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Posts posted by ShadowWalking18

  1. Razor breathed a sigh of relief when he was finally released from the hug. In fact he didn't even register his plummet to the ground until he hit the ground. He quickly got up, a talon over his heart. Was it still beating? He thought it was but it was hard to make it. Was he blushing? He hoped not, bad enough he looked like a fool if ponies found out he blushed from being hugged by a girl what would they think of him? What would they think of griffons?

    "I....It's al-" Razor began but that small comment cut him off and he twitched violently this time, his talons digging into the ground leaving deep gouges in the dirt.

    "You....I......you...you you....." Razor growled low before looking away and taking a deep breath and swallowing. A calm look on his face once more; sure he was told it wasn't healthy for him to do this but nothing had happened to him yet.

    He turned back around, "While I don't really know how you walk upside down, if you want to know for what I do for fun its one simple thing. I race. There is no greater freedom then stooping from ten thousand feet in the air, or flying at two hundred miles an hour through tough terrain. Pure adrenaline rush."

    Razor chuckled when he heard Pinkie's theory on how food didn't fall out of your mouth upside down, but when he brought up with special somegriffon comment, he went dead silent and paled slightly.

    "I....I......Nnngh....I..." Razor tried to say something but each time he tried he couldn't get the words out. And each time he failed to do that, he just felt smaller and smaller and more and more pathetic.

    'What did I do to deserve this? Did I insult some powerful universal power or something? Or am I just doomed to be tortured for my life?' Razor thought as he tried to figure out a way to save himself from more embaressment. He was a griffon, how was this happening to him!?!

    "I....I......Yyyyesssss. I do...." Razor said stiffly, not daring to make eye contact and instead looked at the sky as he rubbed the back of his head, "she just......lives back home in Rockwington."

    'What am I doing? That was the worse lie in the history of lies. No way she's gonna fall for it.' Razor thought in defeat. Hoping something would fall on him from the sky and end his embaressment.

  2. "Hmm, sounds cool. And yeah, I can see how a griffon would be better at playing some instruments better then a pony." Razor said.

    When Pound said he lived in Manehattan, Razor was surprised, "Guess you like the big city. Me, I just stay for a day or two in wherever town or city I'm in before moving on. Staying in one place is for older or married griffons or ponies in my mind, besides I prefer being able to travel anywhere I want."

    Razor looked over at the unicorn, who was being hugged by Cheery, "She does seem to be the type to demand everything to be expensive. Canterlot ponies seem to be like that, at least to me."

    "And yeah, I've been practically all over the place. North, south, east and west there are a very few places I haven't been. But my knowledge would be limited since I don't stay in one place for long. Though some of the best ways to see the world is during marathon races. Flying from one end of a map to another, through tricky and dangerous terrain all while trying to win a race that really makes for an exciting time. I get so excited just thinking about it!" Razor said as he started to rock his chair back and fourth in excitement, his breathing comig in and out fast as if he was under some sort of adrenaline rush.

  3. "Brothers. Plural." Razor said as he sat down, "my mother is an angel. I love her with all my heart, its my brothers that are the problem. My brothers are evil incarnated, disgusting viles beings that it has been my misfortune to grow up with."

    Razor was hyperventillating as he dug his claws into the chair, but he took a few deep breathes and calmed down a bit, "I'm cool....I'm fine."

    Once calmed a bit Razor continued, "There is no real love between me and my brothers. They've picked on me and bullied me since I could fly on my own. I won't even go into the number of times or things they did. And my father, ughhhh!"

    Razor growled, "My father, he is no help. In fact I think deep down he wanted me brothers to bully me. The only griffons in my family to show me any kindness were my mother and sister, and that didn't help. They just called me a mama's boy!"

  4. Razor walked through the town of Ponyville. He didn't really like coming here much, due that well.....everypony was taller then him by various margins. In fact Razor didn't like staying in towns for long period due to this, cause you never knew who was gonna make a comment. But he had his reasons, one was work. Two it was the easiest place to recieve mail from his family back home. Three, he had a dillema on his talons. One that Razor was grumbling, sometimes outloudly, to himself.

