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Everything posted by Dubstep

  1. Glitzen cuddled up to Honeywing as the show began, though he was hardly watching it fully, "Oh you!~ You're so sweet; if this is a dream, no one ever wake me up" he said kissing his coltfriend once more for his sweet words; as much as it was amazing to him to be in place so grand like Canterlot Castle, he could be in the slums of Manehatten for all he cared, as long as he had Honeywing by his side, he was happy; glancing up now and then at the show, Glitzen couldn't help but wonder what kind of fabric the Wonderbolts used in their outfits, and if it was an organic or synthetic blend, did it breath well? Or did they trade off for more of a streamline design instead of comfort? Perhaps he would be able to find out someday, and maybe they'd let him design new ones someday! Oh and if Spitfire would let him do her hair, his day would be fabulous; but for right now, he pushed those thoughts to the back of his head and focused on the wonderful situation at hoof and wished the night would never end.
  2. Following Cat inside his lair, Dark walked over to his work table and plopped down on the crate he used as a makeshift seat, "It's, err...it's fine...not like I do much of anything really." he said as he started levitating some Poison Joke to the table and began crushing it with a pestle and mortar before sifting the powder into a vial of water above a flame; herbology always was his favourite class in school. "Fates...right...I never have been on good terms with fate or luck or happenstance or whatever you want to call it...The Fates always seem to spit in my face, so forget them...." he said as he swirled around the Poison Joke potion before capping it and setting it in a little brown box on the floor next to him; turning around as Cat addressed him, Dark once again couldn't hide a smile at the filly's goofy look, who was this girl, seriously; shaking his head lightly Dark chuckled, "Heh, well, it's a few miles I'd say at least. You're out in Froggy Bottom Bog! Home of the Hydra...man that thing can snore...five or so months of that stuff, bluh....But being out here alone, you get used to it."
  3. "Mrf....Right....whatever..." Dark muttered as he led along to his lair; what was compelling DC to be nice to this gal? Wasn't fair her using his weakness against him, cute eyes and pleading made Dark an easy target at times. As they continued on, the filly introduced herself as Cat Napper, an artist from Ponyville; why give him her name? Names always complicate things, for one he'd be expected to remember it and for two that would mean he'd have to acknowledge the fact they know each other, which oddly didn't seem to bother Dark as much as he thought, "Er..R-right, Cat...Gotcha..." he said, unable to not let out a smile at being called a friend, but he tried to quickly push the silly notion of friendship out of his head; he was a villain, he didn't need friends....but her smile truly was sincere and charming...she may not be a friend, he thought, but she's no enemy at this rate, "Erm...bluh..we're...we're here." Dark said pointing to his lair up ahead.
  4. Dark lets out a bit of a chuckle as the filly blushes, "Heheh, you blushin...." he couldn't help but laugh as all that cockiness the female had at the Gala last night was washed away, "A cloud huh?...Yes I live here, I have for over five months now, though I wouldn't say I'm a hermit really....I get to town now and then...and...get apples or rocks thrown at me...Bah..." Dark said shaking his head; why wasn't he yelling at her? After the taunting he received last night, he should be screaming for her to get out of there. As the little filly dove behind him, Dark laughed at the squeak she made and glanced back to her as she spoke, "You're kidd....hnggh... he was about to tell her to get lost, but blast it, the eyes, who could say no to eyes like that, big and adorable pleading eyes, Dark never stood a chance, "Guh....Fine...Follow me, you can hang out at my lair....just no complaining about the looks or anything alright?...Built the place myself..." he said nodding towards the direction of his house and waiting for her to follow.
