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Everything posted by Boss_Hoss1

  1. (ooc; was waiting for more ponies to drop in, but will go ahead and post. Check out Candy in the Gallery ) Candy Catch-em shook her coppery mane in delight at the praise "Thank you Professor. I get a lot of practice feeding the critters I catch or rescue." She nickered happily as she got a whiff of the casserole "Oh wow! that does smell amazing!" as she followed him out with a stack of plates and salad forks on a tray on her back, then set them on the table. The mare returned to the kitchen getting the salad and smaller bowls onto several trays so she and the professor could move them in one go. Meanwhile, as she entered the kitchen, the squirrel twitched, whiskers quivering...
  2. (ooc; these have been around since before I was online. the arrival of second life has depopulated them a bit tho...) Shanna smiles and nuzzles the handsome stallion as he rubbed her wing, she shivered happily with the strokes. and kisses his cheek when he corrected himself and called her Shanna. The bay mare looks at him with adoration when he says any time with her is well spent. She snuggles as close as she can "Maybe I can give you a detailed lesson sometime soon, just you and me, sitting on a cloud in my cart..."
  3. From the album: Boss_Hoss1s Art

    Candy Catch-em, critter wrangler and vet, a "tough love" Fluttershy...

    © Boss Hoss, 2011

  4. Shanna watched as Lyra raced on by, following after the pony with a bon-bon cutie mark. She caled after Lyra "Do you need help?" Apparently not having been heard, she left the dorway to the dance and went to where Mojo was walking up to the building. She trotted up to the hip earth pony "Hi Mojo, I'm having trouble finding dancing partners if you were up for one. You wouldnt happen to have seen what made that earht pony with the blue and pink mane race past me would you? Lyra was trying to catch up to her"
  5. (ooc; I've only vaguely heard of myspace and was unaware there was RP there, MUCks/MUDs (Multi-UserChats/Multi-User Dungeons) are text chats with locations and objects users program in, and can be 'seen' or used with the right commands. Here is the most famous one; http://www.furry.com/index.shtml ) Shanna giggled and continued to blush as she panted, catching her breath from the kiss. She smiled at him as he kissed her cheek. She could almost still feel his touch on her wing as he had petted it during the kiss. She looked up at the moon as he spoke. She smiled and leaned into him. "Our mother taught us, she helped us find the joy in the beauty of Luna's wonderful night." The mare pointed a hoof to the left of the moon. "Look along my leg here. See those two groups of four stars each? With tails made of stars? Above them is the bright star, the North Star." She winks "...Looks a lot like my Cutie Mark, right? That star never moves and will always be North. If you know where North is, you can find your way back if you know you went West, or know certain landmarks should be right of North." She nuzzles him as his head rests on her foreleg, looking along it. "Let me know if you want more..personal... lessons like this."
  6. (ooc; I started on the alt.furry newsgroups and on IRC after being talked into getting a computer and going online. I am still trying to get the hang of mucks.. Shanna watched Bull Dozer's warm hazel eyes as he embraced her. She felt so warm and safe in his passionate hug, and giggled as he leaned in for a kiss on her cheek and black-tipped ear, making her giggle happily. When they reached the top, she enjoyed how he watched her show off. For her part, his blond mane shone brightly in the moonlight, His hide shone nicely as well, highlighting his muscles, making her heart leap. She nickered happily as he pulled her close for a kiss, losing herself in the moment, her wings trembling as they remained pinned against the seat back, she gasped softly as he petted her wing, driving her to kiss with greater passion. She finally broke the kiss only to breath. "Oh my... t-that felt...good."
  7. (While waiting, I'm going to go ahead and bring the Sherrif back from "UFOs in the desert") Hoss flapped steadily, trying to keep a beat easy for the guest pegasus in the traces beside him to match. Not as easy as that sounds though, while the passenger quivered in terror in the back, making the cart jiggle. Finally the town came into view. He circled around the town once and lined up on the street between the train station and the Bed and Breakfast cafe, then set down carefully. he plled right up to the hitching post and unhitched himself from the cart, and came around to start unstrapping the passenger. "This would be more enjoyable if you would relax, Sherrif Silverstar."
  8. Hoss looked at Klondike "I'll fill it out, but the item is bigger than that box..." After quickly writing out the info, he nudged his sister, and they both trotted out, returning a moment later with the object that had been under the tarp. Setting it by the counter, they looked at the repair pony. "We had made our observations from a small peak near the Everfree forest and were attacked by a hydra. We got away safely, but our telescope..." Shanna helpfully pointed at the damage "The telescope is 10' long and is three tubes that slide in on each other for travel in a protective case. The middle tube has been badly dented so that neither tube can slide in the other. We have removed the lens housings so you dont' have to worry about them. We are aware the artificer in Canterlot that usualy handles telescopes is off on Holiday so we decided to stop in the nearst town to the accident and see if anypony could help."
