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Brighteyes [Final]

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Roleplay Type: World of Equestria

Name: Bright Ideas (he goes by Brighteyes)

Sex: Male

Age:A young stallion

Species: Earth Ponies

Eye Color: Amber (wears glasses)

Coat Color: Light Brown

Mane/Tail/Markings Color & Style: Brown, messy, and kinda curly

Physique: Average

Cutie Mark: A lightbulb. He got it while working on a science project.

Origin/Residence: Born in Ponyville, but he moved to Canterlot a while ago.

Occupation: Troubleshooting consultant and odd jobs. If you have a problem you can hire him to fix it. It's mainly technical stuff like fixing a DJ's turntable or someone's door, but if you can pay him he'll do what you pay him for. His technical skills are amazingly good, so he's actually in fairly high demand. While he firmly denies it and changes the topic whenever it's brought up, there's speculation floating around Canterlot that he's been hired to do things that are less than legal in the past.

Motivation: Love, friendship, and a general desire to be nice.

Likes: Books, Puzzles, Problems, Quiet, Friends, Technology, Sweets, Music, Stallions.

Dislikes: Water, Rudeness, Incompetance, Bigorty.

Character Summary: Brighteyes is really nice and affectionate and tries very hard to keep everyone around him happy. Because of this he sometimes seems weak because he tries agreeing with everyone, but he'll never compromise his beliefs if they're about something that matters to him. He's very shy and kinda awkward around ponies he doesn't know well, but he makes an effort to be sociable. He has a few flaws, chief among them his low self confidence. He's overly critical of everything that he does and tends to run himself down. This lack of confidence is at odds with his abilities, since he's really pretty good at almost everything that he does. He also embarasses VERY easily and tries very hard to stick to the background. Because of this, most ponies who aren't his close friends don't notice his sense of humor, which is quite funny once you're able to tell when he's making a joke. Whenever he's asked about his past, he simply says that it's very boring, which is (mostly) true, although there are a few things that he's purposely leaving out. He also doesn't normally mention his sexuality, but that isn't because he's embarrassed about it. He just doesn't think it really matters all that much.

History: Brighteyes was born to a unicorn and an earth pony. His mother (a unicorn) is named Shining Beacon and his father is named Bookworm. His mother was a model in her youth until she met his father, who she fell in love with almost immedietly since he was the only pony who was ever interested in her who wasn't incredibally shallow. They married and she quit her job to help him out with his bookstore. Brighteyes was born a while later. During grade school he earned his cutie mark during a science project when he managed to make a lightbulb light up using only paperclips, a penny, and some lemonade. (I believe that you can actually do this IRL, though I don't know how.) After he got the light to turn on he noticed that he had his cutie mark. When asked about it he says that he doesn't mind having a lightbulb as a cutie mark, but that he wished it's origin had been cooler. He says that he only noticed he had his cutie mark becuase he had a mirror in his room at the time and happened to glance in it. Something that he probably won't tell you is that he won first prize in the science fair and actually complained about it, since he didn't feel that what he had done was a very big acomplishment and hadn't taken him very long. After school he moved away to Canterlot in order to look for a job, although he quit looking and just started his own buisness after a week. His parents are proud that he's able to make his living on his own, but they're constantly worried that he won't be able to find work.

Hobbies: Brighteyes has many different hobbies, many of them involving technology. He's a big fan of music of any kind, but his favorite genres are Drum and Bass, Electro, and Dubstep. He makes some music himself, but its not very good and he recognizes that. He also is a hacker (used in this context to refer to someone unconventionally skilled with all kinda technology). When asked about hacking he says that crackers (malicious hackers who use their skills for criminal reaons) are the lowest of the low. He's very passionate about this, which has caused some people to think that he might be trying to atone for sins in his past. He also loves games of any kind (board games, card games, role playing games) and spends a lot of his time playing them. Because of this he knows a lot about many different games and is very good at them.

