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Bramble Rose

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Everything posted by Bramble Rose

  1. Working the Kinks Out [Closed - PM for invite] Rainbow Dash waited impatiently, pacing in a circle around the stargazing hilltop just outside of town. She flexed her wing experimentally ... the waiting was interminable. They'd let her out of the hospital ... but she still hadn't been able to fly for days. DAYS. Not without her wing seizing up in pain. Even with her discovery of Daring Do books, she was getting ... antsy. She needed to fly, not read about Daring Do flying! And even now, when she could finally get airborne, the doctors didn't want her flying alone. They'd assigned her a physical therapy *partner* so they could keep an eye on each other. Didn't they understand? She was Rainbow Dash! The best flier in Equestria! She couldn't be reined in by some slowpoke pegasus with a busted wing! But they'd exacted a promise from her, and Rainbow Dash always kept her promises. So here she was, waiting. She hated waiting SO MUCH. Experimentally, she fluttered her wings, lifting herself a hand or two above the ground. Her wing was sore, but no more than if she'd slept on it wrong. She just needed to flex it out, get a few miles worth of flying in. Maaaaan, when was he going to *get* here!?
  2. Purple Haze's eyes widened as she heard Bolt declare that there would be a next time. Without thinking, she leaped up out of the bush she was hiding in and cried, "AYE!" Then her eyes widened further, her pupils shrinking, and she put her hoof on her own head and slowly pushed herself back down into the bush. Maybe they hadn't noticed...
  3. I'm afraid I'm not entirely sure where Rainbow Dash is supposed to fit into this thread. You've mentioned a few very vague comments, but they don't seem to fit into where this thread is... could you fill me in a bit more on details?
  4. Heh. Well, Brian and I technically laid claim to the whole of Ponyville, and just leased out plots to other players to build on. It just got away from us a bit...
  5. This is very frustrating indeed - especially since players are supposed to fix *all* the creeper holes they cause, whether it's in someone's territory or not. Well, this would certainly explain why people build so close together, and don't leave yards or open areas ... But no, that shouldn't matter. If you cause a creeper hole, you fix it. If you cause creeper damage, you fix it - even if it's just to empty desert.
  6. Awwww, she's so cute! Heh... it'd be neat if Bramble ran into her on the beach while he was in the Gallopocus, too. He'd certainly compliment her choice of flowers.
  7. This used to happen to me, too, if I had anything too nearby - like a chest or a crate or something - or often if I was underground. I just put my home location to my front yard, and I've not had the problem happen again.
  8. Rainbow Dash puffed up with pride. Most of the things she was famous for were shared by all her friends - but the Sonic Rainboom was the one and only thing that was one hundred and twenty percent hers. "Aw, yeah, that was awesome!" she said eagerly. "Man, the feeling of going that fast ... " She stopped, reminiscing happily, but realized she was in danger of bragging too much, and tried to dial it back with a little humility. "But you know, I didn't have a choice." Yeah, that should do it. that was humble, right? "My friend was falling to her death, and the only way I could save her was to go faster than any other pony can even dream of." She paused and took the pen from Silverbolt, signing her name with a flourish. She loved getting autographs, herself, and loved the fancy ones the most, so she made the end of the 'w' into a little lightning bolt, and then doodled a cloud around the whole thing. "There she was, screaming in terror, falling towards the earth, and three of my own heroes, the WonderBolts, falling with her ... I was diving as fast as I could, the wind peeling back my lips, my mane streaming behind me, and it was like I the air itself was trying to keep me back... like a giant rubber sheet was stretching before me, making it harder and harder for me to go forward ... It'd never been so hard to fly before in my life, but I couldn't let my friend down... so suddenly ... *snap!* I shot forward, and snagged all four of them just *inches* from the ground, and zoomed off with the rainbow wave washing over the earth!" Her voice got faster, more eager, with every phrase - she loved sharing that story, it made her thrill with excitement. But she didn't want to be a braggart again, so she off-hoofedly added, "but, y'know. I couldn't have done it myself. If her life hadn't been in danger, I might not have found the strength to push that hard." Rainbow Dash flipped lightly through the autograph book. Hrm. "You gotta meet more ponies, kid!" she said brightly! "Gotta lot of blank pages here to fill up!" She grinned encouragingly to the colt. "If I had my autograph book here, I'd show you all the ones I got! And hey, maybe someday, somepony will be asking *you* for an autograph!"
