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Everything posted by RarityDash

  1. Eh, I'm not too worried. Good writers can do completely different things with similar setups, and this team has yet to really let me down. Besides, with a premise as basic as the heroes banding together to defeat some villain, I think there's definitely more than just one way to make it interesting.
  2. I just expect things to be delayed when ever I see unspecific release dates. And I don't know where the 19th date comes from, but the linked Equestria Daily entry says the 17th, which is a Saturday, obviously. I'm going to say now that this is probably legit.
  3. I do hope that date is right. I mean, I had thought I was going to have to wait until December or something...
  4. Wow. I have to watch this... Looks amazing in so many ways.
  5. I preffer her younger sister or [WARNING-OC PONY ALERT] Nyx. That's cool. I like some characters who are hated by large parts of the fandom, so it doesn't really bother me if you don't like Rarity. I still personally think she's awesome though.
  6. Welcome to Canterlot! However i must say I disagree. Rarity is plenty awesome.
  7. Wow... If "MULTIPLE people from the FiM team have confirmed the title/description of the episode" like ED says, I'm going to have to assume that part is legit. Doesn't say the date is confirmed though. They're going back to something similar to the pilot then? I"m actually all in favor of that. I loved the pilot. Sounds awesome.
  8. Welcome to Canterlot! Hope you enjoy it here.
  9. RarityDash


    Oh, cool. I've seen some of your stuff on youtube before. I love your pony movie trailers. -_- Welcome to the forum. Hope you like it.
  10. Welcome to Canterlot. Hope you like it here. -_-
  11. Odd. "Addicting" is not in my dictionary but my spell check doesn't recognize it as a mistake...
  12. Welcome to Canterlot! Please enjoy your stay. -_-
  13. Hi! Welcome to Canterlot. -_- I love Black Rock Shooter. I have an action figure of her and everything...
  14. Wow, this got a lot closer. For a while, I though Sonic Rainboom had already won, but now there's just two votes separating them...
  15. [[got tired waiting for a chance to play this character to pop up. This is open to absolutely anypony. ]] Midnight Brand's steps were heavy as she approached the unfamiliar town. She was weary from her travels. She had just returned from far to the south on a mission to complete a task that hadn't quite agreed with her. It had been arduous and time consuming but the reward was good. Midnight's client had paid her handsomely, filling her saddlebag with enough bits to last her at least a few months time Midnight was in a hurry to get back home. She didn't like leaving Hopesong alone this long. It troubled her. She worried for the filly's safety. She desperately needed to get back to her. However, at that moment, she doubted she could make it all the way through the Everfree forest and into the Roughrider Ridge. Her beat down, exhausted body just wouldn't be able to make it. Midnight didn't really know this town, Ponyville, so well. She usually passed it by. Looking at it, it looked nice enough. It seemed like a happy place. Midnight didn't fit particularly well in happy places. She usually tried to avoid them. To top it off, this had been Chaser's town... The stories he told of it lingered in her memory, even after so many years... But as this was the only town before the forest, there weren't any other options. Midnight needed to stop here and recover her strength. Everfree was always hard, and the Ridge wasn't usually much better. As it was, she supposed she might discover a nice gift for Hopesong here. If she could find something to make her daughter smile any uncomfortableness was worth it. It was with that mix of thoughts in her mind that she wandered near aimlessly into Ponyville. Her steps were tired and heavy but strangely timid, not entirely sure who or where to go to. Her eyes refused to make contact with those of the happy ponies she crossed paths with, even as she noticed some stare at her.
  16. Welcome to Canterlot! I hope you enjoy your stay.
  17. I was kind of moving away from Cartoon Network cartoons in general by the time Ed Edd n Eddy came around, so I think I only saw the first couple seasons. Still, it was a fun enough show from what I remember.
  18. I just now did watch the sixth episode of Blood C, and wow... You were absolutely right. This was just like Madoka episode 3, Truly the game changer this show needed. Singlehandedly took Blood C from a kind of flat show defined mostly by its really intense, awesome fight sequences to one of the must watch shows of the season for me. CLAMP really know what they're doing here.
  19. Welcome to Canterlot!
  20. I don't think it's entirely about the central character for everyone voting. I mean, Fluttershy ranks first or second in most polls I've seen and none of her episodes even made the finals. Also Applejack is my favorite pony, but I don't think for a second her biggest episode, Applebuck Season, is better than any of the episodes that actually made the finals. I've been considering much more than just who had the starring part in these episodes. So yeah, I do like Dash more than Pinkie, but that isn't why I've been voting for Sonic Rainboom. I honestly think it's the best episode the show has to offer so far.
  21. I need to watch it.... I'm pretty much only up to date on Yuru Yuri for whatever reason... It's so much fun though. Might just be my pick for the season. Which I suppose speaks to my taste (or lack thereof) in anime...
  22. Sonic Rainboom has taken on quite the lead. This is going in the right direction.
  23. Heh. 18 votes and it's all tied up. I have to wonder what happens if this one ends in a tie as well...
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