  5. Dark facehoofed at the fact he forgot he was undyed; his horribly unvillainous coloured pelt and mane shining in the morning sunlight; it drove him crazy, "Grah, bluh, yes I'm blond..." he said with a twitch; now not only had he saved the little runt, she knew what he really looked like, this day was starting off SO good..."I LIVE out here! I should be asking what you're doing out here, besides whimpering at the sight of a tiny spider, that is, heheheh." the villain said with a chuckle; if that little spider gave her the willies that bad, what would the site of a Hydra or Manticore do to her? As much of a laugh as that would be to see, Dark couldn't help wonder what kind of silly excuse she would make for being out in the middle of the bog.
  6. The sun was drifting lazily in the morning sky as Dark was rousted from his slumber; the villain was still dressed in his Gala attire from the night before, due to having gotten home so late. With a yawn and a thud he tumbled of his sofa and threw his Tux onto it to head out back for a brisk morning shower of icy cold water; not that he enjoyed it by any means, but one does what they must with no way to heat it. The dye ran out of his pelt as he showered, oozing to the ground to make a murky puddle of protection, since the sensitive noses of the beasts of the Everfree couldn't stand the scent of the horribly cheap dye, Dark couldn't afford to just wash it away. As he started drying off, however, he was interrupted by the sounds of screams coming from further away from the lair "Blast what now?!" he said to himself as he threw on his trademark cape and ran towards the sound. Upon arrival Dark saw a pony up a tree quaking in fear and a large spider skittering around; with a disgruntled sigh, Dark summoned a shield around the arachnid and promptly condensed the shield, crushing the spider to nothing more than a gooey mass which he flung into the forest, sputtering out rather grumpily; due to his morning being disturbed; Dark walked closer to the tree and looked up it, "Rassin frassin rrrrr...Alright you can come down now you....Oh geeze it's YOU!" the villain was awestruck to see the artist from the Gala cowering in a tree like a wee babe.
  7. Dark gulped as he the filly stared at him, had he gone to far? He thought to himself, 'Guh...maybe I was a little too rude...But....no one laughs at me like that...not anymore...is she....oh horseapples, she's not gonna cry is she? Crap...' taking a step back, the villain got an apologetic expression on his face and almost started to say something, when suddenly, the pipsqueak of a pegasus started right back to laughing at him, "......." the villain's face went from the apologetic look it held to one filled with anger once more, "GRAAAAH! ENOUGH! STOP LAUGHING AT ME! NO ONE LAUGHS AT ME! NOT ANY MORE!" Dark yelled out as his horn glowed a bright white, causing a large shield of translucent magic to appear next to him. With a flick of his head, the colt sent the shield hurtling into a tree, knocking it flat to the ground with a thud; the beasts and birds ran and flew for cover as the villain toppled a few more trees before shouting again, "MARK MY WORDS, YOU'LL REGRET THIS DAY! NO ONE MAKES FUN OF DARK CORE AND GETS AWAY WITH IT! NEVER AGAIN!" he shouted as he ran up the garden wall; tossing his mask to the garden ground as he reached the top, Dark glanced one last time at the filly with a look of mixed feelings before shaking his head with a sneer and jumping off the other side.
  8. Dark stomped and snorted; who was this filly to laugh at him?! "Grrrr....WHO DO YOU THINK YOU'RE LAUGHING AT HUH?! I'M NOT SOME KIND OF ENTERTAINMENT FOR YOU TO GAWK AT, YOU FILTHY FLYING FLEABAG! WHY, WHEN I FINALLY HAVE THIS WORLD IN MY GRASP, YOU'LL BE ON YOUR KNEES BEGGING FOR MY FORGIVENESS, JUST BEFORE I TOSS YOU TO A HORRIBLY HUNGRY HYDRA! YOU WILL RUE THIS DAY, YOU GROTESQUELY GRODIE GIT!" the villain sputtered out in a huff; his rant could probably be heard across the entire gardens at this rate, "AND YOUR PITIABLY PATHETIC PREDETERMINED NOTIONS OF THE PREPOSTEROUS PROSPECT OF FRIENDSHIP IS PERFECTLY PUERILE!" Dark was nearly steaming at this point; he hated not being taken seriously and hated being laughed at even worse; this little filly just made it on his Revenge List at the very least.
