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Status Replies posted by DreamySunday

  1. Well as far as I care, these miserable cows can have a fancy barbecue, with a goddanged pig!

  2. thankfully i have not been gone long, and my problem is solved. what did i miss?

  3. thankfully i have not been gone long, and my problem is solved. what did i miss?

  4. thankfully i have not been gone long, and my problem is solved. what did i miss?

  5. thankfully i have not been gone long, and my problem is solved. what did i miss?

  6. huh... i took online quizzes and my results are that i'm very antisocial and nobody likes me... depressing...

  7. thankfully i have not been gone long, and my problem is solved. what did i miss?

  8. Love is in bloooooooooom! <3

  9. In light of recent events, I feel like I should have pirated Fighting is Magic when I could.

  10. Love is in bloooooooooom! <3

  11. In light of recent events, I feel like I should have pirated Fighting is Magic when I could.

  12. Note to self, Focus on your Job, not on petty drama

  13. So iv become pretty obsessed with Doctor Who lately, anyone else share my love?

  14. Note to self, Focus on your Job, not on petty drama

  15. im going to be taking time off for an indefinate period of time. ill be back, whenever

  16. So iv become pretty obsessed with Doctor Who lately, anyone else share my love?

  17. "I wrote this song about gravity, cuz it's always bringin' me down, man"

  18. you know whats fun? trampolines!

  19. you know whats fun? trampolines!

  20. you know whats fun? trampolines!

  21. Some people don't get second chances, be lucky you have at least one.

  22. That awkward moment when you go to your page and it says "offline" XD

  23. It's all good when you're living on pure fun, but what about the long run?

  24. So apparently there's this 'urban sleep schedule' which involves taking multiple naps rather than a night's rest. Sounds intriguing.

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