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Status Updates posted by Accellerant

  1. Would anyone here be interesting in participating in a "Weekly Sketch" thread where we all draw a weekly image and share our results? The point of the thread would be to not only learn how to draw ponies with one another but to also push beyond our current limitations.

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. ping111


      Sounds good. We used to have these series of Broken Telephone Pictionary, where we would take turns interpreting an image and sending our interpretations to someone else, who would draw it. But if we all knew what we were actually supposed to draw....

    3. Accellerant



      Pretty much, just replace themes with images and make it a weekly affair. At first we'd start off pretty slow, one pony with varying poses and sizes before moving onto more difficult images such as two ponies, three ponies, four ponies and several creatures, etc.


      I remember that, even though I only participated in one it was fun to do. We'll need to bring that back in due time ;)

    4. Accellerant


      Thank you everyone for your input, I'll have the thread created before tomorrow. ;)

  2. What if god really did burn down Equestria for insurance money?

    1. NeoExlucky
    2. Halide


      What if Satan is a huge fan of ice-skating so he turned all the ponies into the entire arctic continent for his summer vacation.

    3. Accellerant



      It's a youtube poop I watched not too long ago. Like many ytp's it was a miss for me :l


      Dear god, you may be onto something there. TO THE BAT CAVE!

  3. Push it to the limit!

    1. StarStorm
    2. Accellerant



  4. Bed, oh beloved friend, where would I be without you?

  5. ♫ Get the cool, get the cool shoeshine~♫

    1. TemplarFrost


      "Okay bring it down, yeah, we gonna break out!"

  6. Ah, it's you, the one from the other place!

    1. MisterG


      I'm from the other side!

  7. I see many faces here, more of new than of old, things have changed.

  8. Confound this Nutella! Why are you so good yet SO BAD for me?

  9. Have you ever taken the time to slow down and watch the midnight sky? It's more beautiful than I ever imagined.

  10. Confound it Jim, I'm a doodler, not a therapist!

  11. So hey, there's a Robot Unicorn Attack 2 available on iTunes.... WHY DO I STILL OWN A DUMB PHONE?! ;-;

  12. Lets go and push ourselves beyond the limits!

  13. Another year of school, another fresh start!

  14. Staff Emeritus eh? Well played Staff, well played ;)

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