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Status Updates posted by frenzyhero

  1. I'm going to go pop some skulls in BLOPS. PSN: x_Impurity

  2. I'm listening...to ©rap? BWAH! CHANGE! *GD begin...*sigh* mucho bueno..

  3. I'm not usually one for sentimality, but this is pretty deep. http://cheezburger.com/41603841

  4. I'm planning a Choose Your Own Adventure style fic, where the comments drive the plot. Ideas on the beginning? Desert Island, or lost in the Everfree, perhaps?

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. frenzyhero


      But I plan on having Folarin appear, somehow.

    3. PIJIN


      o.O How the heck is that going to work?

    4. frenzyhero


      I have NO idea, but I'll be damned if I won't do it.

  5. I'm Slim Shady, yes, I'm the real Shady

  6. I'm very liberal about distributing my "likes".

  7. I've grown to hate red.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. MyLittlePonyTales


      I bet you run all the stop signs.

    3. frenzyhero


      I only walk. I take alleyways and side routes.

    4. StarStorm


      Lol, oh, umm.. Brb, then.. *Changes shirts*

  8. I've realized the reason I've been so more civil than usual is because that reminder on the front page...

  9. If anyone can make me an avatar that's a gif of her shaking her hips, feel free. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=h3quTc2-GyM

    1. MyLittlePonyTales


      Sure you could post up a request. ;)

  10. Is being an idiot a reportable offense?

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. MyLittlePonyTales


      It's not your job to help the user. You could quit at any time if you were frustrated. But you should have Reported the topic earlier, as you told the user it belonged in Questions & Suggestions. You can report topics that simply need to be moved.

    3. MyLittlePonyTales


      Who's the idiot here? The one who is having trouble, or the one that keeps helping someone who is seemingly ungrateful and doesn't seem to understand troubleshoot? ;)

    4. frenzyhero


      You described the same person twice. I'm having no trouble. I helped him and gave him almost all possible explanations for his problem. He didn't even try to diagnose the problem himelf. I wanted to just help and move along, which is what I tried to do, but he continued to go on and on about how it's not his fault when it obviously is. I did my best to help him and if I became a bit of an ass after I did all in my limited power, I can hardly be blamed.

  11. It's so sad to know that I'm probably going to get my first WP soon.

  12. It's tricky to rock a rhyme, rock a rhyme, rock a rhyme, GET TRICKY!

  13. Last status was deleted due to certain bodily functions.

  14. LoC, just tell me when I should post and what direction I should go with it, kay?

    1. DarkStar


      Gotcha, I'll be sure to notify you ASAP when the time comes. :)

  15. LOL, I flushed all the toilets while my bro's in the shower. His screams are beautiful!

  16. Look at what I just ordered! 8-12 days! http://c0lt.co/7n

  17. Lost in the darkness, one loses sight of the true goal. Just what is the endgame?

    1. MyLittlePonyTales


      "To die would be an awfully big adventure."

  18. Love the new banner! Kawaii!

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. MyLittlePonyTales


      It's kind of always been part of his staff position. I don't know whether or not we'd accept stuff from another artist. Consistency and all that.

    3. frenzyhero


      If it works and has the same level of quality, would it matter?

    4. MyLittlePonyTales
  19. Man, I've gotta go down to FCB to get new card sleeves. I spilt syrup all over the ones I have now...

  20. Man, when am I gonna get canterchat privileges back

  21. Me fail big time. How do I change my topic title?

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