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Camp Whitetail [Private/Apply in OOC Discussion]


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(Woops :P)

Rarity gave a yawn while waiting for the water to heat. She decided she may as well attempt to get Fluttershy to talk. "So... How did you sleep, Fluttershy?"

"Good. I was too tired to come all the way over here, I guess, so I fell asleep in one of the girl's cabins." Fluttershy said. She was then reminded of something. "Oh yeah! Also, I met this camper who I forgot to greet when they all came to the camp. Her name is Misty." Fluttershy said.

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"Misty?" Question Rarity, slightly intrigued. "I didn't greet her either. Well, she sounds lovely! I can't wait to meet her!" The kettle finally went off. Rarity walked over to the stove, and took it off. After going through the process of making coffee (since I'm not sure how it's done, I'll skip it XD) she poured some for her and Fluttershy. She passed it to her, and sat back down. "What's Misty like then?"

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"Misty?" Question Rarity, slightly intrigued. "I didn't greet her either. Well, she sounds lovely! I can't wait to meet her!" The kettle finally went off. Rarity walked over to the stove, and took it off. After going through the process of making coffee (since I'm not sure how it's done, I'll skip it XD) she poured some for her and Fluttershy. She passed it to her, and sat back down. "What's Misty like then?"

Fluttershy took a sip of coffee, and sighed in content. She then realized she hadn't answered Rarity's question. "Well, um... She seems nice. She told me she was homesick. And that I was her favorite counselor, despite her just meeting me." Fluttershy said, taking another sip of coffee. "I didn't get to know her all that well."

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"Wha-" Knight snapped out of his zombified phase. "I don't know what happened... I think I saw something weird, but I don't remember what..." Seeing Cloud with Licorice apparently shocked him to the point of amnesia.

"Well of course you're her favorite councelor, Fluttershy!" Rarity said cheerfully. "You're nice, you're pretty, and you helped save the world on a few occassions. I don't think it's possible to dislike you." She ended that with a small laugh. Of course, Misty will favor ME once she meets me! Assuming she has my activities... I don't remember any Misty in my activities though...

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"Er, let me think..." Knight started scratching his head in an attempt to remember what happened. "I was running around... I saw the girls cabins... Decided to peep- er, check up on them!" He said the last part in a way that made in an obvious lie. "Then a girl came out to talk to me... Wait... THAT WAS CLOUD! NOW I REMEMBER! Cloud somehow picked up Licorice, and it confused me so much I lost my mind!"

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"Well of course you're her favorite councelor, Fluttershy!" Rarity said cheerfully. "You're nice, you're pretty, and you helped save the world on a few occassions. I don't think it's possible to dislike you." She ended that with a small laugh. Of course, Misty will favor ME once she meets me! Assuming she has my activities... I don't remember any Misty in my activities though...

Fluttershy smiled. "Thank you, Rarity." She said cheerfully. "There is one more thing she said that I can remember, but it was rude." Fluttershy said sadly.

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"I want to know about her, so why not tell me anyways?" Rarity said, pressing to get as much information out of Fluttershy as possible.

"U-Um.... S-She said.... U-Um...." Fluttershy stuttered. "S-She said she was surprised you weren't jealous of.... m-my looks.... a-and.... m-my personality..." Fluttershy managed to get out.

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"U-Um.... S-She said.... U-Um...." Fluttershy stuttered. "S-She said she was surprised you weren't jealous of.... m-my looks.... a-and.... m-my personality..." Fluttershy managed to get out.

Rarity laughed loudly. "Of course I'm jealous of your looks! You look so wonderful without make-up, and your natural hair is WONDERFUL! I spend so long trying to look as good as you do." She mostly said it to help Fluttershy's confidence, though she has always admitted that Fluttershy DID look wonderful. "And uh... How to put this nicely... Umm... I'm fine with my personality, darling." Rarity didn't want to say it, but she found Fluttershy quite shy and unconfident. She lived with it, but it was something she always wanted to help her with.

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Rarity laughed loudly. "Of course I'm jealous of your looks! You look so wonderful without make-up, and your natural hair is WONDERFUL! I spend so long trying to look as good as you do." She mostly said it to help Fluttershy's confidence, though she has always admitted that Fluttershy DID look wonderful. "And uh... How to put this nicely... Umm... I'm fine with my personality, darling." Rarity didn't want to say it, but she found Fluttershy quite shy and unconfident. She lived with it, but it was something she always wanted to help her with.

