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Everything posted by puzzlebeat

  1. Jack turned to the red pony. "No its fine just let it sit. this thing smokes all the time so this is nothing new." He told Big McIntosh. "but I was about to take Denim here on an adventure if you'd like to join us."
  2. (he's not gone. he must of glitched and now isn't following anymore)
  3. Jumper turned to Lavender at her question. "I bet your expecting me to say I'm from another universe. Answer, no. this is the universe is was born in. As for my home town, i'm from ponyvill." he told her
  4. ok then its Saturday at what time do we just let the doctor stand around and gawk at the scenery?
  5. lets do so on Saturday. just in case he is finishing up school and has some thing else more important to worry about.
  6. Jumper thought for awhile. "Good point. maybe alternate universe or even the void." He suggested "No not an Alternate, there would be windows to display the beautiful scenery, then again that depends on the universe."
  7. "You want one?" Jack asked showing her his wrist and the Vortex manipulator. "I can take you anywhere you want." then a rather large red stallion walked up to them and introduced himself as Bic McIntosh like the apple. He threw him his famous grin "Hello I'm Captain Jack Hark... Harness. Captain Jack Harness." he turned to the doctor to see his reaction to his pun hoping to get something out of him, he just stood there taking in his surroundings.
  8. "I don't think you should be on that." Jack told Denim. "you might fall." he looked at his vortex manipulator and started to think. "hey Denim what is the most important date in history do you think?" he turned to the Doctor to see if he could get a reaction out of him.
  9. "the doesn't necessarily mean were not no the moon that just adds to the possibility that we are." Jumper explained to Lavender. "I mean what happens when you open a window in space? You get sucked into a vacuum, and we don't want that now do we?"
  10. Jumper turned to Lavender "You noticed that to, uh? their is several possible answers, we could be on the moon in an air pocket created by princess Luna. We could be on an entirely different planet. Heck we could be in another universe." He said to her.
  11. Jack tried flapping his wings, he remained on the ground. He flapped faster and started to rise. He flapped even faster and rose higher. "Hmm this might be useful but I still prefer the vortex manipulator." Jack said allowing himself to lower to lower to the ground.
  12. Bionical fan? Welcome.
  13. "I'm fine. it's just something i do." Jack said. "Whoa laying on the ground made me stiff." He began to stretch any part of his body he could. first his back legs then his front legs, then his neck and finally his wings... Wings? "what the?" he turned his head and saw two feathered wings protruding from his back. He looked at the Doctor in shock and lipped 'are you seeing this?'
  14. Jumper entered the class and got a card. He sat next to Denim and started to fill out the slip. When he was done he continued to ponder where they were. 'We can't be on the planet. Maybe space, the moon? luna would be able to make that possible with a way gate in an air pocket. maybe im just over thinking it.' he thought
  15. at the doctors remark of calling Jack a dog he woofed at the mare. he looked at her rear and noticed the mark on her flank. He jotted it down in his to remember to mention it to the doctor later.
  16. [colour=#282828]Jumper walked with the group of five ponies for what seemed like eons. the college was huge it was like its own city. that's when idea hit him and he started to think. 'this place is huge how did no one stumble upon this place sooner. yeah the gates may have closed down for a long time but if this place is still in equestria then why didn't we find it.' He thought some more and noticed some thing that didn't cross his mind till now. Where are the windows?[/colour]
  17. "um strange. but not as strange as me not knowing your name." Jack said to the horse like creature. "I'm Jack by the way." he grinned his grin that usually got him any man or woman back home.
  18. Jack had followed the Doctor through the time vortex but something happened he died... again. but as he awoke he looked at himself and noticed something was off. he had hooves and a dark blue coat. "well this is the first time I ever knocked my head while using the vortex manipulator." he looked at what he was lying on. Blue wood. "Well then hats good now I hope I wake up soon." that's when he heard a door open and he looked to his right and saw a brown horse like creature walk out. He had a tie and his mane was... styled like the doctor's. "Might as well enjoy the dream." he tried to stand but struggled for balance at first. "Ok one step at a time to this Horse version of the doctor."
  19. "Yeah lets go." Jumper agreed "We don't want to be late to orientation." He started to trot next to Denim "I take you some where after orientation. ok?" he whispered to her
  20. now we need a villian or we can just fight of daleks for awhile... any way allons-y
  21. this wont be the first i time i played as pony jack so at least i have experience.
  22. [colour=#282828] [colour=#000080]Name: Jack Harness[/colour][/colour] [colour=#282828] [colour=#000080]Age: ???[/colour][/colour] [colour=#282828] [colour=#000080]Gender: Male[/colour][/colour] [colour=#000080]Species: Pegasus [/colour] [colour=#282828] [colour=#000080]Coat Colour: dark blue[/colour][/colour] [colour=#282828] [colour=#000080]Mane Colour: a lighter blue[/colour][/colour] [colour=#282828] [colour=#000080]Eye Colour: cyan[/colour][/colour] [colour=#282828] [colour=#000080]General Appearance: wears a button up shirt and a vest [/colour][/colour] [colour=#282828] [colour=#000080]Personality: will chase the tail of anything that breaths. very charming and kind. protects those close to him with his life[/colour][/colour] [colour=#282828] [colour=#000080]Crush/mate: any thing that breaths[/colour][/colour] [colour=#000080]History: one of the original human time travelers and is now the head of torch wood. was sucked into the pony verse with the doctor by accident.[/colour]
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