    "A wedding? Why do I have to go to a wedding? Especially for one of my brothers?" Razor snarled, venting his irritation verbally. In his talon he held a note.

    'Yeah sure mum, I'll just give good heart warm blessings to one of the jerks that tormented me for most of my life.' He thought bitterly.

    "Oh and Razor do try to wear something nice." Razor said in a mocking, mimicing way of a female voice.

    "I don't even own a suit, and even if I do decide to go buying or renting one is gonna take a chunk out of my income and I got to save up for the Wind Rush Derby 9000."

    Razor sighed and rubbed his beak, feeling a headache coming on. He seemed to be getting them alot, 'Maybe I should see a doctor.'

    While Razor contemplated his thoughts he noticed something that stood out among the ponies of this town. And Razor knew about standing out. It was a donkey, and an old one by the looks of it. What made Razor chuckle though was the sign.

    "Advice. Oh this I gotta see." Razor said chuckling a bit more before heading over. He could use a good laugh, and maybe Razor could just vent more. That's what old folks were for right? Venting anger out and they just give you some mystic mumbo jumbo that makes no sense.

    "Hey pops, never seen you before in this town. So what advice are ya offering exactly?" Razor asked.

  5. The shore of Bridlebank was calm and steady, shallow small waves slowly moving up and down the sandy coast in the ever continued process. The sun hung high in the sky, offering a warm and pleasant enviroment. It was all in all, a wonderous day to be on the beach. In fact one was already there, a griffon named Razor.

    Razor lounged on the beach, enjoying the feel of the warm sand. Next to him he kept a cooler, filled with ice and drinks. A basket stood next to it which was filled with his lunch and both were kept safe from the sun by a large umbrella and out of the sand by a towel.

    Razor turned on his back to sun his belly now, he readjusted his sun glasses and said to himself, "I am a tan griffon."

    It was his day off and he intended to make the most of it, though as the owner and only employ of his business he could have as many days off as he wanted, but of course Razor would never do that. Being lazy was not his cup of tea.

    "Yeah....just gonna relax." Razor said as he closed his eyes and enjoyed the rays of the sun.

  6. Razor shook the fellow griffons talon, "You sing? Must see the world alot then. I've been up to Stalliongrad a few times. Really chilly, really different from home."

    Razor felt a bit comfortable now, after all he had been anyway from his kind a while now and meeting a fellow griffon was rare in pony lands.

    "So what's the unicorn with you do? Girlfriend or something?" Razor asked chuckling at the absurdity, what self-respecting griffon would date a pony? It went against all laws of nature really.

    "I deliver packages and mail across Equestria mostly. I'm my own business, Razors deliverys. Owned and managed by the single fastest griffon in the world."

  7. Razor smirked when he heard Cheery say how neat his job was. He did enjoy it when others made such a comment, after all flying was and always will be the single greatest activity.

    "Yeah, flying is fun. Soaring thousands of feet above the ground, nothing holding you back or down. It's the ultimate expression of freedom." Razor said, "and of course I'm fast. I'm the fastest griffon, no THE fastest flier in the entire world."

    Razor took another, more moderate and normal bite of his ice cream. When he heard the store bell ring, he looked over and frowned. Two more guests, and one of them looked like the snotty higher up types.

    'Great. This shall probably be the highlight of my day.' Razor thought sourly. He was just making a guess, but if that over dressed look on the newcomer unicorn was not a sign that she was from some high class family then it at least showed that ponies lacked any sensibilities on survival. The heat in this town would fry her, probably why she had to come inside an ice cream shop.

    Now the other one was a different matter, it was another griffon and Razor felt his height problem come down on him like an avalanche. Razor really really didn't want to deal with comments on his height right now, but he also was not going to go off and hide. He was a GRIFFON, a proud member of a powerful and strong species and he would not disgrace himself by hiding.

    Razor was so focused on the two newcomers he didn't even register what Cheery said to him, he had to plan any possible interactions with these two carefully. Taking his ice cream Razor flew over slightly to a table and sat down, his chair posistioned near the wall so that nogriffon could sneak up on him from behind.