  9. (ooc; For over 10 years now. ^_^ ) Shanna smiles sweetly as Bull Dozer helps her into the car, then gets in beside her. She smiles and nuzzles his cheek as the bar is set down, and watches as the ground falls away below them, Still an odd sensaton when she is not in control of it. Shanna's wings tremble in delight against the seat as his powerful hoof slips around her shoulders and atop her wings. She shivers happily and turns her head to look at him, his hazel eyes reflecting the lights as well. The bay mare smiled as he praised her beauty. She was sure he would get better at it, but for now it was wonderful for being heartfelt. She shook her mane to show it off, "Mmm Thank you, and you look wonderful against the lights. I really shine under Luna's moon as you will see."
  10. (OOC: As far as Iknow the term originated with FiM, but I've been playing the effects well before the show Shanna giggled and blushed, then gently kissed him on the nose, and spoke quietly near his ear "Well because we are hard put to control our wings like that, it's more of a display, like blushing. I'm not... um, ready instantly or anything, but it's a clue when you are heading in the right direction..." Shanna stretched a wing to loosen it, then re-folded it. "It's also a little bit extra to let you know you are doing great at being romantic. Dont be afraid to make me do that, because I can control myself like any good filly. This is an awesome date with someone I am getting to know and care about." She smiled and leaned into him for the remaining time they had to wait.
  11. Ah, it was "Night of the Comet" So it can be any mod that's on at the time?
  12. (OOC; the Brony slang term for the effect greatly amuses me since it's one I've always RPed with my winged characters looong before FiM, as a logical visual cue for avians, pegasi, griffons, and dragons. Shanna looked up at the ferris wheel again and nodded "Oh yeah, I wouldnt want that job. Probably pony liniment for everypony after a day moving that..." She smiled as she playfully nudged the huge brown pony "Not as exciting, but certainly cozy... and romantic." Shanna felt so warm and happy as he looked at her, then he touched a wing with his hoof. She turned a lovely shade of plum as she got a silly grin. She has heard the slang word before in school and in the Weather Patrol but there was no easy way to explain without using it... Shanna got a bit giggly, her blush almost glowing "W-well. Ever hear of "Fight or Flight", where you get amped to run or fight or otherwise get excited? Umm.. us pegasi literally get ready to fly for fighting, running, or..." *cough* "...rutting..." The blushing mare leaned in and quietly whispered to his ear "Everypony I know calls it a "wingboner"...Usually when it's somepony else in class..." Shanna nuzzles Bull Dozer to show she trusted and enjoyed him enough to tell him this in the middle of a loud, busy crowd, and was only embarrased over the word itself. She give him a tender kiss on the cheek so he wont' blame himself for anything.
  13. I just got done prodding a laggy player about it being their turn in my first Rp thread and I found it has been locked since the changes in the board this week. Is this permanent?
  14. Shanna continued to blush as she took his hoof and was helped from the cart. She quickly found she needed it, breathing like she had just spun up a tornado and just a bit wobbly on her hooves after that kiss. Shanna nodded quickly as he asked if she wanted to go on the ferris wheel, "I..I would love that, Bull Dozer." The pretty mare giggled happily as he used her first name, and leaned into him for a moment before they headed for the Ferris wheel line. As they reached the line, she smiled at him. "I am amazed these are all moved from town to town by pony power. the wagons must be enchanted like my pegasus cart."
  15. (Sorry for the delay, missed that Mojo posted) Shanna and Hoss sat together with the others, awaiting their order. Hoss commented "It's too bad the Hippocampi dont come here then. I was hoping to meet one soon." The pair turned as a tall pegasus mare came in, shining silvery in the lamplights and promentant Cutie Mark of crossed swords. Not having met Jubilee yet, Hoss freely glanced at her specuatively when he could, but then something happened to draw attention away from her. A huge white unicorn pony charged in and shouted greetings to the pegasus. The twins didnt recogize him in the relative dimness at first, then they both did a stunned double take. Shanna uttered a Fluttershy squeak and ducked behind Starflower, while Hoss moved closer to Aqua to nudge her and point at Dusty with his nose, and put a wingtip to his lips with a "shh" motion...
  16. Shanna giggled and smiled as the big stallion gave her a half hug in the cramped space during the final moments of the ride. She waited for an answer from Bull Dozer and got one. His eyes shining as bright as her's probably were before he leaned in and gave her a firey kiss. Time stopped for the bay mare, her wings quivering against the back of the cart, trying to spread but held by the back of the padded seat. She kissed back, not wanting it to end, but they eventually had to. Shanna blushed a bright plum but smiled brightly at him "I-its okay.. It must have got to me too..." She put her hoof on his as the bar was unlocked "Would you l-like to try one of the other rides?..." she closed her eyes for a moment, thinking of something. Well, he just earned it during that ride " ..A-and.. you may call me..Shanna, Bull Dozer..."
  17. I suspect that is why there are so many converts among the "older than college age" set, they put it on for their kids and go "Wait a minute, this is actually fun!" Furry artist Jim Groat was at an airport waiting to travel home and saw about 5 guys in 3 piece suits, one was showing off a McDonalds Pinkie Pie, and a few minutes later they wee clustered around a laptop with the MLP theme clearly heard. The guy with Pinkie noticed him watching and looked embarrased, but Jim smiled and put his fist out, saying "Brohoof!"...
  18. Thank you, she's at least competition for Trixie in the crossover area, and her attitude will be getting attention she did not expect. The story part was fun to do too.
  19. From the album: Boss_Hoss1s Art