  9. Dark couldn't help but roll his eyes, "Friends? Feh, what would I need friends for hmm?...They're nothing but trouble and get in the way of your goals." he said scoffing a bit; what good were friends to an evil mastermind? Could they even be used as stepping stones? No, their 'help' would probably just make their usefulness crumble beneath Dark's hooves; no he was better off alone and he knew it, "And yes, there were plenty of kangaroos around, but only ONE being sketched; now if YOU were looking for a good prank, what would you do? Shoot a straggler? Or go for one getting the attention? Heheh...and I'll thank you to not call me a punk; you pitiful pint-sized pegasus!" the pelt dyed colt said with an arrogant tone about him; after that dance he just got done with, it felt nice to get back to the REAL reason he came; to spread havoc and chaos amongst the party-goers...and so far he had at least one short pony, short fused.
  10. Dark smiled as he levitated over a piece; taking a bite of the snack he nodded, "Mmm, these are really good!" he said smacking his lips a little bit, "Tis a great change of pace from all the apples I've eaten as of late; in fact really anything would be a good change of pace heheh." the dyed colt said with a chuckle before getting another bite. Dark flinched lightly as the filly ambled off his first name unwittingly and bit his lip when she called it girly, "Guh, Dawn's not, too girly of a name...Right? I mean, I'm sure there's plenty of Dawns out there that are pretty strong and such..." he said, trying not to sound too suspicious; after all, villains NEVER reveal their true identity right off the bat, "I like that name." he said referring to Purple's name with a smile, "Err, uhm, you said your brother's supposed to come get you eh? If you want I can, ah, hang out with you til he gets here."
  11. "Oh thanks much Rose, that's very nice of you!" Ignus said with a smile as he took a bite out of the cake, as Rose said, it was really delicious and light; setting the cake on his plate, the dragon glanced down at his friend to see if he was enjoying the food as well, before returning his gaze to Rose, "Oh, I'm having a wonderful evening myself, I've gotten to talk with some highbrows and meet you, oh uhm and plus it's a night away from my job, so that's always a great thing heheh. How about you? I hope you're having a good night as well." he said with a chuckle, before taking another bite out of the tiramisu.
  12. Indeed, though, in the app, I never really stated what the hunting was done for, I was trying not to focus on that as much really, simply due to the fact something like this might come up heh.
  13. Actually, equines can eat meat, some of the proteins wouldn't digest and just pass through is all, kind of like if we humans tried to eat grass. And being who they were, the parents didn't JUST trap for meat, they didn't let any of the animal go to waste. Y! Answers Reference
  14. Dark blushed a bit as Mal pulled him closer and smiled when she tucked her address into his pocket, "Heh, I will most certainly have to take you up on that gracious offer." he said with a grin; it wasn't very often he got to talk to lovely ladies, let alone get their addresses on the first meeting, "Don't worry, I don't plan on getting rid of this mask any time soon, I've grown fond of it heh. Take care Malediction, see you around I'm sure." Dark said as he watched her walk off for a moment, before turning to go himself; this time he was off to cause mischief, just as he had came to do...but where to start? "Hmm....Back to the gardens sounds like a good plan." he said as he wandered through the crowd once more, taking his leave from his grand scene.
  15. Right, while she still harbours SOME ill feelings toward what happened, and she may still be a jerk at times, she'll be using the herbs and such for good; the 'thoughts of going back to how she was', was more so to add flavour to the story of Riven herself.
  16. Dark lays still catching his breath as the artist walks over to check on him, he glanced at her surprised that she sounded so stern for such a pipsqueak, "Gah....Hmph....I'm perfectly fine! It would take more than a little fall to stop me!" he said standing up and dusting himself off; checking his tux to make sure there were no rips or tears, he was glad to see it was still intact, "As for you SECOND question! What's wrong with me having fun hmm? Isn't that what this Gala is about? Coming somewhere grand and doing things you've never gotten to do before? That's what I did! I've never hit a kangaroo with a slingshot before and I finally got to do it!" the young villain said with a smug grin.
