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Pony 'races'


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So, I noticed many fan artists seem to change up Twilight's skin tone when they humanize her... sometimes she's white, sometimes she's black, and sometimes she's Asian... Now, that could just be different strokes for different folks, but then i noticed that many of the official toys seem to give her a more of a thinner eye, making her look more oriental...


Then you have Zecora, who obviously has some African tribal traits, so you COULD say that her human form would be darker skinned, although you could ALSO say that 'It's a Zebra, Zebra's are from Africa, That's all. there's no real 'race' correlation between them"

The only 'french' character I've seen was the Griffon from mmmystery, and although Gilda didn't do anything really frenchy, it could be that she just spent more time away from the language. French (Or at least something similar) is obviously a part of their world since Applebloom was speaking it in the CutiePox episode...

I can't help but feel like i'm being a bit stereotypical of races talking about this... but this kinda interests me ... Do the ponies have 'races' that can be translated to human races?

(I'm sure the real life answer would be 'it's just easier to emulate races we're already familiar with rather than to invent races and cultures in show. for example, we know that France is known for it's fancy cuisine, so giving Gustav a french accent automatically makes us think 'oh hey, he's french, he must be a good cook, and will be a challenge for Pinkie"...)

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I can't help but feel like i'm being a bit stereotypical of races talking about this... but this kinda interests me ... Do the ponies have 'races' that can be translated to human races?

Depends on your target audience. I personally see them as colored people. As in literally the colors they are. They're a weird looking bunch humanized in my head.

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Hmmmm, griffins are 'French' so Applebloom was speaking in (fancy) griffin? Which leads to ideas of having 'upper class' french/griffin (similar to 'upper class' way the snooty Canterlot ponies spoke).

Which leads to....... 'French/griffin haute couture please' :eek: Fluttershy! How could you?

Yes, I know, twisty turny mind and all....

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Interesting. I'll be paying closer attention to the humanized ponies in the future. The races chosen by the artist will say a lot about how they perceive the ponies. I appreciate that many artists paint Jesus as their own race even if it were not accurate because it is more personal, though I still smile at the ridiculous thought of Jesus being white.

Is there a "wrong" skin color for any of the ponies? Some colors might be surprising on the ponies that are already very light or dark colored, but with the right color clothes you could make anything look good.

I see Applejack as white because she has freckles, and those are only visible on fair skinned people.

Humanized ponies hit my personal uncanny valley with me very fast. I'm sure there are racial traits that may be inspired by real-life racial ones, such as Zecora's tribal decorum.

Most art stays safely on the left side of the valley. I'm not seen anything realistic enough to be weird, but I also don't track down those kinds of pics.

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Hmmmm, griffins are 'French' so Applebloom was speaking in (fancy) griffin? Which leads to ideas of having 'upper class' french/griffin (similar to 'upper class' way the snooty Canterlot ponies spoke).

Eh, I wouldn't jump the gun on Griffins having a mostly French-based society. Gustav the Chef most likely cultivated his own French accent to give himself more 'kitchen-cred', just like how Rarity develops her posh accent.

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Eh, I wouldn't jump the gun on Griffins having a mostly French-based society. Gustav the Chef most likely cultivated his own French accent to give himself more 'kitchen-cred', just like how Rarity develops her posh accent.

True enough, too much 'stock' sci-fi and fantasy when I was growing up I think. I've become too used to the 'planet of hats' outlook in films and books, where one race acts in a specific way (e.g. Klingons & Vulcans & more. Elves & dwarves & hobbits and orcs. Lions & tigers & bears (oh my)).

Thankfully doesn't work like that in real life and has greatly improved with recent works.

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Oh, except Zecora. I just see Storm from the X-Men, Mohawk days.

You keep making posts like these that make me want to buy you dinner. Quit it.

Also, I don't see ethnicity when I imagine humans (which is rare. My typical imagination train stops at Anthro-junction), but I do see skin tone. For example, a rough and tumble girl like Rainbow Dash who spends a lot of time outside would definitely be sun kissed. Tan, including tan lines, which I bet she gets embarrassed about. Twilight on the other hand, the bookish type, could potentially be the palest of the group due to all her time invested in indoor study.

