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Blank Flank

Blank Flank (2/9)



  1. My opinion: It will last until Hasbro decides that no more money can be made from it in an efficient manner. Because technically that is what Mlp has always been about, selling merch. Ergo, without the capital gained from the shows attention, products will not be bought. Thus, move on to the next idea. But that's just me.
  2. As a business-pony, what are your thoughts on the increasing demands made by the proletariat?
  3. Who wouldn't? A crazy person, that's who. TPBM enjoys the feeling of industrial-grade sand paper on their nips.
  4. Can i offer some newbie advice? Having friends exclusively on the net (without actually being able to physically contact them) is unhealthy, this i know from experience. For instance, a friend of mine I use to converse with whom lives in California always talked to me and waited for me to come on. She was pretty lonely to honest, it makes me sad thinking about it. Anyway, I lost contact with her a fair bit back. Have not spoken in a while. My point is that it is far better to have access to physical friends, people to talk to whenever it is necessary. But, i'm just a lonely nihilist. Who cares. #my2cents
  5. 80's Astro Boy. Oh my various gods. I still watch it to this day.
  6. Katawa Shoujo births feels from nothing );

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