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Zephyr Breeze

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Everything posted by Zephyr Breeze

  1. Wasted time in the lovely city of London Davroth?
  2. I missed it as well, but provided great music as a thought for those who had danced to show my regret.
  3. Good morning to all you folk as well. How is this morrow finding you gents and ladies?
  4. Or in summary: "ADVENTURE! It's the best pick me up."
  5. Behold. A David Bowie song that you can slow dance to. I am ze wizard of duh muzikz guiz.
  6. *glances at beat up dress shoes* I suppose these would terrible to try and dance about in, though they may be waltz acceptable. Also: http://youtu.be/glO9huHQegQ I figured I add a bit more 'waltz appropriate' music.
  7. Possibly. He is an immortal vampire that has spanned the length of all time you know.
  8. I would watch those, but my roommate would kill me and headphones won't do them justice.
  9. *dodges the massive beam of terror* Oh. I guess that's a typical day here then.
  10. This drawing is absolutely gorgeous Poseida. Her facial expression definitely convey's a great deal of what you are feeling, especially when paired with 'Into the Ocean' (I lvoe that song so much). Reading your description of the image I can do little more than wish you well and hope your situation improves. Your art is fantastic and I'm very proud to be a part of a community that you feel is worth coming to even in times of pain, even if it's only for little things such as the posting of art. I hope the coming days go well for you.
  11. *Jumps behind Noah to hide, in the most masculine way of course.* Also, hey Noah, haven't talked to you in like... 6 months?
  12. A key as a high school graduation gift. I still haven't been informed what it goes to and I don't get to know until I finish college... 1) My favorite color is blue. 2) I was the tallest kid in my class until sixth grade, then I became average. 3) I've always wanted to be able to fly, with out machinery or tools, no matter how painful it would be to get to the point where it was possible. What is your earliest memory?
  13. *barely manages to escape the blast* OH LAWD.
  14. I was orginally going to post a random thing, but then I realized this has become a chat thread of it's own, just with victory attached to it. So hi everypony.
  15. OOO! I'm up to RP if I can. I'd have to see if I can make it work though, both of my lovely char's have back stories that kind leave them rooted at home.
  16. Yay! Thank you very much Brian! D'aww. Thank you. I admittedly pulled from numerous sources other than my own mind as I was shaping the character, so I think that helped her come out much more well rounded. Also, I must thank you again for your suggestions. Your feedback has been invaluable.
  17. Pulled an all nighter but made a new friend... Totally worth it.

  18. Hey Glitchy. First off, welcome to Canterlot. It's awesome to see another person join this community. Secondly you'll probably want to post a random 'WELCOME!' message in another thread here so you're up to that magic number of three posts and can post wherever the spirit moves you to post on the forum. And finally, the app form is located in this little section here: http://www.canterlot...0-applications/ with the actual app if you need it here: http://www.canterlot...plication-form/. If you want to turn in the app, just make a new topic in the applications section and post it there. Take a minute to read the rules if you haven't already, it'll save you a lot of grief in the long run. Have fun pegasister.
  19. This is awesome. In fact, this is more than awesome. I commend you for the ability to ponify on the fly good sir.
  20. EDIT: Ammended Lily's success rate (just a simple way to put it). This I actually have an answer to. Venus Gleam was talented, yes. Her talent came from long years of practice and trial and error. Venus' natural talent however was actually gardening and the the growth of the reagents. Lily is the opposite, while she has a difficult growing the reagents for the store's products and ends up gathering most of them instead, she is naturally adept at the mixing and creation of the blends and remedies themselves. She's been able to strengthen the effects of the outcomes somewhat, little tweaks to recipes here and there, and some ponies have taken notice. You are right, however, in the respect that I may have made the effect too immediate. Hopefully the edit eliminates the feeling of suddenness that the success had before by placing it as a clearly attainable future.
  21. Ach! Yes I would like to keep this character. In fact: EDIT: Character Summary expanded and edited to include Lily's relationship with her Grandfather. App changed to final. Again, all critique is welcome and wanted.
  22. I like that idea very much Bramble Rose. I'm not quite sure how to exactly maneuver him into the back story. Part of the what I imagined the problem in Lily and her grandmother's relationship was they had constant contact with each other with no mediator to help them get along or calm her down. The Grandfather would probably end up serving this role if he was constantly present, I'll try to think of a way though, the idea is a great one. I may possibly have him be ill but still quite sound. This way Lily maintains her degrees of independence but also gains a mentor figure who could educate her and teach her her grandmother's art after Venus passed on.
  23. Almost done with my essay. Thank Celestia.

  24. Excuse me while I squee. This is absolutely fantastic Astalakio!
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