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Everything posted by Monochrome

  1. Nao smiled as well. "Oh, yes, it's very fun!" she said cheerfully, but froze as she seemed to have a sudden realization. "Oh my, the eclipse will start soon! Follow Necro and I, we need to make final checks. Don't worry, we'll get you back to your world right after the festival." she added, a bit frantically.
  2. My new pony I got inspired to make while weeding has been approved! :P Sweet.

  3. Just finished weeding, which I've been doing for three days. I have a sunburn ON my sunburn, and my hands really hurt. D:

  4. Monochrome grinned and smoothed the bird's ruffled black feathers with her hoof. "I like birds too." she said cheerfully, pausing and seeming to take note of Tawny's unease. "No need to be afraid of Ivan. He may be big, but he's just a big softie." she added, searching the bird's feathers intently, seeming to be looking for something in particular. "I assume he brought Saunderson.... Ah! There he is." she mumbled, plucking a small orange and brown lizard from the raven's underwing feathers. "My leopard gecko, Saunderson." she explained to Tawny, holding out the brightly coloured little reptile, who had obviously lost his tail before, as it was pink, which was only as long as her hoof. "He's a bit feistier around new ponies, but he'll just make a funny little noise at you. Even if he did bite, he doesn't really have teeth anyways. Geckos eat soft little crickets and mealworms, so they don't need teeth."
  5. Marbles gazed blissfully at each stone, obviously taking in every aspect of each one. She turned to River, still grinning. "Hiya! I'm Dushty Marblesh, but you can jusht call me Marblesh. Who are you?" she said cheerfully, her gaze flitting about the room. For a moment, she seemed to forget she had asked a question, lost in the facets of different gems. She could hear her parents talking to the other older pony and chuckling as they watched her. Marbles suddenly turned to them, seeming to have a great idea. "Mama, Papa! Can I shtay here a while with, uh... What'sh-her-name? Or maybe bring her back with ush to shee my collecshun? Ooh! Or we could collect river shtones?" she gushed excitedly, her gaze never fixed on one thing for very long before glimpsing something else interesting.
  6. Creepalina sighed with relief as Ruby froze. She finished explaining to the creepers, punctuating the final hiss by pointing at the house. The creepers huddled together, seeming to be holding a council among themselves, then turned to the ponies, nodded, then turned to leave. However, Abundant Harvest staggered out of the forest and collapsed by the creepers, startling the one closest to him. "Run!" Creepalina shouted, grabbing the unconscious Abundant Harvest and lugging him to safety as the first startled creeper exploded, causing a chain reaction through the six creepers. And then there was silence.
  7. Awesome derp of a person. Was it you or somepony else who proclaimed me to be Flatland Derpy?
  8. Roleplay Type: FFA Name: Mirror Reflection Gender: Female Age: Filly Species: Unicorn Eye colour: Icy blue, left has a spiral pattern of darker blue in it that is somewhat hard to notice unless you look at it very closely Coat: Snow white Mane/Tail: short, light grey, curl up at the ends, has one streak of darker grey in her mane Physique: short, slim Residence: Her family tends to travel around, but she currently lives in Stalliongrad Occupation: Student, performer Cutie Mark: an ornate oval-shaped mirror with a shadowy figure reflected in it. This represents her talent for creating illusions with her magic that can make her appear and sound exactly like any other pony. Mirror Reflection was having a routine day, aside from it being her birthday. A performance every here and there during school, pranking the snobby fillies, enjoying all the little things in between. After recieving lovely birthday gifts from friends and family, Mirror Reflection was given a wonderful surprise by her parents. Her own circus act, all by herself! Mirror Reflection was extremely excited. Evening rolled around, and the show was about to start. Mirror was getting in a little last minute practice, looking at posters scattered around the tents at her family's circus and shifting the appearance of her face to match the faces of the ponies featured in the acts. It neared time. Mirror was hardly nervous; she was more excited for the chance to show off her skills to the crowd. It was soon her turn to go on. She boldly stepped into the ring, determined to impress the huge crowd of ponies before her. "Now, we will need a few volunteers from the audience for the mystical Mirror's performance!" her father announced proudly, choosing a few ponies from the audience to come down into the ring. They lined up in front of Mirror, three ponies in all. She went slowly and determinedly went down the line, altering her face to match each pony and gleefully taking in the "ooh"s and "ah"s and applause. Then, she reached the last pony. A pegasus filly a bit older than herself, vibrantly coloured, nothing too tricky for Mirror to copy. Mirror's horn glowed, an icy blue, once more, but something was different about this illusion that earned a louder round of applause from the audience; a full-body 'transformation', rather than only her face being altered. She took a bow and grinned widely as the crowd roared with amazed applause, then headed back to her dressing room. Upon taking off her black cape, she looked in a mirror and noticed something on her flank- her cutie mark had appeared! History: Mirror Reflection was born into a long line of assorted performers, mostly circus performers, given her name because she looked so much like her mother that it was like looking into a mirror. Ever since she was only a little foal, she had a mischievous nature and enjoyed trying to copy what other ponies around her did. Once she was older and grew into her magic, she began to perform little tricks involving altering how her face appeared with her illusions. She grew well known for it in her school, and was pretty popular. Her parents were delighted to discover her love of performing, and would occasionally feature her unique illusionary tricks in their smaller circus acts. Mirror Reflection loved being in the spotlight. She got along great with her parents, being an only child and bonding with her parents over performances, dinner, anything they could. They were well-off with their popular circus raking in all the money they needed. Mirror seemed to make it her job to become the town prankster everywhere they travelled, and was often successful in making herself known. Now, she still travels a lot with her family's circus, roaming Equestria. Character Summary: Mirror is a mischievous little filly and loves to trick others, all in good fun, of course. She is also very superstitous, and can be a bit paranoid of the local tales of monsters in new towns. She has grown very skillful in changing her appearance, although, if she changes to look like a pegasus or alicorn, she can not fly or walk on clouds. She dreams of becoming known all over Equestria and the lands beyond, perhaps as the star of her family's circus. She likes tricking ponies, being in the spotlight, scaly creatures, and strawberries; she, however, dislikes snobs, complete darkness, and ponies that don't get startled or scared easily, and has a fear of most things that have a large amount of superstition attached to them (black cats, etc.). Around others, she is usually quiet and often appears to be scheming, which some ponies may find unsettling. However, once you get to know her, she is a humorous pony who loves a good scare, and will scare off anypony who messes with her friends.
  9. Creepalina turned to the creepers and began to relay a series of different-pitched hisses, but was interrupted by a loud cry and Ruby barreling towards them. "Ruby, no!" Creepalina cried. "You're making them angrier! I can handle this! Leave them alone!" The creepers turned with furious hisses and advanced towards Ruby, with Creepalina trailing behind, pleading with them in their own language.
  10. So, okay... What's the order again? Couldn't find most of the names on the list.
  11. As Moonlite and Creepalina walked on, the house came into view. However, what came into view shortly after was a group of creepers blocking their path. Creepalina grinned. "Hi, guys!" she said. She frowned as she looked at them and listened closely to their hissing. "They're mad. They think you're on their turf, Moonlite. You see, creepers are travelers, and anywhere they happen to stop for the night is their temporary territory." she remarked.
  12. "Okay." Creepalina said cheerfully, trotting along. As it darkened, it seemed like the sounds of the monsters that struck fear into other ponies had no such effect on Creepalina, who seemed to be happy to hear them.
  13. Roleplay Type: World of Equestria Name: Mud Pie Gender: male Age: Younger colt Species: Pegasus Eye colour: leaf green Coat: light brown, always splashed with mud Mane/Tail: dark, earthy brown with grass green tips, very messy, mane hangs a bit in his eyes, usually as muddy as his coat if not muddier Physique: long legs, overall somewhat pudgy Residence: Trottingham Occupation: Student Cutie Mark: As of now, he's still a blank flank History: Mud Pie was born to hard-working, loving parents in Trottingham. Since he was first allowed to go outside, he had a love for getting dirty, and would often track mud into the house and refuse to get clean afterwards. His sister, Earthworm, had a similar love of dirt, but to a slightly smaller degree than Mud Pie. Mud Pie has never been terribly talkative, usually giving only gestures in response to questions and such unless he deemed it really important. He has a small friend group in school, but sometimes other ponies are a bit disgusted by the splatters of caked-on mud on his coat and mane; he appears to take little notice of this. Now, he is a playful colt who still loves to get dirty. He has now figured out a new skill, to the dismay of some others; he dumps mud into a cloud and creates his very own downpour of dirt by jumping up and down on the cloud. Luckily, his neighbors have learned to tolerate the occasional mudstorm coming down on their house and will simply laugh as the messy little colt frolics in the mess he's made. Character Summary: Mud Pie is a playful little colt with a certain degree of skill for most things that involve mud, like gardening, digging, etc. He doesn't currently have any particularly big goals; he's content with his home and a few big mud puddles, although, naturally, he's excited for the day he will get his cutie mark. He loves the outdoors, dirt, bugs, plants, and cake, but dislikes getting clean, ponies who talk WAY too much, sitting still for too long, and anywhere with a dignified, no-dirty-little-colts air to it. He is usually found doing something with mud, usually gardening or making his mudstorms. He doesn't talk much, but is much more social than most ponies take him to be. He is playful, energetic, and even a bit of a troublemaker sometimes. He isn't particularly comfortable with activities done sitting still, clean, and indoors, as he would rather be outside tending to a garden or splashing in the mud than being stuck inside. He thinks himself to be pretty fearless, but he will bolt under his bed at the first crack of thunder.
  14. Welcome! If you ever need some help or a roleplaying buddy, I'm always glad to help out!
  15. Welcome! If you ever need any help, or just somepony to rp with, I'd be glad to!
  16. Monochrome