Here's a picture of him:


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I think you should tell more about his parents and his cutie mark. What did he do after getting a cutie mark? Did he even win the science fair? What did his parents think of his cutie mark? Did he even notice he was getting it? Did he get an odd sensation while getting the mark?

I'd like to know~

I'd like to know.

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I think you should tell more about his parents and his cutie mark. What did he do after getting a cutie mark? Did he even win the science fair? What did his parents think of his cutie mark? Did he even notice he was getting it? Did he get an odd sensation while getting the mark?

I'd like to know~

I'd like to know.

Sure, I'll add more about that. I've been meaning to add more about his past. That bit's just kinda boring. (Quite purposely)

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How is this Application coming along?

Also, could you please remove all colors from your Application?

Sorry about that. I tried using the template provided and it didn't really work. Consider them gone.

I think the app is going well and if nobody else comments with suggestions I'm gonna mark in final soon.

That said, I actually would like more suggestions/questions.

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The tech level in your app likely needs to be corrected. Videogames meaning some sort of arcade system could work, but computers should be taken out. There is still debate as to how electricity works and to what scale, if any, it is used in regards to board canon. Computers are far beyond that, especially to the scale that you would need it to be used for the stuff described in your application.

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The tech level in your app likely needs to be corrected. Videogames meaning some sort of arcade system could work, but computers should be taken out. There is still debate as to how electricity works and to what scale, if any, it is used in regards to board canon. Computers are far beyond that, especially to the scale that you would need it to be used for the stuff described in your application.

Gotcha. The tech level stuff was something I wondered about. Considering there is no cannon tech restriction in the show and how there is plenty of fannon stuff that would require computers (how could Vinyl do her stuff without them?) I figured it might be safe to include it, but if there's a tech restriction here I actually do have a plan for that. Also, just on the tech thing, we've seen ponies typing on keyboards, so obviously they can. They do so many things that require ridiculous manual dexterity that I just assume they can use their hoofs like fingers if they need too. I just decided to go along with my own personal interpritation of how things work until told otherwise, and now that that's happened I can change it easily.

We've seen that they have movies (hurricane fluttershy) and that they have audio technology comparable to our own (the sound system in Royal Canterlot Wedding and Iron Will's microphone). Also, whether magically powered or not they DO have computers of a sort. The Flim Flam brothers Super Speed Cider Squeezer was able to tell wheather or not an apple was good by itself which means that it is a computer of some kind, and you could actually see that it also used electricity in the form of the simplified vacuum tube on their device. While there may not be an internet in equestria the art of hacking existed IRL before the internet either in the form of messing with the simple computers that existed back then. Since we know that ponies understand magic and that there are whole libraries dedicated to how it works, it stands to reason that any pony with enough intelligence would be able to use knowledge of magical theory and electronics to mess with any sort of hybrid magical-electrical computer without even need any magical abilities himself.

Brighteyes's entire skill set translates very nicely to the level of technology that exists in ponyville. Judging by technology seen in the show, such as the factories in Cloudsdale (which are 100% mechanical, since no unicorn had visited there before Twilight and Rarity) and the various sound systems seen in the show (Iron Will's mic, for example, proves that they have circutry and know how to build radio devices), Equestrian technology is mildly advanced. There are PROBABLY magical/electronic semi-computer things (like the Super Speedy Cider Squeezer) that are capable of running a factory or something similar. Even if computers aren't a part of everyday life and are rather primative, there would still be high demand (in fact, since his skills would be much rarer) for someone with his talents, both for legal and illegal reasons. Given what we've seen in the show I'll postulate that most of these devices would be controlled through a combination of magic and/or a series of levers. In oreder to 'hack' one of those devices all you'd need to do would be to input commands that would cause the machine to function in a manner harmful to itself.

