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Camp Whitetail [Private/Apply in OOC Discussion]


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(I'm cool with going back to cabins.)

Knight was surprised when Licorice returned. He forgot she was there. "Erm... Yes, that was very rude of me. I just..." I don't think she likes poison... "I was hoping... That if I would know... I'd know... NOT TO DO THAT! Yes! That's it!"

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Licorice eyed Knight in disbelief for a moment, but then thought that just maybe.. He was truthing. She could make poison if she chose.. but Licorice just.. Didn't like to harm beings. and she was usually one to give people the benefit of the doubt. "..Mmhmm.. So umm.. Are you all in the same cabin..? I'm.. Considering sneaking over tonight.." she admitted. "Just because there are no active female oc's currently besides me for fun, nothing weird.."

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"Hmm.. Well it sounds like there's at least one extra bed, then." she giggled. "..The guy who spilled your paint, huh..? Well at least now you'll get to see who it is.. Want me to beat him up for you?" she kidded, speaking girlishly on purpose.

"Oh.. Umm.. What sort of problem is it, Cloud..? If you don't mind my asking.."

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Tag started to chuckle. "HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA" He started to laugh uncontrollably he found the comment Licorice made quite hilarious. As he started to calm down "Ah you guys are a riot and half!" He felt they were friends or at least acquaintances on good terms.

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"Well, I suppose I will come over too. Only because you insist so much!" Knight told the group, though in his mind, he was having another party, celebrating how he was sleeping in the same room as another woman. Knight gave a hearty chuckle at Cloud's comment, and found Cloud's laugh to be catchy. "I can sleep on the floor." He still didn't know he was in the same cabin as Buzz and Cloud.

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Licorice smiled, glad that Tag found her joke so enjoyable.

"Ooh.. Oh yes, you told me about that.. Just like an old friend of mine had.." she paused. "..You know.. I actually have some candles in my bag.. but I'm not sure that'd be allowed over night, just in case of fire.. If we can find a way to prevent them from falling you could probably stay with us..?" Her excitement faded for a second. Was she coming off as pushy? She hoped not.. "If you'd like to.. I mean.. If you'd feel better with the counselor, I understand.... Assuming I can even sneak over to stay... I think I'm getting ahead of myself, here."

"The floor?! Psh.." Licorice made a noise with her tongue. "Isn't there a big middle bed in the cabins? Or is that only on the girl's side..? Worst case scenario, Knight, we'd just share that one." She gave him a wink.

((Hahaha I didn't intend on it when I created her, but Licorice is becoming kind of a flirt lol))

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Cloud smiled and blushed a little, "Oh, you were talking about sneaking over to see me? Well now I feel special." he laughed. "Sure, you can sneak over to my cabin anytime you want. I'm in Cabin 2 but I suppose I can bring some stuff over."

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Knight was quite speechless when Licorice suggested sharing the bed, and even moreso when she winked. "Er...." He tried thinking of something to say, so he wouldn't look like some weirdo. "Yes, I will be sleeping over. Who do you guys share you cabin with?" He said to the group.

Edited by fireraven23
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Buzz spoke up "Me and Tag are sharing cabin 1" Buzz turned to Cloud. "If your afraid of the dark, I can get a bunch of fireflies into a jar for you if you'd like. Just as efficient, if not more, then magically induced light"

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Licorice liked the idea Buzz had. "Efficient, and not dangerous.. Good thinking, Buzz! So um.. How many do we have..?" She started counting people, pointing at each as she did. "Buzz.. Cloud.. Tag.. Knight.. and me.." She smiled. "Perfect!"

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