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Everything posted by Boss_Hoss1

  1. Shanna smiled, herself feeling the glow awakened at that amazing kiss at the party before they reluctantly ended for the downhill ride. She felt happy and giggly as they suddenly dropped down the slope. Suddenly he pointed ahead of them where she saw a series of twists ahead. Shanna squealed happily as he said "Barrel roll" as they zoomed down while he whooped in glee! They hit the barrel roll, sending their manes sticking straight "up" from the roller coaster and she raised her forehooves,waving them wildly! The strange orientation pressing herself against her back instead of nose to tail when she flies...
  2. Shanna squealed happily as the cart went upside down and back upright, her mane twisting and blowing behind her. She looked at Bull Dozer, seeing him really enjoying himself as the carts came to the base of the next big hill. She blushed cutely as the big stallion leaned down to nuzzle her and let go of her hoof. Shanna smiles and gives him a return nuzzle as she sees the crest of the hill coming. As they reach the top,she gives him a quick kiss before looking forward again. "Oooh This look like a FUN hill!"
  3. There's room for CMC or Pinkie Pie style slapstick comedy at the Prancing Pony with a sleeping squirrel in the main room just waiting for someone to annoy it.... http://www.canterlot.com/index.php/topic/3072-ponyville-inn-for-the-night-open/
  4. Frankly, he would be a more surviveable mess than the current downward spiral...
  5. Shanna watched Big Time for a few moments as he retreated back to his spot, The blue pegasus seemed... well, blue. It seemed her suspicions were right on the money. She turned and quietly came up to Bull Dozer and put her wings and hooves around his neck and gave him a hug. She nuzzled his ear "I'm proud of you, and it seems I was right. He looks miserable right now. He got no joy from your apology." There was a soft nickering *ahem* beside them. Hoss had come up with a couple of Clover sodas balanced on his back for them. "Good news, I got Big Time to agree to let Bull Dozer stay at the party if he apologized. Since he did, you both are staying." She narrowed her eyes "What's the bad news?.." Hoss smirked "Wellll... I sweetened the pot by saying we, yes we, would do a small air show for the talent show. We gotta go over to sign up, Shan." Shanna looked at the larger blond maned stallion she just helped, then nodded with a smile showing it was worth it. "All right, No stormfront winds allowed in the city limits, right?" Hoss nodded. Shanna sighed "We'll make do." as she started toward the table with the sign up sheet...
  6. Shanna squealed in delight as the roller coaster roared down the hill and she felt the hold on her hoof tighten. She glanced over to see the growing grin on Bull Dozer's face as the cars went up and down. As she watched, she giggled happily as the brown stallion whooped and laughed beside her, enjoying it as much as she did. For her, there was a strange thrill to be doing aerobatics like this, but not under her own control. "Here comes a loop! Hang on!"
  7. Shanna stifled a giggle at the blond maned stallions suddenly deeper blush and smiled reassuringly as the bar sprang back up. "It's okay." as she helped put the bar back down. As the attendant set the bar, she pushed her wings a little against the seat to help tighten herself against the bar. "There we go, nice and comfy." Shanna's head bobs with the lurch and rattle of the chain gear suddenly pulling the cars up the slope, and blushes cutely as Bull Dozer puts his hoof on hers. She smiles up at him then looks forward as they near the top... Shanna leans her head forward a bit as they crest the hill "Get ready to fly, Bull Dozer. Just imagine you have wings on..."
  8. Shanna giggled at the comment abut it being painful for the fresh colt "Yes, They may look soft, but a pegasus wing can feel like being hit by a hoofball bat as the last one said." The bay mare ooohed in delight as the burly stallion stood taller and worked his muscles for her, giving quite a show. She looked up at him dreamily as he spoke to her, then she heard him say “I’m the only pony allowed on you-” It took her a moment to catch it but he went red in the face and tried to save face, stumbling on the words. While he was trying to beat his tongue into submission, Shanna had turned a bright plum and had a silly little smile by the time he breathed out “...I’m sorry.” The Ride finally opened just in time as he looked at her with apologetic eyes and a sheepish grin. She smiled back and strutted proudly to the roller coaster and took her seat. When he sat down she whispered while they had time as the other riders were seated. "Dont worry, I got the idea of what you were trying to say..." She winked teasingly " As for your subconsious... Maybe someday when the time is right..."