    After that, he just slowly ate his ice cream, watching and waiting for.....whatever came next. As he ate he tried all he could to make himself seem bigger, and hoped that by sitting as far from the other as he could in the store that might help.

  8. Razor chuckled slightly for a brief moment, "Heh, no I don't deliver packages for Aquellia. It's an entire nation after all, they can do that themselves. No I do deliverys for anypony or griffon that hires me."

    Razor stands proudly and spreads his wings to make him seem majestic and powerful, as well as a short griffon can, "Razor Deliverys, the single fastest way to get your package from here to there. Thats my new slogan, pretty cool huh?"

    Razor took another bite of ice cream, still small bites but he was unconciously starting to try more and more. It was pretty good, though he certainly wouldn't eat it all the time, after all too much sugar would be bad for him. Still.......maybe once in awhile.

    When Cheery indicated her cutie mark Razor looked at it for a few moments, "Hmm. Nice. So this stuff really makes ponies happy?"

    Razor took another bite of ice cream, but twitched and looked away at what Cheery said next, "Uh....I don't think that would work. Not like I really have many friends back home anway."

    Razor stayed silent for a time before growling once and taking a huge bite of ice cream savagly, swallowing it swiftly.

  9. Razor went through multiple feelings in those brief seconds of getting the ice cream and tasting it.

    First: He was sure he would need a new talon soon. And after that began to have his usual spasm/panic attack whenever he came into close physical contact with a female.

    "I...I...I uh...just Razor please." Razor said, lowering his head to hide his blush, glad that the hug was over.

    After that, and the introduction from Cheery, a fitting name considering things, he tasted the ice cream some more after the initial taste test.

    When Cheery asked her question Razor looked at her and said, "I've been in this town at least three or four times. I just don't usually stay long in an area after I make a delivery. You just caught me during one of my few pauses between the work schedules. And yes, I've never tried ice cream before until now. I don't think we have it at all in Aquellia. At least I don't think so."

  10. Razor took the bowl of ice cream and looked at it curiously. The coloring was odd, but what worried him the most was the sheer friendliness of this pony. It was sort of disturbing.

    "Uh thanks, and my name is Razor." He said.

    Razors obvious shortness would be plainly obvious to Cheery now. Razor looked from the bowl to the mare to the bowl again.

    'Well here goes nothing.' He thought as he took a slow small bite. He swallowed and licked his beak once.

    "Hmm. Creamy...pretty good," Razor said, "not much of an expert cause I've never eaten this stuff before."

  11. Razor was shocked by the sudden greeting and rapid conversation and talon shake. Frankly the rapid progression of his claw going up and down so fast was starting to hurt.

    'Ow. Ow. Ow' Razor thought, glad when it finally stopped.

    "Hey uh great to be first, but....." However before Razor could finish the unicorn was gone,"....and she's gone."

    Razor sighed and just looked around while be waited, "She'll be back...I think."

    'Of course I'd rather be plucked of all my feathers before I told anygriffon about this. I'm mocked enough as it is.'

  12. Razor took a deep breath as he walked through the dusty streets of....what was it? Applesosa? Snooza? Eh whatever the place was called, he was here and thats what counted. In fact he enjoyed coming to this town, even if he could never bother to remember the name of it.

    What he liked about the town was how it was right in the desert. The almost inhospitable envoriment reminded him a bit of home. The heat and rocky outcroppings made this place a test of survival. So why were ponies living here? Frankly they didn't seem the type to like to live in hot aridi enviroments, but he guessed even a pony had to be tough every so often.

    'Well if they can live here then I guess they must be tough.' He thought.

    Razor wiped his brow, the heat was tolerable but even he could use some refeshment. Not that he would tell anypony or griffon that. As he walked he saw the quick change of a close sign to open. He checked the shop and was surprised to see an ice cream shop in a hot area. Razor didn't really understand the thrill of ice cream. He had never tried it before, but he knew what it was made of.

    "Hmmm....why not. Might as well see why ponies like it." He said to himself as he walked on over.

