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About Myself: I'm about to enter my first year of University, thus moving away from home. I'm reeeeally interested in the Pokemon games, and hope to find some Pokefans and other bronies in my University. :)

How I found Canterlot.com: I was just looking for a site to do some MLP: FIM roleplays on.

How I became a fan of MLP:FiM: I had heard a bit about the show from the mysterious Interwebz, and decided to check it out for myself. I loved it right away.

My favourite main cast pony/s: Twilight Sparkle
I'm really hooping to get some good roleplaying, as I need and want to get back into the groove as I've not had a chance to roleplay for around a year now and sorely miss it. :)

I hope anyone who says "hi" will see me in other forums some time, and that we'll have a good roleplay.

Also, my all-time favourite character is Princess Luna. :)

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Welcome to Canterlot!

Hope to see you in RP soon!

Pokemon?! :o I'm the ultimate Pokenerd! (Well, besides the person with the world record for most Pokemon memorabilla, but you get the point!) You should totally check out my Pokemon Trading and Battling thread in the gaming section! There are already a whole bunch of people all up in that place! :D

Luna is always best pony! :Luna:

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