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Camp Whitetail [Private/Apply in OOC Discussion]


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"Well he said he already used it." Cloud was cheered up a little by Licorice's gesture. "So he could of used a lot. But pretty soon after he gave it to me, my aunt and uncle went up to his room and-" Cloud pushed the words out, "They were pretty upset that their oldest had run off. I don't know what really happened but I saw an obituary a few months after he ran away."

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Hmm.. This sounds dangerous.. I'd better be careful even looking.. "..I'm very sorry to hear.." Licorice decided that she would be smart about things before just digging in. "..So.. Were you able to see any magic come from the boy..? Was he an earth pony as well..?" ((Idk what else to call it?))

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"No actually. He was a unicorn." Cloud said. "Maybe that's why they forbid it, too much darkness with magic." Cloud sighed. "My mom was actually a unicorn, but my Dad was a pegasus." Cloud fluttered his wings. "Maybe thats why my eyes glow like this."

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Licorice took a deep look into his eyes, admiring their beauty whilst searching them.. They almost seemed to have a magical quality to them. "..I wouldn't doubt that at all.." Dark magic was something that Licorice could never do. The desire just wasn't in her. She, like the Kestra, believed that magic should only be used for good. She started feeling a little uneasy..What if there's only black magick in the book? She would do almost ANYTHING in order to have a shot with it.. She decided not to think too much about this intense moral decision until at least SEEING Cloud's book. Maybe she wouldn't have to choose..

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Cloud hugged Licorice, "I don't want it any more, if you want to see it that's fine, but I think- I think I should burn it." Cloud tried to brighten his mood. "So anyway, how long do you think I have to stay dressed like this?"

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"..Oh, umm.." Burn it?! I'd better hurry and have a looksie.. "Whatever you feel is best.. I mean.. If it has dark magic in it.. That would probably best." It's for the best.. He really should.. Licorice tried convincing herself, but inside she knew that she just how badly she wanted to look through it. Licorice giggled at Cloud asking, as if he needed permission, if he could be a boy again. She was tempted to tell him no, but decided to be nice. "..Not much longer, Misty.. Come on.. We can go boy you up again if you'd like.." He probably wouldn't need any help transforming back, but Licorice knew that the book was in the cabin.. and she really would like to see it.

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"Or you could have it. whatever." Cloud leaned back, very relaxed despite being dressed as a girl.

Counselors Cabin:

Rainbow Dash awoke finally awoke. Yawning loudly she got up from her bed. She went over to Fluttershy and Rarity and sat down, "Mornin guys, whats goin on?" She was still in her pajamas, enjoying the lazy morning.

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Fluttershy broke out of her trance state while watching Rarity make the dress to see Rainbow Dash finally up. "Mornin guys, whats goin on?" she said. "Oh, um.... Well...." Fluttershy replied, trying to divert her attention away from Rarity's dress. "R-Rarity made coffee..." Fluttershy said lamely in her attempts.

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"Morning Rainbow Dash~!" Rarity sang out. "I, too, am excited for activities to start! All the campers seem lovely! There was that boy with the bugs... But other than that they seem generally clean."

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Applejack entered the scene, overhearing everyone's excitement about today's activities. She smoothly grabbed herself a seat. "Howdy, Rainbow.. Fluttershy, Rarity." she acknowledged every pony else. "Well where's the fun in being clean?" She smiled at Rarity, knowing that she would disagree. "Sure, the bug boy is a little.. different, but I like him."

Licorice Black

She shook her head, deciding it best to decline even peeking. Why tempt herself with evils? "...Maybe we should just burn it.. At tonight's bonfire....... but thank you, Cloud.. Now cmon," She tugged lightly on Misty's shirt. "Let's go boy you up again.."

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"Alright, let's go." Cloud followed Licorice, smiling.

"Hey AJ," Rainbow streatched her wings. "So, anything weird happen last night? I noticed you just got back Shy." She snickered, "You don't have a secret boyfriend you aren't telling us about do you?"

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Rainbow was right. Although Applejack was generally the first to sleep, first to wake, she still hadn't seen Fluttershy around the morning time until just now. "I haven't seen you round this mornin neither, Pardner.. Where ya been? What's is name?" She joked along.

Licorice (Caffeteria -> Back to the boy's cabin)

"Mmkay.. Come on, love.." She took Misty's hand, leading him over to the boy's cabins. "We'll have to be sneaky.. Girls aren't allowed in here." She winked before entering. The two made their way over to cabin number two, where the transformation would take place. "...You really don't need very much help turning back, do you?.. We'll just need.." She felt down his shirt, removing the socks, along with the illusion of breasts. "..and the hips.." She quickly took out the socks, giggling a little looking at Cloud in girl's clothes without either of those. "Perfect.. Now get dressed. I'll meet you back in the lunch room.." She once again winked, making her exit.

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