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Camp Whitetail [Private/Apply in OOC Discussion]


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Licorice giggled with raised volume. "I would SO be down for it!" She signed, finishing her laugh. "So umm...wait, are you really, Cloud?" She paused, clearing her head. "Me too, dude.. Me too." She smiled. "..so if I go grab my things.. Where should I meet you guys..? Cabin number one..?"

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"Aww.. That's so SAD, Tag!! Now why would they think that? You're a gentle colt if I've ever seen one!" she glanced at Knight, who appeared as one as well to Licorice.

"Right!" she agreed with Cloud. ((Funny, usually the bi kids would be the one's being made fun of x3))

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"You're welcome, Tag.. Now if you'll excuse me.." She started leaving the group, going to collect her things. "I should get ready before they call lights out.. Wouldn't want to get stuck in my own cabin and miss the sleepover!" Licorice made her way to her Cabin, hanging up the drawing that Tag gave her with a sense of pride. That drawing he did for her was just the SWEETEST thing.. How he had added a horn and told her that her dreams weren't silly.. She grabbed her bag, seeing as she was mostly still packed anyways, along with a pillow, just in case.She double checked the cabin. Anything else..? No..? Okay! Licorice left, doing her best to avoid any of the counselors. Luckily, they had their own dorms, and there would be little risk of her absence being noticed.

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Licorice made her way to the boy's cabin, carefully weaving around the counselors. She wasn't sure if she was even allowed there or not, but didn't want to risk anything. "Hey Tag!" she grinned, feeling triumphant just for being there. She sat herself down on the middle bed, just assuming that it'd already been claimed by somepony else. "Whatcha drawing, there?"

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Tag jumped at Licorice's sudden appearance..."Umm..."Tag showed Licorice the drawing of him, Licorice, Knight, Buzz, and Cloud walking and laughing together in a forest setting... "I-I'm just happy I made friends here I'm usually just a shut-in back at home, unless I have work I'm inside my room or being bullied by everyone else"

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"That's so sad, Tag.." Licorice smiled at the drawing. It was so cute.. Innocent. And very well done! "..Are my eyes really that big?" They were. "..So where is it that you work, Tag?"

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Tag gasped and looked at her and the drawing and he fixed it. "S-sorry I must have spaced out drawing that part....I run my own art business, I sell paintings I do with spray paint, and I do commissions for murals on buildings, but I need to see a permit if it's on public property first..."

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Licorice smiled at him after looking back at the drawing. "..It's perfect." Wow.. That's pretty impressive, actually. A spray paint artist who isn't a public menace.. Tag was a rarity indeed. "That's very cool, Tag! You run your own business at the age of.." she eyed him, about to guess. "16?"

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Buzz turned to see Cloud walk in. "Oh, perfect timing Cloud. I just finished gathering your firelfy nightlight" He held out the jar for him to take. "Don't worry about feeding them, fireflys hardly eat as adults. The little polen I did put in there should be plenty"

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Knight went overexcited, in his head, when Licorice called him a gentlecolt. YESYESYESYESYESYESYESYESYESYESYESYES! IT'S WORKING! He didn't join in on the conversation about Tag's sexuality. It's not that he minded it, but it was always awkward talking about homosexuality and bisexuality, after his classmate kissed him in 9nth grade, believing Knight 'to want it'. He told them he'd stop by the cabin later, saying he wanted to stay 'till the end, though really to hit on more girls.

Later, he arrived at the cabin, not yet remembering it was his. "Yo dudes, I'm- I mean, hello everyone, I have arrived." He yelled, halfway through changing back to gentleman mode. As a habit, he went to the top bunk, where he noticed his bag. "Oh! I forgot, this was my cabin!"

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"I don't remember messing with any dudes- I mean, I would never fool around with paint, especially belonging to another person." Knight responded. "Wait, was the paint in that bag I threw?"

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