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Camp Whitetail [Private/Apply in OOC Discussion]


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"I'm Knight." Knight responded, holding his fingers up in a 'V' shape. "Ah, dude, you spraypaint?! That's so awesome!" Knight began to get excited. "How awesome are you at it? How do you make your paint? How often do you get in trouble for it? ... I can't think of anything else to ask."

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Knight was starting to like this guy. Other than the shyness, that usually got to him. You know, unless it's a woman. "You do murals? That's, like, those pic's painted on walls, right? Got anything done here? It's probably AWESOME~!"

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Tag sighed "No not really..." tag remembered his bag "Someone threw the bag off the top bunk in Cabin one so hard the cans decided to leak get all over my clothes and just mixed together in a gooey brown mess, on the plus side I have excess brown....And yeah I do those...a lot" Tag handed him a couple of pictures of murals he'd done they were all really well done with a lot of detail...

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"Oh yeah, I remember you yelling about that during the orientation. Don't worry..." He then cracked his knuckles. "If I find that donkey, I'll give him a punch and a kick, from me and you." Knight then took the murals from Cloud. "Ah, sweet dude! You've got some sick art skills!" He had seen lots of good artists before, though this was the first shy one he met. The rest usually could tend to themselves, though he knew a way he could help this guy launch a good career... "Hey dude, I know lots of rich folk, I'm sure they'd be happy to advertise for you!" Actually, they won't listen to me... I'll just get Pawn to talk to them.

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Tag's eyes lit up "R-really thank-you" He bowed in respect and gratefulness to Knight " I really appreciate it..." He gave a smile and started laughing about buzz's comment "That'd be funny but I don't think people should lose their lives for 5 days work it's no biggie I live near to the forest anyways so it shouldn't be too hard to gather materials"

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"Can I at least help, dude?" Knight offered. "I enjoy random forest walks anyways. Could be fun!" Knight then realized Buzz was there. "Yo dude. What's a 'Black Widow'? Is that, that spidery-thing? Or are we talking about ex-girlfriends who became murderers?"

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Tag smiled "The ones that murder their husbands are called black widows because, like preying mantis's the female eats the head of the male that mated with them. They are the only spiders to do this which is why they use the term black widow instead of just 'spider' plus a bride that lost her husband while married is called a widow anyways so it just seemed to fit I guess..."

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Buzz held up his finger. "Actually black widows aren't the only spiders who eat there mate, which also doesn't happen every time" Buzz held his hand to a nearby open window. Before long, a black widow spider crawled onto his hand and held it up to his own face. "It's too bad really, they get such a bad rap that they don't deserve"

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Knight laughed while Cloud was talking about the Black Widow. "Black Widow's must be some really psychotic women." He then realized he was talking about the spider, and laughed more. His eyes lit up when Buzz brought out the Black Widow. "Ah dude! That's so awesome!" He grabbed it quickly and looked at it. "It's all black, then has that red- OW!" He yelled, as the black widow bit him. He then threw it at the ground. "Spiders aren't poisonous, right?"

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(Might as well update Rarity quickly...)

Rarity was sitting near the snacks, elegantly eating cupcakes, being sure not to get icing on her face or clothes, and listening as the campers went to kareoke, and watched as they danced.

"They're poisonous?!" He then went more excited than before. "SWEET! I get to say I survived widow poison!" He made a quick victory lap around the hall, then remembered Buzz asked to see the bite. "Meh, fine, whatev's." He held out his palm, which had a swollen bite at the center of it.

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[colour=#B22222]"Hmmm...." [/colour]He heard this a thousand times. Good news and bad news Knight. Good news is, you passed your last math test. Bad news is, you still have to repeat 6th grade. [colour=#B22222]"Darn it, I don't have to repeat highschool because of this bite, right?" [/colour]Knight sighed. [colour=#B22222]"Start with bad news."[/colour]

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"Awwwww." Knight moaned dissapointingly. "Whatev's, I'll tell them that anyways. Not like they need to know the WHOLE truth." He gave a small laugh after. "So what's the good news then?"

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"The good news is that your spared a painful, venomous bite that would include severe muscle cramps, abdominal pain, weakness, and tremor. It wouldn't be fatal, your a young, fit, and healthy boy. Deaths rarely occur, and when they do, it's almost always either the elderly, or very young who's immune systems aren't as strong as they would be in their prime years" Buzz explained.

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Knight raised an eyebrow. "So... In other words, I lived? Why would you tell me that, I realize that? I KNOW WHY! I'm actually dead, and you're trying to convince me that I'm alive! IT'S AN EVIL CONSPIRACY!"

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Buzz smiled. "That's right Knight, and it's run by super intelligent octopuses that disguise themselves as humans. Some of your closest friends or family may be octopuses" Buzz paused a bit. ​In a more malicious tone, he added, "Maybe everyone except you, is an octopus..."

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"IT'S THE TRUTH! IT'S ALL TRUE!" Knight yelled, then burst into laughter. "Conspiracy theories always help for a good laugh. Did you hear the one about the dream within a dream?"

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Tag stared at them having a good time and started to doodle in sketchbook of random things he wasn't too good with joke so he slipped on his headphones and listened when he listened to a joke if it had the right timing he'd laugh fall roll and snort like a pig he didn't wanna seem like a freak.

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