  17. Alrighty, updated with her bio, WiP tag removed.
  18. Coming along alright, working on different past ideas at the moment
  19. Dark laughed quietly to himself as the target bolted off into the gardens, the startled sounds it made was almost as funny to him as the angry sounds that the artist was making, the sounds of frustration were like music to the colt's ears, causing havoc was one of his joys in life. But when the filly called out to his hiding spot, the villain knew it was time to abscond; turning to run, Dark didn't notice his collar got snagged on a low hanging branch, so when he started to bolt off, "GACK! UGH!" he was jerked back and fell to the ground with a thud, "Ohh...gah...that hurt..."
  20. It's a great comic in my opinion, it's got over 3k+ pages but it should only take a couple days to catch up even if you're not just constantly reading it, the story, it's rather hard to explain, but The MSPA Wiki should be able to fill you in on it.
  21. Glitzen smiled and enjoyed the short ride as Honeywing pushed the pillowy cloud higher and higher "I don't know if I'd want to work weather team heheh, their job seems rather difficult if the clouds are so fragile!" he said as he watched the other pegasus finely tune the delicate cloud into position, "You've got such a gentle touch dear~" Glitzen said with a sigh; the cool night air blew through the area, causing his dress to flow in the breeze once more; judging by the time, the show would be starting soon, awaiting Honeywing's return to his side, Glitzen said a silent thank you to the stars above for blessing him with the best night ever.
  22. Dark smiled, normally he wouldn't have been one to draw this much attention to himself, or go this long without doing anything evil; he would just have to make up for it later when this was over; but for now, he was having a blast showing off all the stuck up, drag down ponies of Canterlot, "No worries Malediction my dear, I'm stronger than I look." he said, continuing on the dance while keeping his magic in tempo with hers as he awaited the big finish. As said finish came around, Dark grinned and flipped his dance partner into the air adding a bit of a twirl to is as well; while she was in the air, he places a translucent white shield around her that sparkled in the light, adding just that much more flair to the maneuver. Shattering the shield as he did with the smaller ones as she came down, causing a brilliant cascade of magic shards to rain down, Dark reached out and caught her just in time as the song ended.
  23. "Uhh, yeah, a pet, it's like, a companion that lives with you and you feed and it gives you company, know what I mean?" Ignus said, doing his best to explain what a pet was to his young friend; having grown up in town, all the information Ignus knew seemed so simple, but for a wild dragon like Tourmaline, it must have been so foreign. Ignus smiled when he noticed the lovely mare from earlier coming over and blushed when she spoke to him, "Oh uhm err, yeah I am, th-thanks for asking!" he said with a nod, feeling a bit embarrassed that he was called handsome, "Uhm, OH! Allow me to introduce myself, my name is Ignus; this is my friend Tourmaline; it's wonderful to meet you madame!" the white dragon said, bowing to the mare.
  24. Dusting himself off and readjusting his cape, Dark brushed his mane out of his face to get a better look at his rescuer, he smiled when he noticed she was about his age, normally it would have been a smile that meant that if something went wrong, at least they're around his age and he could get away easier...But this was different, his stomach felt like it was doing flips and his heart skipped a beat. Blushing a bit when the filly smiled at him, Dark shuffled his hooves a bit, "Well uhm, I'm not from around town actually, I uhh, live out a ways heh..." he said nervously before noticing the girl's smashed snack, "Ooh...Oh jeez, I'm so sorry..." Dark apologized as his head hung low; glancing at the snack his stomach grumbled a little bit "They look and smell so good too...Oh I forgot to introduce myself, my name's, uhm, Dark Core, it's heh, nice to meet you." the 'villain' said as he smiled shyly at the filly.
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