

  9. I'm fairly certain I've developed a historical fascination with a mister Howard Hughes.

  10. GAH. I've been pulling waaay to many late nights. Who knew the thespian arts could drag so long past the day?

  11. Why do I occasionally get the feeling that I'm depressed, when really I'm quite content? It makes little sense.

    1. MyLittlePonyTales


      I have been there and understand. It doesn't make sense, but just try to get through it.

  12. Why does the electric guitar sound so amazing?

    1. weesh


      Great question. I have to imagine it would sound like awful noise if you could demo it for someone born 200 years ago.

  13. The end is neigh, people!

    1. StarStorm


      It's okay, the oreo cookie says that we'll live another day ^-^

  14. So my dog is asleep, and he appears to be dreaming. How can I tell? He sleep barks.

    1. Tenkan


      Haha, that's adorable.

      Sorta like how my pet rabbit used to sleep run. :3

  15. In brightest day, in blackest night, no disharmony shall escape my sight. Let those who worship chaos' might, beware my power: Friendship's light!

  16. You know what I need to acquire? A scarf that looks like the one the fourth doctor had. That was a cool scarf.

    1. MyLittlePonyTales


      Try Etsy, or someone who takes commissions on DeviantArt.

  17. So apparently some scientists are getting together around 2020 to merge together (insert large number) lasers to create a superlaser. Seems like something I should look into

    1. Tenkan


      You may fire when ready.

  18. "Chocolate rain, some stay dry and others feel the pain."

    1. MyLittlePonyTales


      I move away from the mic to breath in.

  19. You know who has my current respect? Leonardo Da Vinci. He was a genius in just about every sense of the word, wasn't he?

    1. StarStorm


      He was fantastic! A true renaissance man, that guy was. He really led us into a great time period for art with some of the things he did with his work. That's a great guy to look up to, Invisible. C:

  20. Shot through the heart, and you're to blame. You give love a bad name!

    1. StarStorm


      I'm sorry, I didn't mean to hurt anyone, it just sort of happened!! There's a hole where that heart used to be nao, you know.. but it's okay, it'll grow back C:

  21. Oooo, this is a wonderful way to share what I'm thinking at the moment, isn't it? Shame I didn't find it earlier...

  22. Personal quirk of the day - flipping a 50 cent coin to make all trivial decisions

  23. Wow, only my third profile feed and I'm already out of things to say.

  24. Jonathan Coulton is awesome.

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