Anyways, all that tech babble aside, consider the tech level reduced to the level seen in the show. I'll admit that I've stretched things as far in the direction of technology as possible, but it's all stuff we've seen in the show and it lets me RP this character in the way I've originally planned, so it's all good, right?

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Gotcha. The tech level stuff was something I wondered about. Considering there is no cannon tech restriction in the show and how there is plenty of fannon stuff that would require computers (how could Vinyl do her stuff without them?) I figured it might be safe to include it, but if there's a tech restriction here I actually do have a plan for that. Also, just on the tech thing, we've seen ponies typing on keyboards, so obviously they can. They do so many things that require ridiculous manual dexterity that I just assume they can use their hoofs like fingers if they need too. I just decided to go along with my own personal interpritation of how things work until told otherwise, and now that that's happened I can change it easily.

We've seen that they have movies (hurricane fluttershy) and that they have audio technology comparable to our own (the sound system in Royal Canterlot Wedding and Iron Will's microphone). Also, whether magically powered or not they DO have computers of a sort. The Flim Flam brothers Super Speed Cider Squeezer was able to tell wheather or not an apple was good by itself which means that it is a computer of some kind, and you could actually see that it also used electricity in the form of the simplified vacuum tube on their device. While there may not be an internet in equestria the art of hacking existed IRL before the internet either in the form of messing with the simple computers that existed back then. Since we know that ponies understand magic and that there are whole libraries dedicated to how it works, it stands to reason that any pony with enough intelligence would be able to use knowledge of magical theory and electronics to mess with any sort of hybrid magical-electrical computer without even need any magical abilities himself.

Brighteyes's entire skill set translates very nicely to the level of technology that exists in ponyville. Judging by technology seen in the show, such as the factories in Cloudsdale (which are 100% mechanical, since no unicorn had visited there before Twilight and Rarity) and the various sound systems seen in the show (Iron Will's mic, for example, proves that they have circutry and know how to build radio devices), Equestrian technology is mildly advanced. There are PROBABLY magical/electronic semi-computer things (like the Super Speedy Cider Squeezer) that are capable of running a factory or something similar. Even if computers aren't a part of everyday life and are rather primative, there would still be high demand (in fact, since his skills would be much rarer) for someone with his talents, both for legal and illegal reasons. Given what we've seen in the show I'll postulate that most of these devices would be controlled through a combination of magic and/or a series of levers. In oreder to 'hack' one of those devices all you'd need to do would be to input commands that would cause the machine to function in a manner harmful to itself.

Anyways, all that tech babble aside, consider the tech level reduced to the level seen in the show. I'll admit that I've stretched things as far in the direction of technology as possible, but it's all stuff we've seen in the show and it lets me RP this character in the way I've originally planned, so it's all good, right?

Thing is that I agree with you on a personal level. However, there is such a thing as board canon, which supercedes fanon(which is what is extrapolated from canon in your instance), and in some cases even show-canon that is gaggy in nature is superceded. The following links could be of great help to you:





Remember to make sure your character is about himself, bot about technology or reliant upon it for character growth. Looking forward to seeing this come together!

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As SteelEagle posted, there are tech documents for our RP.

Now, when you mention "keyboards", are you meaning computers? I can't recall any instances of keyboards in show... maybe you could point them out? They have movies... kind of. That was a very old style projector. As for the Flim Flam vehicle, that was powered by magic. So the apple thing was likely a spell to go along with that, not actually any kind of computer technology. Simply put, for our board canon, there are no computers or video games in Equestria. I haven't read the app, I'm just replying to your comment up there. Many of the supposed high tech we see in show is also gag items, which as basically one-offs and used as a joke or because the show animators don't care with keeping with technological consistency. Anyway, those docs should also provide you with info about the RP tech levels.

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I do like how he is technical oriented and is a sort of "Mr. Fix it"-esque mercenary, to a degree. Perhaps instead of being so purely tech oriented, he has an oustanding list of mechanically oriented traits? In Equestria that would tie into what technology they have well enough to fit the idea while working with the tech levels of the RP. That will also vastly increase the range of tasks he canbe asked to involve himself in the RP.