    And here is the special effects version of the entertainer mare for her application.

    © Boss Hoss, 2011

  20. From the album: Boss_Hoss1s Art

    Here is the first picture of this self-assured crossover RP unicorn mare, minus the special effects.

    © Boss Hoss, 2011

  21. Shanna laughed and giggled in excitement and enjoying sharing it with the handsome stallion beside her. The car finshed its barrel roll, leaving her breathless for a moment, and looked at the stallion with a warm feeling. She hoped he felt it too. Was this love? She eeeped and giggled as a sharp turn slid him against her and smiled up at him as she saw one last rise before the end. Shanna nuzzled up against him as the rise gave them one last tickly sensation before coming to the end. She panted and looked up at him as she smoothed her mane down, waiting for the bars to release "W-wow! That was fantastic! What did you think?"
  22. Hoss turned to Jubilee as she asked for another dance as he approached the sign up table. he looked to Shanna who waved him on "Big Time just asked me to sign for both of us, brother." Hoss nodded and smiled, trotting along after Jubilee and making sure his goggles were still perched stylishly on his forehead. "One dance coming up." and started dancing to the music provided by Beat Match and Spirit Flame Shanna wrote down they would be doing a small air show right out in front of the building and did a brief list of the stunts, then headed back to Bull Dozer . The bay mare nickered sweetly to the handsome blond maned stallion "It's done, you'll get to see me fly later. Shall we continue dancing?"
  23. Snails was sitting at his desk with a dreamy expression on his orange face. Just then, their teacher reminded them they HAD to do their math. The colt's "Awww..." was mingled with the simultaneous utterance by everyone in class he could see. How could they concentrate on dumb, boring math when the wonderbolts... the wonderbolts were just... Before he was aware of it, Snails blurted out "But th' Wonderbolts are just AWESOME, eh?" The whole class started chattering again, the specter of math driven away for a little longer by the awesomeness of the Wonderbolts... Snails blushed but he couldnt' help it, not afer that taste of flight he had recently when the dizzy unicorn mare, Misty Magic, gave him pegasus wings for only a few minutes during the Running of the Leaves...
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