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Profile Information

  • Interests
    Drawing, Reading, Cosplay, Collecting
  • Location
    North Wales, UK

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Wingedwolf's Achievements

Blank Flank

Blank Flank (2/9)



  1. Hi there!! Hope you enjoy your stay
  2. Just to let everypony know that I am fine now! I had x-rays and I just had tissue damage. I'm still a bit wobbly on my hooves feet but pretty much healed! Yay!
  3. Welcome! I love your avatar, hehe!
  4. Hi! Welcome to the forums and I hope you enjoy it here! I sure do
  5. Woooow I love your art so mucccchhhhh
  6. My main fandoms are: Hetalia FMA Durarara Reborn! Pokémon
  7. Thanks guys! I think mum thinks I'm a bit mad boiling ponies and all that, hehe ~
  8. Right now I only cosplay hetalia characters, hehe! I am going to Ayacon this August, anypony going there too?
  9. HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!! p.s: OMG THAT CELESTIA CARD!! I hope we get lots of FiM merchendise when it is released here!!
  10. Thanks! I am chilling on the sofa right now and browsing the forums, hehe
  11. Welcome to the forums, derpy!
  12. Hi, welcome to the forums!
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