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Status Updates posted by pizzamovies

  1. Checking back. Sad MLP is over. Hope I can stay friends with you guys long after! 

  2. Back again after 3 years. I’ve missed...so much. I’m sorry to those I never replied to or never gave closure. I’m so sorry. 

    1. SteelEagle


      Welcome back, sugarcube.

  3. Back after two years...wow things have changed 

  4. my friends summary for rarity after becoming a brony and watching the episode bridal shower : "when sexy becomesd anoyying"

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. pizzamovies
    3. pizzamovies


      wron name bridal gossip was what it was called oops

    4. Blueblood


      "Bridle" Spelling is important in this case.

  5. now question for evrypony...who is better...wooden toaster or the living tombstone?

    1. Lux


      Wooden Toaster hasn't done much recently. He was one of my first brony musicians I listened to. Still I like Living Tombstone better as he is making more songs.

    2. InSaNiTyCaT


      God what a hard choice! I like both sooo much!

  6. I can't believe it...MLP has really taught me something, a true true friend helps a friend in need....my dad and mom got into a fight and it was ugly...I intervened and my dad took my iPod and threw it at the wall snapping it in half almost....I tell my friend the next day and the first thing he does is pull out his old iPod nano and gives it too me...a true true friend does help a friend in need....

  7. went to friggan walgreens and bought all of the mane six plushies so im feeling hype right now

  8. got an art live stream up on another site known as Derpiboru..i do requests whenever im on and howdy evrypony!

  9. last day of school and a small meeting of fellow fans at kfc..it will be a good day

  10. playing World Of WARCRAFT!!!!!

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Harv0kz


      ^ This I'd like to know.

    3. Halide


      Also your choice of profile image is unsettling. You do know what that's from, right?

    4. pizzamovies


      1: its a fun game

      2: its entertaining

      3: i got it for free

      4: the story line is gripping and awsome

      5: yes i know my picture is foalacon and i am not a clopper so dont get any ideas :)

  11. watched a funny video of four guys cosplaying as WW2 soldiers in the woods and about halfway through a random guy dressed in a Rainbow dash costume comes out of the woods, they all freaked out and ran it was the best thing i have ever watched

  12. its good to be back, learned how to draw basic and advance pony bodys, and hope evryone else is staying frosty

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