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Thing is that I agree with you on a personal level. However, there is such a thing as board canon, which supercedes fanon(which is what is extrapolated from canon in your instance), and in some cases even show-canon that is gaggy in nature is superceded. The following links could be of great help to you:





Remember to make sure your character is about himself, bot about technology or reliant upon it for character growth. Looking forward to seeing this come together!

I've read all of the links and have plans to follow the tech restrictions. For the hacker thing to work all there really needs to be is one factory that relies on machinery to do at least one important task. I didn't put that in because I wanted to do a high tech thing, but because I wanted him to have a guilty conciense about something. We know that cloudsdale has a factory in it so I can use that. The tech bits are just part of his personality. He likes technology, and it doesn't really matter how advanced it is.

As SteelEagle posted, there are tech documents for our RP.

Now, when you mention "keyboards", are you meaning computers? I can't recall any instances of keyboards in show... maybe you could point them out? They have movies... kind of. That was a very old style projector. As for the Flim Flam vehicle, that was powered by magic. So the apple thing was likely a spell to go along with that, not actually any kind of computer technology. Simply put, for our board canon, there are no computers or video games in Equestria. I haven't read the app, I'm just replying to your comment up there. Many of the supposed high tech we see in show is also gag items, which as basically one-offs and used as a joke or because the show animators don't care with keeping with technological consistency. Anyway, those docs should also provide you with info about the RP tech levels.

I don't mean computer keyboards, I'm referring to the typewriter used during the newspaper episode. As for the magic thing, my point is that whether or not the machine is powered by magic, it is still programmed to carry out a task until further input is recieved, and because of that it should be possible to 'hack' such a device by providing said input. My argument here isn't any attempt to change board cannon, but just to say that there is some technology in Equestria, primitive as it is, and therefore my app can still work. Also, as for the projector, the movie was very old style, but it was also very old. If you've ever seen any such old style presentations you'll find that they don't actually look that old when they're new. They're fairly clear and nowhere near as discolored. The presentation was obviously meant to be very old and well used, similar to those videos that you have to watch in school that have been in use since 1975.

Here's a quick explanation of how my app works with the tech level. Firstly, ignore the word hacker. I'm using it in a rather archaic and romantic sense to refer to a person with a very creative and unconventional approach to solving problems. It doesn't necessarily have to have anything to do with computers, and since they don't exist they won't even get mentioned.

Secondly, for his past, I just wanted to give him a bit of baggage and guilt. I wanted something he'd done to haunt him, but I didn't want it to be anything too bad. Therefor, hacking. While I'm not going to reveal what, exactly, he did, just expect it to have been something like messing up the Cloudsdale cloud factory by looking at the blueprints and finding that if someone turned a specific valve at a certiant time it would cause the machine to overload. No computers involved.

Thirdly, and least importantly, all three genres of music could technially be made with the technology avaliable to ponies. For any of the sounds involved that might be considered too synthy, just assume that a unicorn made those sounds with magic.

If you look closely, you'll see that those are the only bits of my app that refer to tech. I hope that this helps clear stuff up.

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"somepony's TV"

It would be wise to take this out. I refer you to tech rules, specifically:

"Light Bulbs, Floodlights, basic audio equipment may be possible, but nothing nearly as complex as a microwave or a television."

"As the magic interferes with electricity, simple radios may be possible, but television is nonexistent. There are too many variables involved with creating a television show that is to be transmitted over the airwaves, anything more complex than simple pictures is likely going to be done by magic. Software must be written for it, and ponies just don't have the dexterity with their hooves to write something so complex,"

The application is just about there. I'd look over his character summary and history and rewrite some portions for a better flow. Beyond the TV thing and the flow, this app is ready to go!

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