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Everything posted by PyroBlaze

  1. "Yeah." Tehengu said simply, turning back to watch the battle. As much as he didn't like her attitude, Andrea was still a teammate, and he didn't want his teammates getting hurt. Her less so than the others, but still.
  2. Tehengu watched the fight impassively, examining how she fought. He wasn't really upset over Slash's decision, it gave him a chance to watch Andrea in action. He gave a grunt at Midnight's words, not giving a verbal response until a few seconds later. "One can only hope." He said, looking at her for a couple seconds before cracking a smile.
  3. Tehengu snorted at Andrea raising her hand. He supposed she could act the way she did and still have those traits. He looked over at Midnight as she didn't raise her hand, but he said nothing about it. Wasn't the place to talk about it. He looked back to the front as the professor told Slash to pick one of them. Honestly, he wouldn't mind if he picked Andrea. They were partners after all, even if she was a jerk.
  4. Tehengu looked back to the professor as he left Midnight to whatever it was that she was drawing now. He listened as the professor finished up his story, listing off some traits and asking who thought themselves to be the embodiment of those traits. He wasn't sure about the wise part, but the others sounded like they fit him. Especially the strategic part. He raised his hand enough to be seen, looking around and spotting Slash raising his hand as well.
  5. Tehengu gave a hum at Midnight's words, trying to think up a suggestion for her to go off of. It was proving more difficult than he thought it would though. Between the story being told and... Other distractions, he couldn't seem to think of anything for her. "I'm not really sure what you should draw, sorry." He said, looking at her. "Just draw what you want."
  6. Tehengu sighed slightly when Midnight finished and the professor was still telling a story about some Grimm hunt. Really, was he just trying to waste time? It certainly seemed that way. He looked back to Midnight's book as she began drawing strange symbols. Nothing he recognized. "Well, we're supposed to be learning about Grimm in this class. It doesn't seem like we'll be getting to that today." He replied, watching her draw some more.
  7. Tehengu gave a hum at Midnight's words, opting to watch her draw over watching the professor. He was still listening to the story, however. He watched as she worked on the moon, switching to a different color. She really was a great girl, and a great partner. She had been distant at first, but she was opening up to him, and she seemed to appreciate how he treated her, which was no different from how he treated anyone else, judge by actions and personality, not by appearance. Just because someone was different didn't mean they were lesser than you. Case in point, himself. Even with only one eye, he could outshoot pretty much every archer he'd ever met.
  8. Tehengu listened to the professor for a bit as he spoke, though it quickly became plain that this was a story, not a lesson. He sighed quietly at that before glancing over at Midnight as she worked on the image some more. He smiled slightly at that as he watched her work, still listening in on the professor's words. "You're a good artist." He said simply as he watched her work.
  9. Tehengu watched her reaction as she slid the book further over to herself. So it was hers after all, that was interesting. And she seemed quite embarrassed by the fact that he had seen it. Obviously she hadn't wanted to share this part of herself. He looked away just before she apologized, causing him to glance back at her. "Don't be. It's good to have interests outside of fighting." He said simply, watching the professor and listening to his words.
  10. Tehengu nodded as Midnight thanked him, taking out the book as well. He slid his own back over to himself as he looked down towards the front of the class, wondering when the class would actually start. He already had all his supplies out, the textbook as well as his notebook. He still had the book Midnight had given him to read earlier, though that was still in his bag out of sight for the moment. He looked down as he heard a book hit the ground, taking in the partially finished picture on the page the book had opened to. It was a good picture, and he had no doubt it would be even better once it was finished, if the rest of the work was any indication. He bent down, picking up the book and looking at it for another second or so before looking back over at Midnight, closing the book and sliding it over to her. "Is this yours? I think you dropped it." He said simply, watching her.
  11. Tehengu settled into the seat as he took out his books. Midnight... She was a good partner. He liked her. She may be kind of anti-social, but he didn't really mind. At least she seemed to talk to him. And she was a good fighter, very able in close combat. That was a good thing, as he was mostly ranged attacks, so they could take care of enemies at a variety of ranges. On top of all that, she even looked pretty good. He glanced over at her for a moment as she asked what class this was, sliding the book in question towards her so she could see the title. He really liked her, and it felt a bit strange, actually. "I believe it is this one, Midnight." He said, watching her as he showed her the book.
  12. Tehengu entered the classroom, looking between Slash and Midnight as the two sat in different parts of the classroom. After a second, he moved over to Midnight and sat next to her. She was his partner after all, he figured they might as well stick together.
  13. Tehengu looked at Midnight as she asked about dust. He knew where she was trying to go with that, and while he wouldn't mind putting Andrea in her place, he doubted revenge would be a good idea. That just tended to escalate the longer it went on. "No. I tend not to have any." He said simply after Slash spoke.
  14. Tehengu looked at Slash for a moment before he followed Midnight out the door, heading to class with his partner. There wasn't really anything to be said about the situation, so he simply walked in silence, wearing his typical armor and his weapon as he walked along.
  15. (well, I've got nothing to say. Tehengu is just waiting for the group to move off to class.)
  16. Pyro groaned slightly at the voice of the pony trying to wake him up. He opened his eyes to see a large crowd heading in his general direction. Indeed, there was a large horn that he could see over the heads of the ponies once he got up from his laying position on the ground. Why had he even been laying there? He stood fully as he watched the crowd, unsure of what he should be doing. The crowd was certainly loud, asking a variety of questions to Luna. He simply stood to the side so that he wasn't in the way of their little procession.
  17. Tehengu simply grunted at Midnight's awakening, not even looking over at her, but waving a hand towards Andrea, as he knew she had lightning dust. Of course, he hadn't seen it, but he doubted Slash would've done such a thing after trying to stop this sort of thing. When Slash talked about what time it was, he looked over at the clock then got his stuff together, standing ready as he waited for at least Midnight to get ready.
  18. When Tehengu finished in the bathroom, he opened the door forcefully, glaring at Andrea for a second from the doorway before walking over to his stuff, not saying anything to her. She was a jerk, and he was really starting to hate her.
  19. Tehengu grumbled some more, hearing Slash's words. It's her fault for trying to kick him out while he was using it. Placing the object down, but still leaving it in easy reach, he went back to getting ready, almost done by this point despite Andrea's interruptions.
  20. Tehengu grumbled to himself in the bathroom as he heard Andrea trying to get in again. Really, what was her problem? He was in here first. He grabbed a small object, ready to throw it if she tried to come in again.
  21. Tehengu looked over at Andrea in annoyance as she came back in. He sighed in annoyance before she jabbed him, giving him a bit of a shock. After recovering, he glared at her in anger, towering over her and grabbing her by the arm, roughly throwing her out of the room again. "Don't come in here again, or you're going to get much worse than that." He growled, slamming the door shut.
  22. Tehengu looked over at Andrea as she entered the bathroom. He stared her directly in the eye as she told him to get out. He remained like that for a second before going over to her and pushing her out of the room, closing the door before speaking. "Wait your turn." He said through the door before he went back to getting ready.
  23. "Morning." He whispered back simply, watching Midnight sleep for a second before getting up and heading into the bathroom to get ready for the day.
  24. Tehengu woke up slowly, staring at the ceiling as he heard someone enter the bathroom. That's fine, he could wait. He simply stayed in his bed, resting his eyes a bit more as he waited his turn.
  25. Tehengu caught the cookie thrown towards him, looking at Andrea for a second before shrugging and eating it. Food was food, and he highly doubted that there would be anything wrong with these cookies in particular when she had been eating the others without concern. Once that was done, he laid down in his bed and tried to get some sleep.
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