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Camp Whitetail [Private/Apply in OOC Discussion]


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"Hey baberz. Seeing as I made it without too much trouble.. I'm gonna say it wasn't too bad.." Licorice winked back at Cloud. Licorice just watched Knight, acting wishy washy about being a gentle colt and.. less than a gentlecolt. She listened carefully to him and Cloud's conversation, keeping quiet. He COULD have just set it down, if he really needed top..

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Tag was starting to get panicked "I-it's okay, it's only five days at least it's not year or something...Please don't fight" Tag didn't want to lose any friends besides he knows Knight couldn't have possibly known paint cans were in there it's not like it's a typical item one would pack...

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Licorice just cleared her throat. "..We have quite the group going to gather berries, later, to help Tag remake the paints.. You're welcome to come with us if you'd like to, Knight." She smiled at him. He DID make a doucher of a move earlier by just tossing the bag on the floor earlier, but he couldn't have known that the bag's contents were so fragile, and Licorice trusted that he wasn't as bad as everyone else was making him out to be. "..he didn't know, Cloud.." she placed a hand on his leg, gently scootching it before looking up at him. "..maybe there was a reason that he had to have top bunk.. Tag is right, we shouldn't fight over it."

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"5 DAYS?!" Knight yelled, suddenly sitting up on his bed. "You spent 5 DAYS making that paint?! I couldn't spend 1 hour doing something like that!" He suddenly felt slight amounts of guilt from destroying the paint. "Alright, let's go." He jumped down from his bed. "What berries do we need?"

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Cloud smiled at Licorice, "Yeah, you're right L." He then heard Knight's crazy idea of going berry hunting now. "Its dark out dude, we'll go tomorrow." Cloud got an idea; "We could play spin the bottle though, Licorice and I could be the girls." He started cracking up.

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((Heh.. Post fixed.. ^^))

Licorice's eyes widened. "..Wait, right now?! In the middle of the night.. In the dark.. Through the forest.. With no councelors........... Okay, I'm in."

"..Wait, right now?!.. Cloud's right, it's dark.." Licorice giggled at Cloud's volunteering to be one of the girls, her smile widened. "Okay!! You guys want to..?" She couldn't stop giggling. Cloud would be a girl.. SO cute.. "I could.. Turn you into a girl, Cloud..?" She giggled. "..just for fun?" Say yes, please say yes, holy Celestia do iiiiittt!!

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Knight blinked several times in confusion at Cloud's suggestion. "Er.... No thanks..." He didn't want to take the risk of kissing Cloud. After that, he completely forgot about the berries. Though, forgetting about Licorice, he still had a reason to sneak out. "I think I'll sneak over to the girls cabin, anyone wanna' come?"

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"Oh come on," Cloud smiled, "It won't be weird, and besides there are no other girls, remember? I've been told I'm a pretty good kisser." He rolled his eyes at Knight's suggestion, "I'm stuck in here, remember? Horrifying fear of the dark, absolutely petrified of it, any of this ringing a bell?"

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"You're scared of the dark?" Knight asked, raising an eyebrow. "Why? The only bad thing in the dark is Slender Man, and even then-" Knight grabbed Cloud and noogied him, something he often did with his brother when he said the next line. "Big Knighty here can take him down!"

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Cloud looked at Knight, obviously annoyed. "I'm afraid of the dark because my parents died in a fire. When I tried to get out of my house, the oven exploded and fried my eyes." He went on, but much quieter so only Knight could hear him, "I was blind until my aunt and uncle had enough money to pay for an operation. Can you imagine; being stuck in the dark forever, hearing your parents screams every time you tried to sleep? Because I can." He smiled and looked at the others, "Long story short, that's why my eyes are this color, I guess they got transfused with magic or something." Cloud then heard Licorice suggest to turn him into a girl. "Oh my gosh, yes! I take drama in school and always get stuck with more Feminen roles. One time our play went to another school, and all the boys there actually thought I was a girl." He started laughing. "I guess I'm just too pretty, right Licorice?"

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((IRL I'm SO scared of Slenderman.. xD Just throwing that out there.. Lol))

Poor Cloud.. He started to whisper, but seemed to be okay after getting it out. Licorice laughed a whole bunch when Cloud started going on about how he was mistaken for a girl and used to playing one. Perfect.. "Oh, you WILL be just too pretty by the time I'm done with you.." She raised her eyebrows a couple of quick times as if to hint at something, but really had nothing in mind. "You guys can help too." She giggled more. "This'll be fun. I promise."

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Just like little bro... So serious... Knight, for once, listened to the story. He thought it was awesome! How many people could tell a tale like that? Wait... Should that give him a fear of fire? ... And ovens? His confusion was cut short when they were talking about spin the bottle again. He gave a nervous smile and laugh, hoping that the answer to Buzz's question was 'yes it's a joke'.

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"Of COURSE you're looking forward to that part, Cloud.." Buzz seemed to agree, at least, but Knight seemed unsure. "It's be fun!! We're not gonna make you kiss him or anything.." Licorice just laughed. "So first thing's first.." She sat up off of the bed, and started digging through her bag to find something to dress Cloud in. "..Crawl under the covers.. and take your clothes off." She bit her lip to keep from giggling.

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Licorice shook her head with a soft chuckle. "..and now.. We dress you again.. Put these on.." She hand him some tighter than tight jeans and a girly, pink shirt, just for good measure, along with some underclothes for stuffing. She considered having him wear a skirt, but didn't want to risk any leg hairs showing. "..We'll stuff you in a minute.. Who has socks?"

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Cloud slipped into the girly clothes and got out of the covers. Using a girly voice that had convinced the boys from the other school he spoke. "So what do you guys think? Am I as pretty as Licorice?" He pulled a pair of black socks from his bag and handed them to Licorice, "Go ahead and stuff 'em." He said rather fiestilly.

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