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Everything posted by SquareZack

  1. Darksteel blinked. Then he smiled. Thoughts rushed through his head as he looked at Stitches. "I've always had a weakness to threads... And sewing does involve a lot of thread. Now what do you say we get out of here? Even if we do die, there's always the afterlife.." And he looked towards the doorway, then back to the other side of the room. "Strange, mysterious doorway, here we come."
  2. Darksteel paused. "That's... quite a way of putting it..." He mumbled.
  3. Darksteel's eyes widened in realization. "That unicorn... she's not who you think she would be. She's Silk Touch, my nemisis! There is no way we could have a romantic fling. The reason I wanted to see her was to finally confront her. I know of course that i would loose... a 'fatal' match. Besides, she's sick, so we're bound to war even in the afterlife, which isn't so far away. Stitches, my reason of living is to... 'expire'." Darksteel turned and showed his cutie mark. It was a piece of metal and a silk string. "We are destined to fight each other. Now enough with me. I'm going to find a way out of here, dead or alive."
  4. Stitches's willingness to put her life on the line for another-no-MANY ponies struck Darksteel. "NO." He said. "If anypony's going to die for all these others, it's me. Now step aside," Darksteel aligned himself with the door frame. "Here goes... everything."
  5. "Leap of faith?" Darksteel repeated. "W-What's that?" He slightly recoiled, his mind filled with what this 'leap' could mean.
  6. Roleplay Type:Crossover Name:Gear 'Twisted' Grinder Sex:Male Age:Stallion Species:Earth Pony Eye Color:Rusty Brown Coat Color:Light green-yellow Mane/Tail/Markings Color & Style:Mane is brown and short cut. Tail is long and grey. Physique:Heavy built, but not fat. He's just larger than an average stallion, and has quite some muscle. Cutie Mark:Three gears, one small, one medium, and one large sized. Earned it when he successfully built a small mechanical pony, no bigger than five cubic inches. Origin/Residence:Gear was born and raised in a small house in Hoofington. He always had a knack for building things, and became obsessed with mechanical devices. Eventually he moved out and headed towards Canterlot, where he settled down in what he thought was the best place in Equestria. Occupation: Gear works in a small shop that sells, buys, and repairs all things mechanical: from old wooden clocks to the mini-ponies Gear had made. He's a mechanic. Motivation:What motivates Gear is his obsession to create. He is almost always working on constructing something. Likes: Everything and anything mechanical, tinkering. Dislikes: Old fashioned things, socialising. Character Summary:As a colt in Hoofington, Gear's compulsion and obsession for mechanical devices earned him the nickname 'Twisted Gear'. He was ethier talking about machines, tinkering with machines, or drawing up diagrams for machines. One day, while tinkering with a device he had been working on for months, he made it walk around of its own free will. He then went away tinkering and testing his small robot untill finally, it seemed to move and act as a normal pony would. Gear was overcome with success, and noticed a cutie mark on his flank. Never before could he be so happy. His parents fully supported his obsessiveness; His father's mother was a self proclaimed fortune teller, and predicted that her grandson was destined to be great. Gear's mother was a unicorn from Fillydelphia, and always wanted to live in a place like Hoofington. Gear's parents are truly proud of their colt, but don't get to see him often. Gear's obsessiveness with machines leads him to overwork sometimes, and barely has the want to be social. He works almost non stop, and can barely help himself do otherwise. He has little friends, and sets his mind to one thing: work. A big setback to this, and maybe a helpful character flaw, is that Gear gets distracted easily. He could be walking on the road one day, and see a group of ponies messing with something mechanical. He would instantly dash over there, and start up a conversation about said mechanical object. This is how he makes friends: getting distracted.
  7. "Now that can't possibly be all of it. Look here, this wall seems to run into that doorframe, and there are more X's than there are hallways. And there's a lot of hallways. You sure you got this right?" Darksteel looked over the map, his eyes moving constantly. But due to their unicolored appearance, nopony could tell which direction Darksteel's eyes were looking at.
  8. "An outline? Of what? And what kinds of symbols?" Darksteel looked towards Stitches, and became slightly concerned for her. If I can get out of here, friendship is garunteed. He told her. Now she was thinking they would never get out.
  9. Quicksilver looked over the food and yelled upwards, "YOU'RE LUCKY I CAN'T FLY BECAUSE YOU'D BE DEAD IF I COULD!"
  10. "If we're trapped in here forever than that means Silk will be outside forever. And nothing will keep me from her." Darksteel growled. He turned towards Whacky. "What did you get there?" He asked.
  11. "You get doped out of some big scheme and get yourself in here!" Quicksilver yelled, hoping Strife would hear him. "TRUST ME! I WAS ONE OF THE FIRST VICTIMS!"
  12. "As I said... is there a skilled unicorn in here? Maybe with a map decoding spell? Or advanced teleportation?" Darksteel said, beginning to get irritated.
  13. Darksteel flapped his wings, and with much effort, he rose about a foot off the ground. "You see..." He started after falling back down. "The thing with my wings... I never really exercised flying as a colt.....
  14. Darksteel turned towards Whacky. "Shut up or get us out of here." He hissed.
  15. "Squares? an X? That just might be were we are now. This map got any transparency? Maybe there's another somewhere." Darksteel gave the room a once over. He then looked straight up. "Maybe there's something on the ceiling."
  16. "We could sure use some way out of here!" Quicksilver flapped his wings feriously. Too bad he couldn't fly. "Probably sometime soon!"
  17. "A map?!" Darksteel growled again. "Just where in Equestria are we? And-" He stopped ranting as some unforseen awnser hit him. Just don't look them in the eyes, He told himself. He opened his eyes, and scanned the room and all the ponies in it. "Do we have a skilled unicorn anywhere?" He yelled.
  18. Wild card... I saw that in a movie once. This one guy was like, "This is my best man. A wild card, so to speak." And the other guy said "Well in this game my whole hand is made up of wild cards!" And it was very funny. Can't remember what movie, though...
  19. Well I could lend mah "Tender Hooves" To this cause. She's a bright yellow Earth Pony with a bright green mane and tail. Her cutie mark is a first aid kit with vines swirling around it. She used to serve as a nurse prior to the Manehatten event. Now she investigates alongside the CMC... or hopefully If there's too many Mares I could just re-edit the post and imput a male version of Tender.
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