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Everything posted by chardude

  1. I would like to be a guess DJ yes, i would hang out at the bar for a little until you called me up :3
  2. Sup Canterlot formers! I'm bored, who wants to RP? Now, I'm still new to this site (kinda sort-of) but i was bored so i tossed this up to see if any one would be willing to help create ether a 1on1 rp, or an open one for the FF18 side. so leave your ideas below and if you want to 1on1 message me, I'll be playing as my OC Bass on ether of them, just because i know him better then my other characters and he is all ready to go.
  3. (alright! first RP i've made in a while. lets get this started!) The Night was young as Bass Rider was setting up his new equipment for tonight's party. The bass was booming, the lights where flashing, and the fog was rolling "All right..." He looked out at the guards, "Alright! you can let people in!" He kicked off the first track of the night with a slow .
  4. I wasn't planing on it being some kind of party, since there is already a party RP. but that would be fun
  5. Was thinking of calling this one, "A Night to remember" but other than that i have no idea what i want to do with it. i was thinking of it ether taking place in Canterlot or Las Pegasis. any ideas people?
  6. Mind if i jump in as a guest DJ :3 my Oc Bass Rider should do. and i'll be going by Rider so no one gets confused :3
  7. yeah i just posted a OOC see if i can jump in
  8. i would, but i dont like to join RPs that have already got goin' i might try to join though
  9. lol i had no idea i swear XD my main Oc is a DJ, so i kinda wanted to set up a place i could easily put him in
  10. i was thinking about making an RP set during a night club party. the RP would be in Canterlot and be in the 18+ free for all form. any one interested?
  11. Bass Rider looked at her with and laughed. He wasn't trying to be rude, but all that commotion was some good slapstick. "Here, let me help you." His horn began to glow as he picked up several objects with his horn. once everything was in place he even helped her up. "you okay miss...?"
  12. Bass Rider was relaxing on the sofa, drinking a glass of cider and listening to Octavia practice.He looked at Punky and smiled. "Didn't you know? We're all going on at once. its going to be a combination of Classic, Rock, and Technologic." He said sipping his cider. "We have like 20 other ponys out there readying the classic side. And i think we each get a turn to go on before the big show. This is gonna sound Awesome!" he slammed the cup on the table and jumped up, walking over two the to with a smile. "I'm Bass Rider by the way. I'll be working the Technologic side."
  13. Bass had just stepped off the train from Canterlot. He had a gig in Ponyville in a couple of days and figured he would lounge around until then. He saw an orange haired mare pull out her cart and open her stand. Bass being the curious type walked over and looked at her stand. the only thing that really interested him was the carrot cake. he lifted his glasses, revealing his golden eyes and looked at her with a smug smirk. "Let me guess... you sell apples?"
  14. while looking at the 'board' i my self would place him around a higher gamma, but not quite Beta. like i you said. only a couple feet at max. like i said before, its not like he's going around blasting holes in walls with lasers or turning cake into giant 30 foot tall monsters. XD on another topic once (or if) this app gets accepted how would i go around joining an RP?
  15. hmmm... i was sure I've seen rarity teleport, oh well. any way thank you for telling me about Las Pegasus, im gonna change that back. While he has been studying magic since he was young all he can really do is levitate and teleport, the max distance i would be about 16 yards (or 48 feet) and he didn't get it down until later in his life. But while i do wish him to have the ability to teleport i will drop that if i must. i also dropped this distance on how long his first teleport was.
  16. even though his talent is music, he's also talented in magic. kinda why i put the extra sentences in there about him studding magic while growing up. if you ask me just because a ponies "Special" talent is one thing, doesn't mean they cant be good at something else, in this case music and magic. that and its not like hes blasting holes in walls with lasers. just simple teleportation. even rarity can teleport XD
  17. I like to keep the back stories of my characters kinda vague so that i can expan upon it later in RP's give a caracter a bit more deph if you ask me, and your not forced to play as the Exact same character. The reason it was canterlot is because i like how it looked in the show, nice place to live, nice people a little up tight but all around fun. about the spell check, I have slight dyslexic and believe me i spell checked the **** out of that. any thing that got by was a little slip i didn't notice. it also doesn't help that Firefoxs' spell check doesn't work here. :I
  18. so... uh... how do i know if im accepted or declined?
  19. good question, i dont think the link has been posted yet
  20. dangit XD oh well. might as well sitch it to ManeHattan
  21. maybe, i my self live in Las Vegas, i wanted to be able to discribe a place that i actualy knew, cause so far in the show they have only show 4 locations that i know of. so far it hasn't been shown if Las Pegasus is a cloud city or not. if it ever is confermed to be a cloud city i will change it.
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