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Status Updates posted by ArrowWing

  1. I knew alicorns had seat belts!And you all thought I was crazy!

  2. So close.Yet so far.

  3. "Ever tried. Ever failed. No matter. Try Again. Fail again. Fail better." -Samuel Beckett;The part that sucks about this is that is doesn't say you'll succeed at one point...

    1. QuickLime


      Success isn't always easy, hard work and learning from the past are key steps in improving, success is never accepting failure.

  4. So close yet so far.Time,thou be a heartless idea.Translation:Why must I keep waiting for season four?!I can't wait anymore!

    1. Duskfall


      Yet, here we are. . . still waiting.

    2. QuickLime
    3. ArrowWing


      I won't make it,QuickLime.I'll probably die due to waiting. XD

  5. "Love all,trust a few,do wrong to none." -William Shakespeare

  6. Getting so close to the next season,the wait is practically killing me!

    1. tacobob


      Almost one week to go! (9 days..)

  7. Google defines monster as "an imaginary creature that is typically large, ugly, and frightening".It's stereotypes like this that gives the word monster such a hideous appearance.I guess some people need to see real monsters to truly understand.

    1. tacobob


      The imaginary ones are more fun. Cause they're imaginary. Not like that large spider that's about to fall on your head!

  8. Huge season four spoiler!There's gonna be ponies...I never said it was a good spoiler.

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. ArrowWing


      What!?Now you guys are messing with me! XD

    3. Sailu


      nah dood its all true google reading ponies and pics of somepony named "twilight sparkle" will pop up

    4. ArrowWing


      This is so beautiful. XD

  9. Happy Nightmare Night to all of my follow bronies.

    1. Sailu


      happy day after~ :)

  10. Candy Box 2?It's probably another dumb game.-3 hours later- Yus!Give me all the lollipops!

    1. Sailu


      haha sounds like someone has an addiction problem LOL jk

  11. Gonna be a rough day tomorrow,first day back from school.

  12. Tread lightly,Knock-Knock players,your choices are the difference between a happy ending and a nightmare,sanity and insanity.

  13. Fall Break has started!Let the ponies and Indie horror games pour right in.

  14. Too much work.Just need a little time to relax...

  15. 29 days until Halloween,I just can't wait!

  16. Away for a few days and rewarded a few days and is rewarded with a bunch of news to look through for the night.

  17. I'm so excited about the MLP dog tags that just came out.I can't wait to get one!

  18. I'm reading "Cupcakes" and nopony can stop me! XD

    1. tacobob
    2. ArrowWing


      I wish somepony stopped me...XD

    3. tacobob


      Next you'll be reading Rainbow Factory..

  19. Pretty good day,been meeting new people and relaxing.I do feel terrible for my friend,hid dad was killed this morning while out on the job(he was a cop).I do hope I see him soon so I can comfort him,he didn't go to school today...I hope I see him next week.

    1. ArrowWing


      Sorry about the spelling error.

  20. Some guy I sit by in biology barked a few things at me when he saw my new MLP wristband and on the bus,I had to sit on the floor by the emergency exit because a few people refused to let me sit because of their poor and fake excuses.Life get too hard sometimes when other make you feel like the motto "love and tolerate" a waste of time,but I'll keep trying to stay by it...

    1. LeCountryBrony


      wow some people.....that's all I got to say lol

    2. ArrowWing


      Yeah,but you just gotta keep being positive,right?

    3. LeCountryBrony
  21. Hold back on the Gala!I need another week to send an application for WOE.Wait a little bit.I can't work under pressure.So,just move back a little,ok?Ok,good,glad we had this talk.And all of that just went on in my head,didn't it?

  22. Thinking about changing my profile pic.I like it a lot,but it might give people the first-impression that I'm one of those depressed people.

  23. After a few days on here,I'm getting more comfortable with the change of place. I've gotten most of the basics down.I guess the noobiness is wearing off.

    1. Duskfall
    2. NeoExlucky


      I told you! I told you, you wouldn't be a forever-noob!

    3. ArrowWing


      Yes,indeed.It's nice to feel comfortable.

  24. Feeling like a noob

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. ArrowWing


      I really hope I don't get stuck as one like you then. XD

    3. NeoExlucky


      There you go! That's the spirit!

    4. ArrowWing
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