  9. While I didnt' vote Pinkie as fastest runner, it's only because you cant call that bounce she does "running". If she can end up places faster than supersonic speed "Miss Sonic Rainboom" and actually be waiting on her to arrive, she has to be fastest overall. That's another reason I dont like the "Cupcakes" idea of Pinkie (aside from the elements not choosing a psycho to begin with) There would be literally no escaping her!
  10. Shanna smiled at the compliment, and saw he was focused on having fun with her. She smiled and went with it. The line moved up until they were next, with Shanna's wings quivering in excitement. The mare smiled as she thought of her brother and nodded "Yeah, I think that's the best way of putting it. Sure, sometimes we get on each other's nerves and fight, but we quickly make up. The fun we have together more than balances it out." She looks thoughtful "Sometime's it's like we even know what the other is thinking. Our flying teamwork is as solid as what the Wonderbolts have because of it." She winks teasingly "Although there are times Hoss wished we didnt look so much alike. Sometimes before I met you, if all a pony could see is rump, he got pinched or slapped by a colt trying to get fresh with what they thought was me. He's been in a few fights for that. Dont tell Hoss I said that though." Shanna snuggled against him and smiled "At least now it will never happen again with me seeing you. I think you'll scare off anyone from trying."
  11. Candy nickered happily as she got out the indicated bowls and vegetables and was busy chopping up the food. She cut the carrots lengthwise into sticks for the salad, and snipped off the tops for a tasty garnish while she kept looking to watch how to make the casserole. Finally, the Professor put the dish in the oven and asked if she needed a hoof. Candy nodded "Sure thing Professor! This is going to be a great salad." She stuck her hoof to the handle of a spare knife and slid it over to him.
  12. Hoss nickered warmly to Jubilee as they headed back to the dance "I think refreshments would be a good idea after all that running around just now." As he headed over to the refreshments, Jubilee commented on his sisters' placement in the race. He nodded "Yes, She was in high spirits after the race, organizing ponies to walk off the fatigue poisons before their legs cramped up from it." Meanwhile, As she was on the dance floor, Shanna was trying to share the joy of the race by dancing. She saw a pony mare run past the entrance on the verge of tears, her mane and tail a unique swirl of blue and pink. Curious she went to the entrance and looked in the direction the mare went, hoping nothing was terribly wrong...
  13. Shanna moved forward happily as the line moved forward, and more ponies passed who were excited or dizzy after the ride. The bay mare giggled and blushed happily as he commented thet it would be great to have more ponies like her. She then stifled a gasp with an elegant hoof when he told about his mom. "Oh my! I'm so sorry..." and draped a wing over his back for a hug. It was so odd he was so matter of fact about it, like it was common for this city. It wasnt unheard of even in Cloudsdale, but still very frowned upon. She nuzzled him "You are a remarkable Pony, Bull Dozer"
  14. Candy's nostrils went wide open at the strong smell of vinigar and cabbage. "Oh wow, that is strong, and yummy too. I'll mix the salad and watch how you make this. I dont want the smell on my hooves to upset the squirrel, after all." She moved to the salad bowl and started cutting up the vegetables. "Does that casserole need to bake?" Meanwhile, the squirrel slept soundly in it's temporary nest among Candy's saddlebags, sure to be disoriented and scared if awoken by surprise...
