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Status Updates posted by TheInvisiblePony

  1. I'm fairly certain I've developed a historical fascination with a mister Howard Hughes.

  2. That's the way we wash our hands Falalalala Lalalala

    1. MyLittlePonyTales
    2. TheInvisiblePony


      ...Does it have to be something?

  3. Just beat New Vegas. Now, we move on... to... I have no idea what to play next. huh.

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. TheInvisiblePony


      I can't say I have played the jak/ratchet series. Maybe that'll be next. Oh, and sadly I don't have a 3ds, but Bioshock does look promising.

    3. tacobob


      Also want to try out the new Tomb Raider game, but I heard that one is just LOADED with quicktime events. And I hate seeing "PRESS A TO LIVE" scenes in my games. D:

    4. TheInvisiblePony


      Yeah, kinda ruins the cinematic-ness of a scene, and the gameplay of the game scenes.

  4. Anybody exited about the Double Rainboom Project?

    1. TheInvisiblePony


      link here for the interested
    2. tacobob


      I'm looking forward to it..

  5. I really need to start finding new songs. I haven't branched out for quite a while.

  6. Sooooo... anybody wanna see a card trick? If so, well, I can't do card tricks.

  7. GAH. I've been pulling waaay to many late nights. Who knew the thespian arts could drag so long past the day?

  8. "You can't make an omelet without ruthlessly crushing a dozen eggs beneath a steel-toed boot"

    1. weesh


      I'd complete the line, but it potentially breaks the TOS. It is my favorite Tarquin quote. So glad Rich's thumb is healing, and that he is updating again.

    2. TheInvisiblePony


      Isn't it just? Also, might I add its rather grand to find another oots fan. 'Cause, it is.

    3. BaconofChaos


      Dude! OotS fans, unite! (also, latest comic makes me sad)

  9. So, two muffins are sitting in an oven and one says "Boy it sure is hot in here" to which the other replies "AHHHH!TALKING MUFFIN!"

  10. You know, I wonder if life really does have a simple answer and people just over complicate the problem.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. MyLittlePonyTales


      STAHP! Math is complicated. WHAT ARE YOU DOING?

    3. tacobob


      Math is hard, let's go shopping!

    4. TheInvisiblePony


      Capital idea! ...get it? capital? as in, capitalism?

  11. Listening to a Doctor Whooves audio episode. My god, is it brilliant.

  12. So... umm... back from the dead. For now. Sorry for the absence, and stuff.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. MyLittlePonyTales


      That Miracle Max works wonders.

    3. TheInvisiblePony


      Yeah... but between you and me, his wife's kind of a witch.

    4. MyLittlePonyTales
  13. So apparently there's this 'urban sleep schedule' which involves taking multiple naps rather than a night's rest. Sounds intriguing.

  14. You know, I was just thinking: I should get a fedora.

    1. StarStorm


      Yes!! Everybody needs at least ONE fedora!! Its the rules C:

    2. MyLittlePonyTales
  15. I started watching Firefly today. WHY DID NOBODY TELL ME TO DO THIS EARLIER?

    1. MyLittlePonyTales



    2. TheInvisiblePony


      Huh. That's entirely possible.

    3. MyLittlePonyTales
  16. I am the knight who says icky icky icky p'tang zoooop boing!

  17. Why do I occasionally get the feeling that I'm depressed, when really I'm quite content? It makes little sense.

    1. MyLittlePonyTales


      I have been there and understand. It doesn't make sense, but just try to get through it.

  18. Sooo... I have little excuse for my brief hiatus, and nothing to show for it except an apology for those it may have inconvenienced

  19. Why does the electric guitar sound so amazing?

    1. weesh


      Great question. I have to imagine it would sound like awful noise if you could demo it for someone born 200 years ago.

  20. "A man's got a heart, hasn't he? Joking apart, hasn't he?" - Fagin

  21. What has roots as nobody sees; up, up it goes, yet never grows?

    1. MyLittlePonyTales
    2. StarStorm


      Umm.. A dead plant or.. Something..? >#< I'm just not sure! I think that Tales has it!

    3. TheInvisiblePony


      Yes, it is indeed a mountain. Kudos to you!

  22. I'm rather happy I found my old Professor Layton game. Let the puzzles commence!

  23. Movie of the week - Rosencrantz and Guildenstern are dead. Spoiler: the main characters die at the end

    1. weesh


      Fantastic movie.

      But it has been a long time since seeing it. My memory was that they may have been dead for the entire thing. Does it clearly progress chronologically?

    2. TheInvisiblePony


      Oh, I'm not quite sure, I'm a bit fuzzy on the whole thing myself. Something like that, though. Heck, their deaths may have not even really been 'deaths' persay.

  24. There is no InvisiblePony. Only ZUUL

  25. So of late I've begun to get into the touhou project fandom. Quite a curious thing, though I have no idea where to start

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