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About Myself: My name's Justin... I live in Wisconsin and I have aspergers, so I'm really REALLY REALLY REALLY shy.

How I found Canterlot.com: A friend (frenzyhero) told me about this place and I decided to come join.

How I became a fan of MLP:FiM: About 7 months ago my ex-friend kept poking at me trying to get me to watch the show and I finally did and I loved it...

My favourite main cast pony/s: Rainbow Dash
... okay I have to type this out again... great :|. My page jumped and I lost everything that I had typed, which was a LOT... so I guess I'll just sum it up. My name's Justin, I have aspergers, so I can't really talk to people whether on the internet or irl. I actually shut the game I'm playing off if anyone tries to talk to me. I heard about this site from my friend frenzyhero, we were on MLPForums and things have gone really downhill there so I'm moving over to Canterlot. I actually joined yesterday but I was so scared that I couldn't make my introduction til tonight. So here I am typing this out (again I might add)... Rainbow Dash is my favorite pony because we're like the same critter, only she's a female pony and I'm a mentally deficient human teenager. I also relate to Fluttershy a lot because I'm really quiet, but when I really like something I can talk your ear off ^_^ I like playing video games, especially the pokemon games, I'm actually getting a 3DS and Pokemon Black for my birthday, which is in 5 (4) days, I'll be 18. I think that's about it... I really hope that I can work up the courage to post and become active but I know I'll have a lot of trouble... but I'll try, because I really want to make friends here and maybe get over my shyness somewhat... thank you for reading this, and sorry if it was an inconvenience... I don't want to be a bother.

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