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Status Replies posted by SongHeart

  1. lol!!!! My cousin is sleep talking and she said "I'm a fat baby monkey with Nutella hair. ...." XD!!!!!!

  2. I didn't come to fight or argue,all I wanted was to see your existence for only a moment.My world is falling apart,but if only I can hear that you are doing good,that'd make the destruction more bearable.Just tell me something that'll prove I did the right thing.

  3. I didn't come to fight or argue,all I wanted was to see your existence for only a moment.My world is falling apart,but if only I can hear that you are doing good,that'd make the destruction more bearable.Just tell me something that'll prove I did the right thing.

  4. I didn't come to fight or argue,all I wanted was to see your existence for only a moment.My world is falling apart,but if only I can hear that you are doing good,that'd make the destruction more bearable.Just tell me something that'll prove I did the right thing.

  5. Got the Elements of Harmony reference guide AND the Figure collectors guide =D it's a pony christmas

  6. Looking for some players :3

  7. If you ask me, the Hub is pretty lucky to have MLP. Most of the other shows are pretty terrible.

  8. If you ask me, the Hub is pretty lucky to have MLP. Most of the other shows are pretty terrible.

  9. If you ask me, the Hub is pretty lucky to have MLP. Most of the other shows are pretty terrible.

  10. Merry Christmas/Happy Hearth's Warming everypony! Lots of love to you all.

  11. is it sad when your little cousin aces the moron test but you fail? (she's 5)


  13. time to stay up all night waiting for sleigh bells and get mom and dad up 5 after 1. XD

  14. víspera de Navidad feliz!!

  15. That feel when the holiday repels me from fam instead of exciting me for them.

  16. Tis be Christmas eve, I shall stay up all night! and bug my parents to get up really early in the morning. Like I've done so many years XD

  17. Heyo mayo, it's Flower8648 :P

  18. Heyo mayo, it's Flower8648 :P

  19. Powerpuff girls is getting a reboot? What?

  20. ever had a stupid idea for a fan fic (this one isn't MLP) but you like it anyway? ARGH

  21. ever had a stupid idea for a fan fic (this one isn't MLP) but you like it anyway? ARGH

  22. ever had a stupid idea for a fan fic (this one isn't MLP) but you like it anyway? ARGH

  23. Like 2 days ago, Indiana was covered in snow, now it's 60 degress. I don't even...

  24. do you have to have more posts before you can post in the amphitheater? it won't let me post.

  25. do you have to have more posts before you can post in the amphitheater? it won't let me post.

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