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Status Updates posted by rjrgmc28

  1. Whew! What a day! Speaking of which, I finally got my Rainbow Rocks BD/DVD from Amazon delivered this morning: http://imgur.com/Bq0qYZz

  2. Today was meant to be one of excitement for the FiM movie announcement, but instead I have been mourning the loss of one of the Australian political greats who helped bring change to our country and give future generations what we take for granted today.

    1. Lux


      Sorry to hear about this loss.

  3. Wow, what a weekend that was! Finally got the chance to see Rainbow Rocks TV premiere live and I enjoyed every minute of it! Speaking of EQG though, I managed to pick up the US BD/DVD release of the first film from Amazon which arrived today: http://imgur.com/U9rJGq9

  4. So Cathy Weseluck has been announced as the first guest for the 2015 edition of PonyconAU, but as with previous conventions I won't be able to attend the event. (Sighs)....

    1. WhiteLightning18


      I know that feel :/ There's Galacon in Germany each year, and I can never attend it either..

  5. I wasn't intending to visit Canberra today, but I decided to tag along and drop by Toys R Us and picked up some new merch: http://imgur.com/1bRYEMO

  6. Just got two EQG vector commissions of Charmie Heart done this morning. The first vector features a whole new look for her: http://ambassad0r.deviantart.com/art/COM-Charming-Heart-EqG-style-486181651 and the second vector [spoiler WARNING] http://ambassad0r.deviantart.com/art/COM-Charmie-Comforting-Twilight-486182485 shows off her caring side.

    1. rjrgmc28


      A special thanks to Ambassad0r on deviantART for commissioning these! Check out his page here: http://ambassad0r.deviantart.com

  7. Spoilers. So many Rainbow Rocks spoilers everywhere. (Sighs)...being a brony overseas can be hard at the best of times, especially in Australia.

  8. So with Sydneigh being cancelled, two last minute events have taken their place in the form of SalvageCon and PikaCon. Unfortunately.....I can't attend those events either. (Sighs).....

  9. So the footy season (rugby league/NRL) is over for my team. Finals football can be a cruel game sometimes....

  10. It's time for a change! A avatar image change that is with a EQG version of my OC Charmie Heart.

  11. One week away and then the bad news came through at 5:00 this afternoon. Sydneigh has been cancelled.

  12. After a hectic week full of work, bowling, Destiny and photography, I was looking forward to the weekend. That's until a kangaroo jumped out and hit the passenger side door on the work car on the way home....

    1. pizzamovies


      Kangaroo Jack strikes again lol

  13. It has been one of those days today. Last minute changes, having to stay back really late for my ride home and just the whole day in general. But on the plus side, I did manage to pick these up earlier in the day: http://imgur.com/G1hAW2F

  14. Feeling a bit down on the Australian edition of Father's Day today. Not for my dad, but for my pop. Been having some dreams about him.

  15. Despite second thoughts and a lot of heartache over my chance of attending Sydneigh being shot down, I eventually purchased a "Thank You" pack to help support the convention in lieu of my attendance. Now just need the autographed posters to become available.... (if not sold out already)

  16. ...on the other hand though, the last day of the Australian winter gives me a chance to watch the "Winter Wrap Up" episode. Always a tradition at this time of the year.

    1. Bluelight


      Winter wrap up, winter wrap up!

      Lets finish our holiday cheer!

  17. So....I spent most of my weekend (and today) in a panicked state after losing my balance and putting a huge hole in the lounge room wall. My parents are not very happy at all at the moment....

  18. What a day. It was one of those days today where everything that I didn't want to go wrong did.

  19. I know I sound like a broken record, but having your one and only chance to attend a brony convention then having it shot down makes me feel heartbroken. (Sighs).....

    1. tacobob


      There's always the next one. I'm still bummed at losing the chance to go to not a pony-con, but a comic convention that had lots of pony VAs and artists. Then someone had to get married and I had to spend my con money for that. Bleh.

  20. After a trip across the Pacific (US) and carrying the package in a large enviro shopping bag from the local post office, my newest additions to the pony plushie collection arrived today: http://twitpic.com/eacqz7 & http://twitpic.com/eacr8n

  21. Sydneigh is only a few weeks away and I was so close to going to my first brony convention, but my dreams were shattered. (Sighs).....

    1. stormchaser1991
    2. rjrgmc28


      Parents won't allow me to go, despite being old enough to make my own choices in life. Had the trip all planned out and everything....

  22. Oh wow. Very sad news indeed about Robin Williams this morning. R.I.P

  23. It wasn't my day at all today. Simply put, work became a huge nightmare. Enough said.

  24. Wow. Now that's what I call a league tenpin bowling debut match! If you haven't guessed yet, I made my debut in the local ghost leagues tonight and shot a 331 series game: http://imgur.com/QmAI9Go

  25. (Sighs)....another weekend is almost over, but yet again I am missing out on all the excitement of a meetup that is going on at the moment. They never said being a brony in a rural area wasn't going to be easy plus it's going to get worse when Sydneigh rolls around in a few months.

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