  15. Hoss went wide eyed when Jubilee pulled him into a kiss, The best kiss he had ever had too. Suddenly his wings fwapped out stiff and quivering exactly like his sister's wings at that moment. When she broke the kiss to speak to him, he wobbled on his hooves with a silly grin "Y-yeah, that was awesome!" Suddenly there was a commotion over by his sister "What the hay?!" Shanna stood there with her heart pounding and a giggly grin, not wanting the moment to end. Suddenly it did, and not pleasently... She stared with her mouth hanging open as the host got in Bull Dozer's face, mad about something and not willing to let it go. Hoss nickered to Jubilee "Lets get over there, she might need me..." and started on over. Shanna was still standing in horrified shock as Big Time flat out asked Bull Dozer to leave the party. She was too stunned to see her brother coming over with a look of worry on his face. Suddenly, Bull Dozer lashed out with a hoof and knocked the host down after a stinging comment. The exotic looking unicorn DJ suddenly appeared between them, trying to settle things down. The brown earth pony looked embarrased and angry, and... sad. while the blue pegasus looked oddly dissapointed. To her surprise, her brother had appeared on the other side of the burly pony, nodding to Shanna with a supportive look. Shanna moved a little closer to Bull Dozer with what she hoped was a supportive look "What.. what is all this.." But when Big Time blurted it out before she could finish, she flopped over on her back, stunned. She looked up from the floor at Big Time, her eyes huge and her cheeks red "W-WHAT!?! All this was over a SAND CASTLE?!? In Second Grade?!" She groaned and put her hoof to her forehead and flopped back dramatically "Colts!" Hoss' jaw looked like it would hit the floor as well at the big revelation She looked at Bull Dozer as she sat back up and waved Bull Dozer over with her hoof and pleading eyes. She then motioned her brother to talk to Big Time... Shanna whispered into Bull Dozer's ear. "Mr. Bull Dozer, I dont' want you to leave this party, and I dont want to leave this party but I will if I have to. I know we just met, but it would make me very happy if you would be the bigger.. um, better pony and apologize for the sand castle, and for hitting him just now, even if that one was his fault. I never imagined anyone would be that petty, but he is the host, unfortunately." She winked "Please? I want him to feel small and silly for holding a grudge that long." Meanwhile, Hoss went over and helped Big Time up, speaking quietly. "Please sir, Just calm down a minute. I think my sister is working her magic right now that not even our parents could stand up to. I dont' want my sister to leave this party, but she will if he goes. If he apologizes for everything, can he stay? We'll even give a small air show for the talent show. It's not like sis can say no to that."
  16. Shanna giggles and nuzzles back "Aww that's sweet of you..." and kisses Bull Dozer's nose. After pointing out how fast the roller coaster was going, she nodded "Oh yes, lots of fun! When I was a foal, I would pretend I was a Wonderbolt while on rides like this." She looked at how much of the line was left and leaned against him s she watched the rollercoaster zoom around. "So, do you have any brothers or sisters? I only have Hoss, but Mother is hinting around to Daddy that she wants another foal since we are grown up now."
  17. Shanna blinks then giggles "Oh dear. You sounded like quite a hoof-full. Too bad you werent born with wings, they would have had you bucking clouds early." She sidles up close "I could see you being a top weather pony by now..." Just then, the ride stopped and let off a bunch of ponies, some bouncing with excitement, others quite dizzy. The line then moved forward quite a bit. As the line stopped again, she bounced on her hooves "I think this is going to be a good one!" She pointed with her wings as the roller coaster went into motion, slowly at first then zipped down the first hill. "Wow! Look at that!"
  18. Candy Catch-em stood with her eyes wide and shining. "Oh ah will think about it Professor. Ah will..." She ahemed and shook her mane as she roped in her accent a bit when the professor asked her if she wanted to help. "Oh yeah, I would love to help you cook. I have never had saurkraut casserole before. I just need a moment to do something first..." She took a moment to tuck the squirrel into a pallet made of a towel from her saddlebag, then write a note to prop up next to it. She then set her saddlebags protectively around the squirrel. as she left the room with the Professor, the note rested beside the sleeping squirrel, reading "Do not disturb, In case of emerency, contact Candy Catch-em"
  19. Shanna looked into the large stallion's hazel eyes expectantly, wondering what kind of token to remember him by she would recieve. There was a momentary flash of worry in his eyes, then they grew determined. Suddenly he drew her into a kiss. Her eyes went wide in surprise, but she did not pull away. She blushed a bright red as her wings snapped out at full extention and quivered as she kissed back with equal ferver. Everything lit up and she felt like she was flying, then she realized the lights were real and on them. She giggled and pulled good and close to Bull Dozer, "Mmmm, I guess it's official now, huh?" Across the floor, Hoss turned at the announcement and suddenly looked on with wide eyes, his jaw dropping in surprise at his sister locked in a kiss firey enough to make her wings pop out on their own accord. He felt a brotherly flash of anger for a moment, but took a deep breath and turned to focus on the pretty white mare and her shimmery blond mane. He took another breath and let it out he spoke mostly to himself "It's cool... We promised each other not to interfere with each other in romantic encounters..." He looked into Jubilee's green eyes, finding himself oddly reassured "Then again, with such wonderful ponies coming to this party, I dont blame her..." Composed, he took a moment to look at the new couple and clap his hooves and flash a smile at them.
