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Status Replies posted by stormchaser1991

  1. Yeah we thought we were different as the night is from the day until Twilight sparkle helped us see another way. Anyone know that song?

  2. Today is a very great day it is my brirthday yay for me i am 23 today

  3. Ever had a time when you have a lot songs stuck in your head that don't together and you have this jumble of songs randomly playing your head?

  4. Today is a very great day it is my brirthday yay for me i am 23 today


  6. Yeah we thought we were different as the night is from the day until Twilight sparkle helped us see another way. Anyone know that song?


  8. Yay, I'm now 100% Derpy approved!

  9. I'm going to live in a hotel until i get a house -________-

  10. Yay, I'm now 100% Derpy approved!

  11. I'm going to live in a hotel until i get a house -________-

  12. Oooh, what a wonderful place!

  13. I have come to my third conclusion..... i am insane...

  14. Waiting For CC approved for Starwind

  15. I have come to my third conclusion..... i am insane...

  16. My name is Pinkie Pie, and I am here to say...

  17. My name is Pinkie Pie, and I am here to say...

  18. Wish to RP with CC's Princess Luna? Sign up via the RP interest Thread in the OOC section and talk about it! :D

  19. CANTERLOT CHRONICLES, your Princess of the Night hath arrived! :3

  20. True fact: Defenestration is the coolest word in the world! :P

  21. All hail the the the most loved Princess that is Princess Luna

  22. Does anybody feel like they can think clearer and focus better at night? Idk it's wierd.

  23. good afternoon

  24. Luna is best alicorn princess <3

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