  9. Sweetie Belle gazed up at Prince Blueblood with wide eyes, as he was so caring and gentle in catching her fall, not to mention the stylish way in which he had helped her back to her hooves in less time than it took for a teacup to fall - and had caught the teacup afterwards! It was just like a faerie tale of one of those Samauri from Japony! Oh, she hoped this wasn't Rarity's prince, because maybe this meant she'd found HER prince! Then she cringed, as he gently admonished her in her mistake. Her head pulled back into her shoulders, a bit, and she dropped her gaze in embarassment. "I ... I'm sorry," she murmured. "Big Sister Rarity actually *has* told me that, I just ... " she paused, steeled herself, "I just ... " she whispered the last word in absolute shame: "forgot." But she perked up right away as he dismissed the precious glasses. "Oh, oh no! These glasses are precious to me, because they're Big Sister Rarity's old glasses! I'm wearing them so I can be a fashionista just like her!" she chirped up energetically. "Even if they make everything blurry and I have to take them off to see," she continued a little more regretfully, then glanced aside, then said to Prince Blueblood in a conspiratorial whisper, "I'm not allowed to touch her real glasses, but since these are old, it's OK." She remembered herself, then, and drew herself up straight, and assumed that prim tone once more. "Oh, I beg your pardon, your highness, I forgot myself. Please, is there anything more I can do to make your wait more comfortable?" She briefly pranced in place where she stood, glancing at the new customers that had come in - one of them had a funny accent just like Apple Bloom's! What was she supposed to do with *multiple* customers! She couldn't give attention to them all! But this one was a prince! Oohhhh, what to do? She stilled herself and looked hopefully up to Prince Blueblood for a request, or for more advice.
  10. Rainbow Dash lazed in the boughs of Twilight's tree, reading one of Twilight's Daring Do books - Daring Do and the Gem Mines of Coatl'topaz. She was buried in the book, and liked this hiding place... it was quiet, but not *too* quiet, and she was rarely disturbed. But now - now ponies were making a racket right under her, and it was her friends, and Spike. Her mind raced - she saw a whole variety of possible solutions for Spikes' problem. All sorts of awesome gifts he could buy ... but she groaned quietly at the laaaaaame suggestions of everyone else. Well, chocolate was good, but the rest? Boooooring! She dropped out of the tree, snapped the book shut over the bookmark, and offered the book to Twilight, ignoring any startled expressions that might arise from her sudden entrance. "A book on sewing? She already *knows* everything about sewing! No way, you need a book that'll get her heart beating! An exciting book! Like some awesome new Daring Do novel! And hey, getting her clothes is a great idea, but she's already got all sorts of fancypants frilly dresses and stuff... you need to get her something different and rad! like a WonderBolts costume!" Rainbow Dash pulled out a pair of shades, and slipped them on. "Don't worry, Spike - you've seen the fan club I've got here in Ponyville. The Love Doctor is *in*. I gotcher back. What you need, obviously, is a wingmare... and who could be a cooler wingmare than me?" She flexed her wings demonstratively. "Fluttershy's too nervous, and Twilight's too bookish. You're not gonna read about romance in a book! You need to be bold! Forward! Aggressive! And I can teach you how!"
  11. Doctor Whooves let out a happy hum as he went back to work under the cart, tinkering merrily with the new system till he had it in something resembling working order. "Resembling working order' was the best he'd ever gotten with his cart, so this made him quite happy. He took out his spare planks and boarded up the bottom of his cart once more, fixing up the hole that Malediction had drilled into his cart. He came out from under the cart and took a rag wiping off the various fluids that had dripped onto him, and tossing the now-glowing rag to the side. Then he hopped up into the back of his cart and pulled out his spare cart-wheel, and rolled that up to the bare axle sticking out from that side. A heft, and a shove, and he had four wheels on his cart again. *whew* What a relief. He looked up at the two fillies making friends, and at Malediction meditating, and smiled happily. Now, this was just the sort of thing he liked about adventuring... you never knew where you were going to be the next day, or who you were going to meet. Not for the first time, he blessed the random chance that had allowed him to meet the previous Doctor Whooves, and given him the chance to inherit the responsibilities, take his life in this direction. But right now it was time to wait... and there was one task Doctor Whooves loved to do more than any other when he was waiting. So with a happy expression, he pulled open a different compartment on the side of his cart, and started pulling the innards apart to see if he couldn't get it working just a *little better*, making a happy little trilling whistle as he worked.
  12. Oh, that's a lovely image... rather ephemeral. I love the imagry.
  13. Reminder to self: Trying to get the whole Main Cast involved.
  14. Not on this server, but I haven't gone exploring yet. People have already done a pretty good job of exploring the immediate area, while looking for stuff... we'd have to go pretty far afield to get ourselves a Jungle biome. I'm planning on starting from the Mushroom Kingdom soon, and exploring out from there. On a friend's server, I'm *on* the edge of explored territory, and had avoided exploring any further till the server updated, so it only took about ten minutes for us to find a Jungle Biome. It's very pretty, and ridiculously fun to climb up the vines on the sides of trees.
  15. You know, Danton, you still have that underground forest that needs finishing in the main world!
  16. Purple Haze hung her head as Carrot scolded her... she'd forgotten about that little rule, in fact, caught up in greeting the guests and trying to get the huge pony to answer at least *one* question. Not like she actually followed the rule - but she usually had the good sense to sneak in while he was busy instead of walking in while he was there. But then their guest started to defend her. She was torn. On one hoof, she bristled a little at anyone taking offense at how her big brae did anything ... but on the other, she appreciated the vote of confidence. "Aye!" she cried indignantly, "I only carved out th' wall that one time! It was an accident! And Oi cannae help it if this place is a fire hazard! Oi doused th' fires soon enough, it's why oi keep a bucket close at hoof when oi'm workin' on me projects! At least, after th' first time ... an' that time wi' th' rutabegas an' the squirrels was a fluke! Ye cannae blame me fer *that* one, can ye?" She looked up to Big Mac. "An' Oi went quiet and ye dinnae answer *any* of me questions!"