  20. The bay pegasus giggled as Bull Dozer looked at her with a puzzled expression, then made a joke at his own expense before she could reply. She smiled reassuringly, her eyes shining as she remembered her foalhood for a moment "The rides do moves like many Pegasi can do, so they are popular with all types of ponies. It was a great taste of my future for a little pegasus filly too young to fly well yet." She winked "And I promise no launches." She trotted along with her date toward the rides. It was too bad she could not lock wings with him as they walked so she just nuzzled against his side as the hawkers tried to get them to play their games. She shook her ribboned mane "Sorry guys, not just yet..." The line for the rollercoaster was a bit long, of course. She smiled and nosed Bull Dozer "Thats a good sign of how fun and safe this one is. This shouldnt' take long. I figure about a 3rd of the line will go with each trip." Shanna looked at the other rides as they waited, then put her muzzle close to his ear again to ask. "Do you have a favorite ride?"
  21. Candy Catch-em used her wing to tip her hat back in surprise at the Professor's words. After making sure the squirrel swallowed the dose, she turned to Professor Krashkop with wide eyes. "Really? They have such a class?!" Candy sat down facing him with an elegant swirl of her tail, letting her accent slip back to her usual habit as she spoke earnestly. "All I know of my life's work, Ah learned from my parents. Admittedly some of mah clients and those few who turned mah services down looked down on me 'cause ah dont have a degree." She smiled ruefully "As it is, Ah can probably get a degree in veterinary pharmacology just on what Ah had ta demonstrate t'get my licence for the storin' an' use of such." Candy smiled dreamily "Oh wont those snooties have ta' eat their words when ah wave a diploma in their face...."
  22. Shanna's blush over her tummy growl eased when her date had that silly grin again. She nuzzled him warmly as they waited. When they arrived at the front of the line. Shanna stared hungrily at the cotton candy, then shook herself out of it when Bull Dozer found himself on the spot. Shanna smiled at him then fished the bits from her underwing pouch. She dropped the bits on the counter and turned to him "Oh it's no problem. I would be happy to, Bull Dozer." Shanna got one of the cones from the salespony and started nomming it. "Mmmm! Yummy! Ready when you are, Bull Dozer."
  23. (FlutterBorg) Resistance is futile.... um, if it's all right with you victims... Welcome to the herd!
  24. Shanna was looking up at her date when he stole a kiss in her cheek, making her giggle and blush a nice plum color. She trotted after him, just a little wobbly for a moment, happily amazed his voice cut through the din of other ponies. Practically bouncing on her hooves, she looked around the food court, her tummy making a cute growl. She ahehed and leaned up to put her muzzle at his ear "Maybe we can grab some cotton candy and head back to the rides, then make our way back here through the games? I want to give you a taste of what it's like to fly first." She giggled "Besides, fried foods are a bad idea before areobatics, and I cant imagine the rides are much different. Especially since the rollercoaster is named for the Wonderbolts."
  25. In a private RP, the topic came up of cemetaries when city sights were being pointed out in passing as a dark and scary place. This made me think since Halloween is on it's way and some adventures will inevitably include spooky graveyards and/or Zombponies... Since like war and rutting, the inevitable end is off-screen but assumed to be taking place somewhere. But after that... Are there any locations or guidlines for cemetaries in-game? (Aside from being far enough out of town to not be seen by the writers and animators of FiM... I have a tenative idea for Cloudsdale citizens to have theirs on the highest ponts of land visible from Cloudsdale (aside from Canterlot.) I think it a natural idea that if Pegasus must go in the ground, a least make it as close to the sky as possible.. Perhaps aboveground crypts like New Orleans so they arent actually IN the ground? (and for extra creepieness in Halloween adventures? )
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