    Welcome! If you ever need any help, I'm your pony!
  17. Welcome! Derpy, Pinkie, and Fluttershy are also my favorite ponies.
  18. Welcome! If you ever need any help or just somepony to rp with, I'd be glad to!
  19. Creepalina helped gather the things all that she could. They had nearly enough, she assumed, and looked up. "Yay! Almosssst nighttime!" she said cheerfully.
  20. "Yay!" Creepalina cheered, trotting on at a faster pace. "Will you need any of my exxxxploding for getting sssstuff here?" she asked as they approached their destination.
  21. Moonlite couldn't help noticing Creepalina's striking resemblance to a creeper, in both behavior and appearance. Creepalina walked along completely silently behind Moonlite, although having a tendency to let out a little hiss when getting near her, and would sometimes get stuck on ledges and other things. "That's niccce." Creepalina said with a smile, always drawing out the hiss of the "s" sound a bit. "Are we almossst there?"
  22. Sea Lily looked about. "They've been gone for a while. Hm." she remarked detachedly. "Eh... I suppose I could introduce you to some friends of mine, then?"
  23. Welcome! If you need any help, talk to me.
  24. Creepalina nodded. "Okay! I can do it.... Maybe two times every three hours. I won't explode again unless you tell me to, I got it!" she said with a grin, following Moonlite. "The creepers are my friends and family, are those ponies yours?" she asked, skipping along beside Moonlite.
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