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Hmmmm, griffins are 'French' so Applebloom was speaking in (fancy) griffin? Which leads to ideas of having 'upper class' french/griffin (similar to 'upper class' way the snooty Canterlot ponies spoke).

Which leads to....... 'French/griffin haute couture please' :eek: Fluttershy! How could you?

Yes, I know, twisty turny mind and all....

Eh, it makes sense... Griffons have a four legged body (more or less) like a pony, so they may have similar style as each other with different flavors, Griffons may have their own sense of style due to their culture, and ponies adopted it as a fashion statement...

Is there a "wrong" skin color for any of the ponies? Some colors might be surprising on the ponies that are already very light or dark colored, but with the right color clothes you could make anything look good.

I see Applejack as white because she has freckles, and those are only visible on fair skinned people.

Most art stays safely on the left side of the valley. I'm not seen anything realistic enough to be weird, but I also don't track down those kinds of pics.

True, if i saw a black fluttershy, it may not really match what i would percieve, but i wouldn't call it 'wrong' persay... to each his own...

As for weird looks... I hate it when they make them look like regular humans but with blue and purple skin... it looks REALLY weird...

Eh, I wouldn't jump the gun on Griffins having a mostly French-based society. Gustav the Chef most likely cultivated his own French accent to give himself more 'kitchen-cred', just like how Rarity develops her posh accent.

Hm, could be true... It would make sense... but he still keeps it up even after trying to be all dramatic about how amazing he is. but it could be possible...

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As for weird looks... I hate it when they make them look like regular humans but with blue and purple skin... it looks REALLY weird...

That depends.

Are they attempting realistic humans? Yeah. That would be weird.

If they are bipedal and have hands with fingers, but still have pony ears/wings/horns/snouts then the blue/purple/orange skin can work.

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That depends.

Are they attempting realistic humans? Yeah. That would be weird.

If they are bipedal and have hands with fingers, but still have pony ears/wings/horns/snouts then the blue/purple/orange skin can work.


This is the downtown P Train. The next stop is Anthro Junction. Stand clear of the closing doors please. *bing bong*

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That depends.

Are they attempting realistic humans? Yeah. That would be weird.

If they are bipedal and have hands with fingers, but still have pony ears/wings/horns/snouts then the blue/purple/orange skin can work.

Yeah, i'm talking about perfectly anatomically correct humans with blue skin and wings... Very strange...


This is the downtown P Train. The next stop is Anthro Junction. Stand clear of the closing doors please. *bing bong*

Yeah, this i can dig. Very Adorable and-... wait, this isn't 18+ forum, is it?... No, okay, that's all i have to say, Adorable, yep...

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I personally think the pony races can't really be defined by our standard of ethnic schemes because they have their own blatantly seperate races: Unicorn, Pegasi, Earth Pony, Zebra, Alicorn etc.

And of course there are a few different breeds. Clydesdale being the most prominent that I've noticed but I'm pretty sure Featherweight and a Fleur were inspired by actual horse breeds.

As for humanization/anthro? I say who cares? Leave it up to artistic interperetation! I've seen an artist that portrays Celestia and Twilight both with having very dark to tan skin, which I think looked really cute! (especially with their colorful hair!) But I've also seen Twilight given more a more oriental look. I've also seen a vaguely Spanish Rainbow Dash around somewhere...

I'm getting off topic, the point I'm trying to make is they're ALL beautiful and they're fictional characters so really humanized they're any ethnicity you want them to be or want to draw them as!

I think all the hubub about this issue was caused by some threads that happened on four chan. C'mon guys, it's four chan! Everyone's racist there... so glad I stopped going there as soon as I found ponies!

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I personally think the pony races can't really be defined by our standard of ethnic schemes because they have their own blatantly seperate races: Unicorn, Pegasi, Earth Pony, Zebra, Alicorn etc.

Interestingly, they are never described as "races". The first episode says "types", which I've been thinking about for quite some time. I think it is a well chosen word.

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