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RP Certified
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About TwoBits

  • Birthday 11/21/1993

RP Characters

  • Character 3
    Crystal Clear
  • Character 2
    Tripp Hardy
  • Main Character

Profile Information

  • Interests
    RP, comic drawing, archery, gaming, writing (fanfiction)
  • Gender

Role Play Information

Contact Methods

  • DeviantArt

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683 profile views

TwoBits's Achievements

Crazy Oatmeal

Crazy Oatmeal (4/9)



  1. Oh GOODNESS, Yuri, are your eyes alright there? If you'll excuse me I'll be over here giggling like an idiot.
  2. Aside from RWBY most of my TV time includes catching up on stuff, usually The Simpsons or Supernatural. Sometimes I also end up watching Community or Parks and Rec with some buddies, but I must be a softy because at times the secondhand embarrassment for the characters in P&C has been enough to actually make me leave the room. ^^;
  3. TwoBits


    Well truth be told, I had help from a felt tip pen and one of those pencil blending stump thingies. Trust me, my art skills are not so awesome as to let a picture stay decent without those things. ^^; But yeah, the wings were pretty fun to work out! Even if I did...struggle a little, with the outer feathers.
  4. TwoBits


    Ah, yes--the Disapproving Inkbrand. ಠ_ಠ
  5. TwoBits

    Bits' OC art

    Pretty straightforward--practice sketches, OC concepts, character moments, and maybe even some RP "snapshots" will go here.
  6. …okay, so it turns out that drawing ponies IS fairly simple, and yet…somehow trickier than I expected. >_>

  7. Ah, the joys of Colorado: where no matter the time of year, the weather ponies can give you sun and warmth one day, and frigid sleet and snow the next.

  8. Computer's dead, and so is boyfriend's...clunky phone posting, commence!

  9. Ahh, such soft glowy colors! 0A0 She just looks so RADIANT.
  10. TwoBits

    Me Gusta

  11. ...someday I'll have a working computer again and have the means to do RP stuff more easily. *sigh*

  12. Granted, it's all school cafeteria grade and tasting quite rubbery and stale at this point. I wish for a Fire Ruby.
  13. *obligatory post-hiatus status bump*

  14. Granted. You now share a very small house with twenty-six other, VERY messy cats. I wish to be a god.
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