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Everything posted by Davroth

  1. From the album: [b] OC-related stuff

    A header image for one of my OCs
  2. Nevermind, back to testing.

    1. Appliance


      You're an evil enchantress and you do evil dances!

    2. Davroth


      *turns to Apps*

      Oh, what do we have here? A new test subject?

  3. "Well, I made an interesting discovery in my homeland." he began, his voice full of excitement. "Wall carvings unlike any I've ever seen. I theorize that it might be a traces of a yet unknown civilisation." He loved talking about his work, "And then there is that bronze object I found when I was a filly. I try to proof that it's all connected." He had to pick up speed to keep up with her, as they made their way through the woodwork. They were getting closer to the first spring. "As for why I'm on my way to Canterlot, I heard from the travelling merchants around the desert that there are extensive libraries in Canterlot, and I want to ask permission to search for similarities to my findings in there and probably exchange some knowledge." It occurred to him that not everypony would find that as interesting as he did. He added: "But I probably bore you with that, we should reach the first spring soon."
  4. Well that leave the question.. no wait. It doesn't, huh.. Anyway welcome to Canterlot. It's save here.
  5. gah, 25 years. Why do I feel so old sometime? D:

    1. Appliance






    2. Captain Obvious

      Captain Obvious

      Don't worry, a brony is never too old!

      Happy birthday!

    3. Davroth


      Why thank you two :D

  6. "Great! This will make things a lot easier." Seeker said, happily. He put his sattlebags on his back, fastening the straps. "It's a good thing, too. Blacky has never been alone in the wilderness, and I'm not sure if he can find food all by himself." he said, "There!" Seeker finished packing, and stood up straight. He felt revitalized by the thought that he might be able to find his dog this night. "Looks like that's all. Let's make our way to the nearest spring." he said, beginning to trot is it's direction. Then, in a probably ill-advised attempt to make light conversation, he began: "So you said you live in Canterlot? That's where I was heading, before all this."
  7. @Whitehawke: Well, she might be a princess. They start out young at some point, too, I'd imagine.
  8. I finally got around reading "Final Watch" by Sergey Lukyanenko. It's the final installment in the "Night Watch" quadrology, and it's great so far.
  9. Hey, I was wondering of there was a way to do what's described here (link) on this board. I suspect it might be possible with the normal media code, but I don't know how to format the size in that. Thanks in advance.
  10. This was epic. Twilight's mental breakdown was long overdue, so I'm very pleased with this one.
  11. Gotta be honest, the season premier was a mixed bag for me, but this episode reinstates my trust in the show. Second season all the way. Rarity: "What a drama queen." Others: "..." Rarity: "Relatively speaking.." Twilight scares the chicken!! D:
  12. 32: Stalking equals love 33: One of the zombies is always still alive, no matter how many bullets you pumped into them 34: Your past always catches up to you at the worst of times
  13. Nice looking application you got here. One thing, though, I think you should expand the cutie mark story a little. How a pony getting his/her cutie mark is the defining moment in his/her life, and for my taste, yours is a bit short, and doesn't really explain why exactly it's a compass.
  14. His head in one of the bags, Seeker gave this some thought. 'The Royal Equestrian Army' he thought, 'she says it like these words carry a lot of weight.' He emerged from the bag, using an illumination spell to light the clearing. "I lost my dog, Blacky, somewhere here in the woods." he said calmly, "We have never been separated for that long, and I'm afraid something happened.." His voice trembled a little now, and the glow his horn emitted flickered for a moment. He quickly composed himself, though. "Anyway, I was planning on camp here for the night and continue the search tomorrow, but with wings, you, Miss Radiant Steel, would be able to cover ground far quicker then me on hoof." He unfolded a map of the Whitetail Woods in front of her. "From all I know, we are here now" he pointed at a location close to the mountain range. "Now, I'm sure that he will be somewhere close to a water source, and there are natural springs here, here and here." he said, pointing to different locations. "It's the best lead I've got, I'm afraid." he said meekly.
  15. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EEYyjVuk5M8&feature=related
  16. "Oh, my parents are desert nomad. Me? not so much anymore. I left the caravans years ago." he said, conversationally. He wasn't really used to the concept of ulterior motives, and thought he would try his hoofs at some "small talk", which the ponies of the Heartland were so fond of. That, he didn't quite understood, either. "And I can't help but notice that you still failed to introduce yourself." he added, with a smile. "As for why I am here, in the midst of night, deep in the Whitetail Forest.. No, I'm sure you have enough on your hooves already, with your thief. No need to burden you with my worries." Seeker turned to his bags, rummaging around in search for something he could make fire with.
  17. Davroth


    I'm studying stage design, for theater, which I like a lot. The only jobs I ever had were: 1) Assembly of bicycle monitoring devices (which was alright, but miserably paid) 2) Packaging DVDs and CDs (which was HELL!! and not well paid, either)
  18. This change of tone hit Seeker by surprise. He relaxed even further, mustering the Pegasus in the light of the rising moon. She couldn't hide her embarrassment, which put him in a more appeased frame of mind. "No, Miss, you are the first pony I met since I left Ponyville." he began, removing his goggles with his telekinesis, "But allow me to introduce myself. I am Seeker, of the desert nomads." he lowered his head, as it was custom in among the desert dwellers. Raising his head again, he said: "And any other day I would have been glad to assist you," he placed the goggles back around his neck, "but there is a more pressing matter on my mind right now."
  19. Seeker relaxed a little. "Do you propose that I carried all that and whatever I supposedly stole here, just to camp here, in plain sight, while fleeing from a Pegasus?" he said, and raised his head slightly, pointing into the direction of a nearby tree, where he had placed his saddlebags earlier. They were filled with food, some maps and his few personal belongings, the bronze object he had found as a child, his assorted tools, and an old photography of his parents. "You can check the bags if you like" he said, "I've got nothing to hide."
  20. "Oh, you know, do you?" Seeker said, and he couldn't hide the sneer in his voice. "Where is your proof?" This was not a good situation. Seeker was used to protect himself from wild animals, but this time, he couldn't rely on Blacky to back him up, and he had never fought anypony. If it would come to a fight, he would probably loose. One the plus side, the pegasus probably wasn't used to fight ponies that fight animals, either. He didn't thought that far at the moment, though. He was far too furious for that. 'The audacity,' he thought, 'calling me a thief, threatening me.' "So? I'm waiting!" he said, tensing his muscles, just in case.
  21. Hey, so, I was wondering if there are Mane RP OCs around that have a theatrical or opera background, because I'm thinking about applying for an OC with such a background. But there is really no point to it if he's the only one, because there is no one man theater. I might do it anyway, maybe to make the idea more approachable for others, but right now I'm just wondering if that's an interesting idea for anyone else but me.
  22. That was just too much for Seeker. The last hour had been very frustrating for him. And now he was getting accused of something? In the middle of the woods? 'I wont stand for this!' he thought, taking a defiant pose. "I don't know what you are talking about! Who are you anyway?" he said calmly, but inside he was furious. Seeker buried his hoofs into the ground. He had fought off various creatures while he traveled the wilderness.'And I'm not about to be intimidated by a sole Pegasus.' he thought.
  23. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yzGE-5CInjg Diversion!!
  25. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ggj-tKlPtdw&feature=results_video&playnext=1&list=PL216AC8864FEBD90B Child Marceline, why are you so adorable? D:
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