  17. I ask that ponies follow the spirit of the law, not the letter of the law. Seeking loopholes is cheating, plain and simple. What loophole have you found, share it and play fair.
  18. Sweetie Belle kept a smile on her face at Prince Blueblood's compliments, trying not to let her confusion show on her face. Sugar? And honey? That sounded awfully *sweet*. Adults didn't like sweet things that much - well, except Pinkie Pie. But Sweetie thought she'd put salt and syrup in ... and the Prince ... liked the fact that the tea was hurried? Well ... she'd have to try it again. Oh, no! She should have gotten the cushion first! "Of course, your highness," she said primly. "I'll keep that in mind for next time." She turned to go get the cushion, running the first few steps, then slowing down again, the glasses making her feel dizzy and just a little queasy... finally, she nudged them up onto her horn again, and her little hooves propelled her quickly across the shop. He wanted the pillow first, and she needed to get it quickly! no more walking around! She grabbed a throw pillow off of the first comfy cushion she found, and was running back across the shop, her little hooves churning quickly. Halfway back, she stumbled, and tripped, and made it a couple more steps before she fell on her chin, the pillow flying from her mouth.
  19. Rainbow Dash blinked in surprise as she heard her name, turning her head to look at the speaker. She was startled, at first, uncertain, and then a broad grin spread across her face. "You've hearda me, huh? Yeah!" She shook his hoof, grinning. "My day's going awesome, thanks! My days are always awesome! How'd you hear of me, Silverbolt? I mean, I've done so many famous things, it's hard to keep track... " She felt thrilled. Was he going to ask for her autograph? She liked it when ponies did that... though it rarely happened.
  20. Doctor Whooves was torn between swelling in pride for Luna ... and a very natural fear for not only his life, but the life of all Equestria. "Beautiful, touching, heroic, loving, yes yes," he whispered hurriedly, "But also noisy and on the off-chance that they aren't actually already sneaking up on us I think we should *try* to be a bit quiet while we sneak up on them!" He turned to Celestia then, and rested his hoof on her shoulder. "Princess... the entire kingdom knows you're amazing... but perhaps ... you need to trust in your sister, and what she can do?"
  21. Bramble gave a big grin to Glitzen Glamour. "Oh, yes. Very much so. It's why I'm collecting seeds! Start small - just a little greenhouse - and then just keep growing it. Everything starts with a seed, you know... even projects like that. I'm sure your fashion business started with a seed, too. " Bramble joyfully pranced forward, a spring to his step, his mane and tail flouncing with his happiness. "Oooo, look over there! It's the Melliflora exhibit! It's the plants that make music, like Harmonizing Reeds or the Carolnut Trees!" He turned and pranced in another direction. "Oh, and look! They have a greenhouse dedicated to Flaming Fronds! Now *that's* a hothouse!" Ha pranced over to a tree with low-hanging, purple heart-shaped fruits. "Oooo, a passionfruit tree! Don't get too close - the scent of the flowers has an intoxicating effect. And don't let the name fool you - it's the flowers, not the fruit, that are dangerous to eat - a single petal will make every joy of a pony flame into all-encompassing passion, wether turning friendship and respect into love, or turning a hobby into an intense obsession. Lasts about half a day!" Bramble used his magic to create a small cutting to trim off of the lovely vines coverign the wall, and a flower laden with seeds to collect from the Passionfruit tree, tucking them into his bags in little bags, making certain never to actualy remove anything that had already been there before he'd arrived. "Oooo, I don't know what to look at first! What do you want to see?"
  22. Unless something comes up that requiers new rules... and in addition to the already-existing rules from the Skylands and the server. Is there a particular reason why you need to ask this?
  23. I have an idea, guys, if Starburst gives permission... I present, the CANTERLOT HARDCORE SKYBLOCK CHALLENGE! Anyone interested can let me know. I will use my Awesome Mod Powers to create, for you, in the Skylands, a skyblock challenge. A teeny tiny floating island, far away from other islands, made of sand and dirt. This tiny teeny tiny island made of 74 dirt and 7 sand will contain: 1 sign designating it as yours. 1 tree. 1 chest, containing: 1 bucket of lava 2 ice blocks 1 sugarcane 1 cactus 1 red mushroom 1 brown mushroom 1 watermelon slice 1 pumpkin To start the challenge, you *must* have an empty inventory. As mod, I will teleport you to this island and set the time to morning. You are then left to build up this island to the best of your abilities. I won't bother with the normal skyblock challenges... Don't reconnect with any of the other main islands. When you die, you're done. The challenge is to not die, and see who can make the best skyblock island! If you want to work on the skyblock challenge as a team, i will put your skyblocks near to each other. Again, this if Starburst gives permission. Who's interested?
  24. Thank you very much, everypony! I'm so very flattered to be given this responsibility, and for all the compliments paid to me...
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