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How's It Going Everypony


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About Myself: I have a YouTube channel in which I do Let's Play videos. I also do some miniature painting on the side as well as music.

How I found Canterlot.com: Google

How I became a fan of MLP:FiM: My best friend got me into it.

My favourite main cast pony/s: Rainbow Dash,Pinkamina Diane Pie
How's it going everypony, I have been looking for MLP message boards to interact more with my fellow bronies and pegasisters. There are not many people within my community that actually watch the show that I know other than two of my friends. A few quick things about myself I have a "Let's Play" channel on YouTube (http://www.youtube.com/user/TheGameBrony?feature=mhee), I paint miniatures for a table top game called Warmachine/Hordes and I am currently working on my degree in commercial music engineering. I'm not big on RP's ,used to go to a wrestling RP site but got burned out on it, so I hope that wont be an issue. Looking forward to chatting with ya'll around the forums. :D

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Welcome to Canterlot! Do you have any examples of the miniature painting you do? I would lovelovelove to see some! I enjoy looking at that kind of thing~

There's still plenty to do here if you don't want to RP, so I hope you have a great time~ :D

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