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Status Updates posted by LollieLaughingGas

  1. Sometimes the world hits you, hard. And for a moment all you can do it sit an stare and wonder what the heck just happened.

  2. Theres always someone holding a bullet for you, even if they dont know it. The trick is to die of old age before it catches up with you.

    1. weesh


      It is hard to tell if you are being cynical or not. It sounds that way, but we certainly shouldn't try to go through life pleasing everyone. And is it cynical if it is true?

    2. MyLittlePonyTales
  3. Hello my old heart, how have you been? Are you still there inside my chest? Iv been so worried, you've been so still. Barely beating at all. Hello my old heat, how have you been? Whats it like being locked away? Dont you worry, in there your safe, and its true you'll never beat, but you'll never break.

    1. MyLittlePonyTales


      Sounds like words I should live by.

  4. I have a new favorite song, its the Devils Dance Floor by Flogging Molly

  5. I have a new song! Its Devils Dance Floor by Flogging Molly

  6. So iv become pretty obsessed with Doctor Who lately, anyone else share my love?

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. starswirlthebearded


      Best Doctor is Tom Baker. End of discussion :)

    3. LollieLaughingGas


      David Tennant is my favorite too ShyShy :D

    4. DreamySunday


      I'm liking Patrick Troughton. Although I haven't gotten to Baker(Tom) yet.

  7. Don't you hate when your RPing one-on-one and then the other person suddenly logs out and your like "But...ii wove you..."

  8. Weep little lion man...

    1. weesh


      You're not as brave as you were at the start...

    2. LollieLaughingGas


      Rate yourself and rake yourself, take all the courage you have left...

    3. CatCakey


      I heard that song, it's quite good

  9. So a Chaos Space Marine walks into a bar. The bartender says, "Why the long face?" His death was slow and painful.

    1. shyshy


      definitely not good for the bartender's complexion

    2. Tenkan


      Very interesting...

    3. LollieLaughingGas
  10. So a Chaos Space Marine walkis into a bar.

  11. Violence is an art, the canvas simply on has one colour. Red.

  12. Im new here, what is there to do??

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