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Status Replies posted by SongHeart

  1. That feeling when Minecraft makes your laptop overheat. Horseapples.

  2. That feeling when Minecraft makes your laptop overheat. Horseapples.

  3. The Canterlot Events Team is taking a break after several great RP events. What kind of events would you like to see next?

  4. The Canterlot Events Team is taking a break after several great RP events. What kind of events would you like to see next?

  5. The Canterlot Events Team is taking a break after several great RP events. What kind of events would you like to see next?

  6. Another boring day for narwhalia

  7. The Canterlot Events Team is taking a break after several great RP events. What kind of events would you like to see next?

  8. The Canterlot Events Team is taking a break after several great RP events. What kind of events would you like to see next?

  9. Ten thousand ponies stand alone...

  10. Slowly catching up to all my RPs..Slowly....Tapity. Tap.

  11. EVERYPONY DO THE FLOP! *falls on face on purpose* i think i broke my glasses.....

  12. Twilight Sparkle X Shining Armor. :3

  13. Ten thousand ponies stand alone...

  14. Ten thousand ponies stand alone...

  15. I'm seriously starting to wonder the point of these snow days now...all week it's been a snow day...

  16. Weather in England... Oh, why must you suck. You're flooding our homes, and you're not snowing at all. You know, you're not very nice, English weather. I shall punch you.

  17. As a Swede it just occurred to me: America has stolen our winter! =O

  18. (Sighs)....my 2014 has not gone to plan. I got a knock on the door on Tuesday night from the local police telling me that my grandma has taken a turn for the worst and to make arrangements to say goodbye. I really don't want to travel back up to Queensland a second time, but I'm worried like Rarity at the moment.

  19. Has the day of speaking in tongues finally arrived? It's Babel all over again!

  20. Has the day of speaking in tongues finally arrived? It's Babel all over again!

  21. Has the day of speaking in tongues finally arrived? It's Babel all over again!

  22. Has the day of speaking in tongues finally arrived? It's Babel all over again!

  23. mhmsjaosjfdfjsofj >.<

  24. mhmsjaosjfdfjsofj >.<

  25. mhmsjaosjfdfjsofj >.<

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