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Everything posted by lordbrony

  1. Miro converter didnt install properly on my PC (its really old) so no luck there will try Zarx264gui and the CCCP codecs later
  2. "Other unicorn?" said Telki in the most sugary and apologetic tone she could muster. "Erm I was just seeking shelter when your friend pointed a weapon at me and..." She was about to finish, when she heard somepony yell about airbone pepper spray and the arid smell stung her nostrils She threw her hooves in front of her eyes, turned away from the source and partially buried one side of her face in the dirt. Hoping that this gesture would both protect her from the spray and defuse the anger of the other pony on top of her
  3. Trollestia is the best queen ever
  4. not really, especally the patriotic ones TPBM likes photography as an art form
  5. errr... its ok TBPH thinks I'm mean for saying this
  6. Yes the element of office...its very useful I control the spam stables!!!!!!
  7. despite them gimping your groove by making spam stable posts not count, you're still here, undeterred
  8. Only in the "Last Post Wins" thread TPBM felt sick after eating something today
  9. Form Related [Emotionally Removed Brony] Never complain about the quality/writing/script of any episode for an entire season On my way RP Related Mask Breaker: Make Cheerilee act in a way unbecoming of a teacher and role model The Fun is Insufficient: Make Cheerilee prioritize fun and games over book learning Oh My Celestia, He Speaks!: Cause LightWind to use more than 7 words in a single sentence Beat the Pro: Out-negociate Telki Cutting the Puppet Strings: Cause TelKi to drop something she's carrying telekinetically by breaking her concentration (awarded to Davroth)
  10. ha! Havent gone for a long long while TPBM loves going to the movies
  11. somewhat, though they are pretty dull TPBM hates shipping fics
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