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Everything posted by Total-Tortilla

  1. You're moving with your auntie and uncle in Bel-Air
  2. Well, I'm beating you now. Also yey thanks for listening
  3. Well, I decided to give it an honest shot and played a couple of rounds on the beta. Below are my opinions on it.
  4. One of my favorite memes has some great relevance to my childhood. I used to watch Freakazoid all the time as a kid, so of course Candlejack ranks up th
  5. Oh I see you all seem to be a bit busy I'll just leave this here. Kthxbai. http://www.reverbnation.com/play_now/song_10407090
  6. Chilling out and listening to my bands single non-stop. I know it sounds narcissistic, but AAAH WE SOUND SO GOOOOOD

  7. Disregard Universe, acquire Fallout 3: GOTY Edition. These are my only instructions for you.
  8. Brony-Vas-Normandy, I'mma let you finish.... Actually no, I'm not. My thread now.
  9. Oh lawd there was a new one, now I have to scour the entire internet for a stream.
  10. I used to be a TF2 addict. Then there were hats.
  11. Hnngh Adventure Time I devote this post to you guys.
  12. I haven't gotten any official plans so far, but I've at least gotten my costume figured out. If you've watched the Fionna and Cake episode of Adventure Time, keep your eyes open for the dude version of Marceline. That's gon' be me. All I have to do is dye my hair black and lose a few pounds. Not a problem!
  13. Then get in the kitchen I dunno Just stop it, I wanna win.
  14. I have just two recommendations at the moment. First one, I'm not sure whether or not it's popular. Regardless, it's called Being John Malkovich. This sent me on quite a mind-trip and gets a bit confusing if you don't pay attention, but if you're looking for a good movie that will mess with your head, give it a shot. It's rated R, so put the kiddies to bed, folks! Secondly, here's for people who need a good laugh. One of my favorite movies of all time, Mystery Team. The boys behind DerrickComedy on YouTube put together a feature length film about a group of teenagers who have been solving neighborhood crimes since they were 11 years old. The dialogue is hilarious and the jokes are spot on (which is common-practice for DerrickComedy), and should be seen by anyone in need of some humor. Once again, rated R, so don't let the folks find out!
  15. I can't say that I am with a straight face. I mostly blame Call of Duty for this, but the modern FPS is just kind of dead to me. Sure, there are things that will pop up and catch my eye like Deus Ex and Syndicate, but overall, they seem to be running on the cut-and-dry formula that Call of Duty put center-stage with Modern Warfare, and now everything and everyone is trying to be just like that. It's just making things less fun for me. Though between the two, I'll pick Battlefield any day. Haggard and Sweetwater are hands down the funniest characters in any FPS game I can remember.
  16. Yes, we could continue playing this game, and attempting to take control of this thread... But I'm afraid that anyone who posts after me... Is lame.
  17. Fair enough. I guess I'll have to pull shameless self-plugs in other threads. Thanks for the info though!
  18. So I've noticed these pop up, and, while feeling stupid for it, I have to ask. Are these solely for Pony related projects, or does anything go? I'd love to post some of my stuff, but I'm afraid it's sparsely Pony related.
  19. FiM needs to come out faster. It's too awesome to keep from us for long.
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