    Pushing the door open he walked in, and was surprised by the sudden change in temperature. But when he saw the owner of the store, he figured it was that fancy unicorn magic all unicorns seem to have.

    'Pfft. Magic. Give me good old claw and wing power over it.' He thought as he walked over.

    Reaching the register, and sighing as he had to stand on his back legs in order for him to be in decent view of the unicorn he said, "Hi uh....nice place...."

  13. Okay so little setting. Takes place in a manor capable of housing 10 participants. The goal, stay inside as long as possible with out going insane or leaving the area. If you leave the allowed area you lose the game.

    The prize? Well thats a secret.

    Anyway to join you can use either an OC or a show character. Just give me a character sheet about them and then you can join.

    Now a few rules, first if you want to be a show character you will have to give me a character sheet detailing how you will rp them. Also note that I won't automatically accept the first one I get as they're might be other people who want to be that character as well. I will give a short wait period for other show character sheets, and if two people want to be the same character you will have to work it out.

    You can be any character from the show expect the villians. So no nightmare moon, discord or chrysalis*not sure on chrysalis still might change that* but the other two are a no no.

    You can be your OC or even an OC from the fandom, like Nyx.

    Also keep it My little Pony verse please. Nothing out of any other universe, only things from MLP*though fandom verses work*


    Now for the character sheet details:




    age* anything from the CMC ages up till Granny Smith age*

    Bio and some description of how they look such as height and other physical characteristics.


    Almost, and I use the word almost very strongly, can happen in the rp. Want to be flirty do so. Want to have romance rp or even triangles and squares just to add to the craziness go ahead.

    Also when you ar able to join make your first posting on the rp a introduction of your character. All characters will be given camera times where they will be placed in an isolated room and recorded on camera where they can do all the funny confessional stuff.

    if you need any clarification on things let me know.

    RP Thread: http://www.canterlot.com/topic/12622-the-manorsee-ooc-discussion-to-join/

  14. Razor loved the desert. It reminded him so much of home, the arid landscape and jagged rocky outcroppings. It was the place for a powerful griffon to show his skills and abilities. Just the place to prove to anypny or griffon that he was a griffon on high standing.

    But the most important reason he was here was to the gem hunting going on, or at least bringing the gems back to this town. Applesnooza he think it was called. That was adventure, him against the untamed wilds and other dangers out to get the gems. It was a good challange to prove himself, and if he managed to make any money off of it....well all the better. He hoped he made some money off of it.

    "But thats not important," Razor said as he headed for the registration office, "once this is done I'll prove to anyone that I am a superior griffon and I'll finally get a girlfriend!"

    Razor stood prideful and confident.....for about two seconds before he realized that he was still standing in public. Blushing in embaressment he quickly flew off to the registration office. Entering the building he flew on over to the desk, snarling slightly that only his head would be in view.

    'Curses.' He thought.

    "Hey buddy sign me up." Razor said.

  15. Razor landed on the outskirts of the small village/town called Ponyville. He stood in the shade of an apple tree and he grabbed one of the red fruit and ate it as he pulled out a checklist.

    "Let's see. Got a few things to deliver here, might as well get started." He said as he hefted two to three heavy bags filled with various items needed to be brought to their proper recipients.

    As he made his way into town Razor hoped the deliveries were uneventful, though he felt sure if it wasn't that then they would be very stressful.

    "Oh boy....it's gonna be a long day." He said with a sigh.

  16. Razor smirked, as well as a griffon could smirk. He liked this pegasus, didn't make a mention of his height at all.

    'Let's hope it stays that way.' He thought.

    "Nice to meet ya Ginger, names Razor. I just finished a delivery for my business and figured I'd grab a coffee or two. Maybe somethig to eat."

    Razor listened to the offered menu and scratched his chin for a moment as he thought on what to get, "Hmmm. I'll take a mocha right now. The steamed bun sounds good, but I'll still pay for it. Still thank you for the offer. By the way....do you happen to have any fishsticks?"

    "Got to say, you got a nice establishment. A very good peaceful atmosphere."

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