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Camp Whitetail [Private/Apply in OOC Discussion]


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(Hey, would I need to sign Licorice up or anything or before performing, or..? Also, who's up now? Is it Buzz, or..?)

Licorice was a bit surprised, but accepted. "Dance..? Certainly, Cloud!" She grinned at him, then glanced up at the current performer. "..But if you were hoping for a slow song.. It looks like were a little out of luck.." She giggled to herself.

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Listening to the beat, Licorice immediately started getting into it. Knees bent and arms raised, she rolled her hips in a smooth, sensual fashion. She taught herself awhile back how to dance like a Kestra gypsy, and Kestra dancing/parties tend to get pretty heated pretty quickly. Licorice's accessories jangled as she moved.

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((OOC: Guys. I'm serious. Enough with the OOC posts without RP following them. Last warning.

In other news, I love the Separate Ways video. "This song is so epic I MUST PLAY THE KEYBOARD ON THE WALL." Just sayin.))

Twilight was on the floor dancing to the campers singing karaoke, no matter how badly they sang. She just enjoyed the music and the fun. That was when she had an idea, thanks to Knight's song. She ran over to Dash, who was lazily floating through the air, over the heads of the campers, a cupcake in hand. "Dash, Dash!" Twilight yelled up at her. "We need to sing!"

Dash choked for a moment on her cupcake. "Aw, c'mon Twi..." she said, as she landed in front of Twilight. "Why can't you bug Pinkie to sing? Or AJ?"

Twilight looked sad. "Well, if you really don't want to, I guess I could. But I wanted to sing one of my favorite songs, and you know it best!" This was partially a lie. Pinkie knew all the karaoke songs better than anyone, but she really wanted Dash to sing with her. Dash hadn't done anything all day except give a short speech at orientation and nap all day. It was time she showed her stuff. "Besides, don't think I didn't notice you napping when the campers were arriving at camp."

Dash froze with a look of concern on her face. "A-alright, you win this round... but this makes us even, alright?"

"Deal." Twilight said, and they went up and took the mic from the last camper to sing and sang their song with style and coolness.

As they reached the end of the song, many campers had joined in the song's chorus, what with it being such a popular song. It warmed Twilight's heart to know camp was off to such a great start.

As Twilight and Dash left the stage, handing off the mic to the next singers, she realized that their karaoke had been going on for the past half hour, leaving two hours left until lights out. She shrugged. Two hours was plenty of time. She gladly went back to dancing with the campers and having fun.

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"Hehe, thanks.." She blushed a bit. For her it was just a cultural thing, but taken out of context.. It probably just looked like she'd been to a club or two. "Wow, good job Cloud!" She joined the rockstar-dancer's style with some headbanging, just for fun. She laughed. "..Only one way to find out.." she accepted the challenge with a grin

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Licorice acted the part of a rocker throughout the performance, really using the entirety of the stage to her advantage. The rock duet seemed to go over very well, according to the crowd's response. There was one point nearing the end of the song that Licorice had traversed around the edge of the stage giving a sweep of high fives to the excited campers. It was so thrilling for her.. The crowd was just so full of life, and it encouraged the girl to give it her all.. To sing her heart out.

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Cloud was pumped up by the crowd and Licorice's enthuthsiasm. He was singing and dancing in the same rock star style but with much more flare and style. Once the song was finished he smiled at Licorice, "Great job! You were fantastic."

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Licorice was breathing a little heavily. She smiled widely at him. "Thanks! It's a fun hobby.. Singing. You were incredible." She looked back out towards everypony else, most of which's attention was now elsewhere. ".....You think we should get off the stage?" She hopped down. "I don't know about you, but I'm seriously feeling like some punch right now." Being her first year at Whitetail, she unknowingly grabbed herself a dribble-glass. Just to make it worse on herself, when she went to pour it, gummy popped up from inside of the punch bowl, shocking her greatly. "..Silly! Come on.." She lifted him out. "Let's get you back to Pinkie Pie.." (So no, the dribble glass hasn't tricked her yet because she didn't get around to pouring yet)

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((OOC: Guys. I'm serious. Enough with the OOC posts without RP following them. Last warning.

In other news, I love the Separate Ways video. "This song is so epic I MUST PLAY THE KEYBOARD ON THE WALL." Just sayin.))

Twilight was on the floor dancing to the campers singing karaoke, no matter how badly they sang. She just enjoyed the music and the fun. That was when she had an idea, thanks to Knight's song. She ran over to Dash, who was lazily floating through the air, over the heads of the campers, a cupcake in hand. "Dash, Dash!" Twilight yelled up at her. "We need to sing!"

Dash choked for a moment on her cupcake. "Aw, c'mon Twi..." she said, as she landed in front of Twilight. "Why can't you bug Pinkie to sing? Or AJ?"

Twilight looked sad. "Well, if you really don't want to, I guess I could. But I wanted to sing one of my favorite songs, and you know it best!" This was partially a lie. Pinkie knew all the karaoke songs better than anyone, but she really wanted Dash to sing with her. Dash hadn't done anything all day except give a short speech at orientation and nap all day. It was time she showed her stuff. "Besides, don't think I didn't notice you napping when the campers were arriving at camp."

Dash froze with a look of concern on her face. "A-alright, you win this round... but this makes us even, alright?"

"Deal." Twilight said, and they went up and took the mic from the last camper to sing and sang their song with style and coolness.


As they reached the end of the song, many campers had joined in the song's chorus, what with it being such a popular song. It warmed Twilight's heart to know camp was off to such a great start.

As Twilight and Dash left the stage, handing off the mic to the next singers, she realized that their karaoke had been going on for the past half hour, leaving two hours left until lights out. She shrugged. Two hours was plenty of time. She gladly went back to dancing with the campers and having fun.

(OOC: I think you missed my OC talking to you... u.u)

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Tag noticed Buzz waving to him and went over "H-hi" he looked around awkwardly "It's a really nice party, then again it's Pinkie we're talking about so of course it's amazing" He usually compared alot of parties to Pinkie's parties.

OOC: To make things less confusing can we just refer to my character as Tag I'll start doing so aswell sorry >~<

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[colour=#B22222]Where'd that Word chick go? Darn, I'll find her later. [/colour]While walking around, he saw Cloud. He walked over for a reason that will be quite obvious once he speaks. [colour=#B22222]"Yo dude! What's with the awesome mask?" [/colour]He yelled impertinently, looking down at Cloud.

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