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Status Replies posted by SymphonicFire

  1. WEEE! Legend of Korra!!!

  2. WEEE! Legend of Korra!!!

  3. Today is my birthday! For some reason it feels like a normal day

  4. Today is my birthday! For some reason it feels like a normal day

  5. Today is my birthday! For some reason it feels like a normal day

  6. Today is my birthday! For some reason it feels like a normal day

  7. Ah, my hands are frozen, it hurts to type or to change how my finger's are positioned, This is what makes me HATE winter sometimes....

  8. Anyone interested in a Teen Titans roleplay?

  9. ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

  10. Ugh, i dont know how to get around the whole issue

  11. I have no purpose except to be dumb ._____________.

  12. I have no purpose except to be dumb ._____________.

  13. meh i dont know what to roleplay DDDX

  14. Geez, I leave again and I see people letting pictures of badly done recolor Sonic OCs on the front page, what happened to quality control?

  15. My hamster might have a tumor. :(

  16. I hate spring and summer *sniff*

  17. I hate spring and summer *sniff*

  18. I hate spring and summer *sniff*

  19. I hate spring and summer *sniff*

  20. Sometimes I feel like that nobody like me... but than I have to say: "C'mon. I have a dog."

  21. i really want to play leage of legends but i'm temporarily banned bluuuuurg

  22. You know the scary thing about humpy dumpy? It didn't say he was an egg...

  23. You know the scary thing about humpy dumpy? It didn't say he was an egg...

  24. yesterday I went to Grocery Outlet,and the cashier who helped me was wearing a Pinkie Pie necklace, with Pinkie Pie's cutiemark on a badge. I wanted to give him a brohoof, but my Mom was there. She doesn't know I'm a brony

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