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Status Updates posted by XanXeto

  1. Fun day with my GF. Did a doctor who marathon with her, and had pizza. Great time.

    1. CaptainMcDerp


      Doctor Who marathons are always fun :D

  2. Funny, I haven't finished Cloud Burst's profile yet, but I'm already thinking of two more characters to make. >.< Minds, how do they work?

  3. Heavy: You! Yes you! You are DED!

  4. I begin the think; then I remember, "I'm not in school right now. Need to save them brain cells."

    1. DerpRavener


      No! Never stop the think! ALWAYS THINKING!

  5. I have an idea of a new rp, but this one needs to aged to perfection (So to speak). In the mean time, I'ma reopen one of my older rps.

    1. XanXeto


      Maybe Mares of Tomorrow? (Hopefully the story sticks this time.)

    2. DerpRavener


      I never fully got that one to be honest. I mean, I understood the setting well enough, aside from a couple things I found unnecessary, but I could never figure out what the driving conflict was.

  6. I have returned from the land of 'Not-being-on-here-that-much'!

    1. stormchaser1991


      welcome back. How was your trip?

    2. XanXeto


      Eh, boring. Glad to be back.

  7. I really hate not being here as often as I wanted to of been. Sorry guys for not being able to continue the rp.

    1. SongHeart


      It's fine. Know When you'll be back?

  8. I think life is trying to tell me something. Something along the lines of "Your fun days are coming to an end" and "Hahahahahaha!

  9. I'm thinking I'm going to start a Trollestia forum in the spam stable and post different pictures in responce to other ponies that come in and... do whatever.

  10. Is it my yacht or yours?

  11. Is it tomorrow yet, is it tomorrow yet, screw today, is it tomorrow yet? I want my Destiny Beta Key now!

    1. stormchaser1991
    2. XanXeto


      Sad news, I have to wait till the 23rd. :( Stupid misinformation!

  12. It's been a very long winter... full of surprises. Not all of them were... good, sadly.

  13. Lets try one more time with the CC profile.

  14. Looks like I have to put down some MAJOR guide lines for my rp *Sigh*

  15. New character, no name, two chapters to his background story already... sad how my mind works. >.<

    1. XanXeto


      Oh yeah, he'll be Equestria's 'Corvo'


    1. DerpyHoovesFan


      Aaand, it's April 2nd morning and nopony left any comment until now.

  17. Pinkamena: Oh Rainbow DAAAAASH! R.D: NOOOOOOO!!! (Sorry, had MLP: SCP Containment Breach in my head. Awesome wall paper btw.)

  18. Pinkie Pie, if I can have the rope please! *Is handed the rope. Pulls on it as a massive red curtain falls down behind me, revealing a neon sign that says 'Happy Birthday Xan!!!'* YES!!!

  19. Pinkie Pie, meet your match! SCP-294 doesn't break the fourth wall... it dispenses a cup of it!... then the main character breaks the fourth wall.

  20. Playing Diablo 3 as the Demon Hunter: *Gets the quick arrow ability* Cool, I'll be able to shoot two or three arrows at once. *Right clicks, the bow becomes a chaingun basically and continually shots arrows* What the--?!

  21. Question: How many of you can legit say you put Luna on 'a' moon... I can.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. XanXeto


      I can show this though.


      It's Starbound with the Pony Modpack installed.

    3. DreamySunday
    4. XanXeto


      "can you breath in space?" - #prismaticsnacks2015

  22. Reboot in progress... 0%... 50%... 100%: I Have Returned.

  23. sickness strikes again. >.<

  24. So instead of working on the new app I have up, what have I been doing today? ...No, seriously, what have I been doing today?

  25. So, I had a friend on Steam request for me to record myself reading a story just so she can hear the story in my voice. o.o

    1. Parker_Izing


      hope it wasn't war and peace...

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