Fluttershy smiled. "You're so nice, Rarity." She said happily. "And you look a lot better than I do. I like the way your hair curls at the end. I've never been able to figure out how to do that with my hair." Fluttershy said, looking at her hair, which curled a bit, but not as much as Rarity's.

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Fluttershy smiled. "You're so nice, Rarity." She said happily. "And you look a lot better than I do. I like the way your hair curls at the end. I've never been able to figure out how to do that with my hair." Fluttershy said, looking at her hair, which curled a bit, but not as much as Rarity's.

"It's a natural thing, darling. Twilight told me about it during one of her... Educational rants." Rarity told Fluttershy. "I believe curled hair wouldn't look too great on you, honestly."

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"It's a natural thing, darling. Twilight told me about it during one of her... Educational rants." Rarity told Fluttershy. "I believe curled hair wouldn't look too great on you, honestly."

Fluttershy giggled. She knew 'educational rants' was just a nicer way of saying 'lecture'. "You don't think so?" Fluttershy said, looking down at her hair again.

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Fluttershy giggled. She knew 'educational rants' was just a nicer way of saying 'lecture'. "You don't think so?" Fluttershy said, looking down at her hair again.

"I love your hair as it is, Fluttershy." Rarity said. "I just... Don't see curls. It would be... awkward." Rarity saw butterflies outside the window, then remembered her dress idea. "Fluttershy, I had an epiphany yesterday! I am going to model a dress after a monarch butterfly! What do you think?"

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"I love your hair as it is, Fluttershy." Rarity said. "I just... Don't see curls. It would be... awkward." Rarity saw butterflies outside the window, then remembered her dress idea. "Fluttershy, I had an epiphany yesterday! I am going to model a dress after a monarch butterfly! What do you think?"

"Oooooo, that sounds like it'd be a pretty dress!" Fluttershy said, imagining herself wearing it. "I'd wear the dress if given the opportunity!" Fluttershy said happily.

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"It's settled then!" Rarity ran out of the kitchen for a moment, going to her bed. She grabbed a roll of parchment, and a quill & inkwell. She then ran back to the kitchen. She started with drawing the shape of a female body. "Fluttershy, does this seem anatomically accurate?" She asked, double checking that it would be good for drawing a dress around.

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((Can do ;3 ....Kinda looks like everyone's meeting up for coffee.. Just.. Throwing that out therr.. xD))

"Was he really?!" Licorice was a bit surprised. "Wow.." I sort of had the feeling that he liked me.. but.. Wow.. "..I suppose there's only one way to find out." The two went up to the server ponies, Licorice accepted the eggs, not the sausage, and the watermelon, not the bacon. "Thank you." she gave the lunch lady a quick,appreciative nod, taking her plate to a nearby table. "..What are we forgetting.." she wondered aloud briefly before realizing the lack of drinks. "..Do you like coffee, babe?"

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"It's settled then!" Rarity ran out of the kitchen for a moment, going to her bed. She grabbed a roll of parchment, and a quill & inkwell. She then ran back to the kitchen. She started with drawing the shape of a female body. "Fluttershy, does this seem anatomically accurate?" She asked, double checking that it would be good for drawing a dress around.

Fluttershy studied the drawing. "Yeah, it seems right." Fluttershy said, tilting her head. She looked at the drawing, imagining her own version of the dress drawn upon it.

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"Alright, time to get started then..." Rarity then got to work. After a few minutes of drawing, the basic shape of the dress, and the designs on the dress were made. "All that's left is coloring..." She ran back to her bed, and grabbed her markers this time. She ran back to the kitchen, and sat down again. She then started coloring. Afterwards... "Does this look good?"

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"Alright, time to get started then..." Rarity then got to work. After a few minutes of drawing, the basic shape of the dress, and the designs on the dress were made. "All that's left is coloring..." She ran back to her bed, and grabbed her markers this time. She ran back to the kitchen, and sat down again. She then started coloring. Afterwards... "Does this look good?"

Fluttershy's eyes sparkled at the sight of the dress. "Yes... It looks beautiful!" Fluttershy said in awe. The final design of the dress just made her want to wear it even more.

(I love how we have absolutely no description of what the dress looks like. :lol:)

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