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Status Updates posted by Firehawk

  1. I would think this would be my holy grail of holidays, but playing pranks are a year-round thing. Plus courtroom security sole my keychain, nothing funny about that :(

  2. I'm realizing that coming up with a pony name is not easy for me

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. QuickLime
    3. tacobob


      Er. Cloud Cruncher...

    4. Firehawk


      While thinking about both of those suggestions, I thought Sundrop or Cloudburst sounded pretty cool. Thanks you two!

  3. If ponies have scooters, they should have skateboards and such right? May make a professional cloud surfer unicorn tha drops from hot air balloons...

    1. leapman


      Hmm.. Interesting Concept.

  4. Two ideas for first character: either a fancy aquarium architect or a chronicler or rare species (monsters mostly).

  5. I have no idea what to make for my first character..

    1. SteelEagle


      Endless possibilities!

    2. Lux


      I find the easiest thing you can do for a first character is to make a ponysona. That is what you would look like and how you would act if you were a pony. Kind of a "What would you do?" idea.

  6. What is this, I don't even...

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