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Just Another New Guy


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About Myself: Love to play video games and RPGs of all kinds; Love to read anything fiction (except the Twilight series and 50 Shades series); Currently living in Washington State, less than an hour south of Seattle; Favorite music includes anything that isn't Country; Avid fan of Doctor Who

How I found Canterlot.com: Can't remember, will elaborate in the main post block

How I became a fan of MLP:FiM: Memebase kept posting ponies, so I figured "Why not see what the fuss is all about?" 3rd episode in, and I was hooked.

My favourite main cast pony/s: Fluttershy,Rainbow Dash,Twilight Sparkle,Pinkamina Diane Pie
Hello, everyone. My forum name may be Boris, but I have many names that I go by. If you REALLY want to, you can call me by my real name, Robin. I found this site way back in April of this year, about a week before I went off to Basic Training for the Air Force. Unfortunately I chose to bring the wrong computer with me, thinking I bookmarked the site. During my 3rd Week of Training I had a minor heat stroke, which lead the doctors to search through my records and see that I have Dysthymic Disorder, which is a very watered down type of depression where about one month out of the year I feel pretty useless. I'm not sure if that's how it is for everyone, but that's how it is with me. So for about 6 weeks the Mental Health people worked on papers to get me kicked out. Normally it takes about a day or two to get those papers together, but the legal offices kept saying my paperwork wasn't right and they needed to redo everything. Meanwhile my family was in the process of moving here from Germany, choosing to visit with family before actually making it to Washington. Last week we got all our stuff, and I managed to dig out this computer just yesterday and saw this site was saved on a tab, but I hadn't made an account yet. So now I have an account and can actually participate in the forums.

And yes. AppleJack and Rarity are the only two main cast ponies I could really care less about. Sure they're cool and everything, but I just don't find them that interesting. As much as I like to think I dislike lying, I dislike people that can't lie more, which of course explains AppleJack. And Rarity is Rarity.

So with that: Hello, thank you for having me, and I can't wait to get involved with the site. Allons-y!

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ANOTHER WHOVIAN! Oh happy day! Favorite Doctor?

Also a lover of music! FANTASTIC!

My friend plays world of tanks, been trying to get me into it for ages... Perhaps I shall one day...

Welcome to Canterlot!

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Unfortunately, by the time I heard about Everfree the tickets were sold out. But if it's in Seattle again next year, I will DEFINITELY be there.

Thank you for the welcome song! And really, it's a question of what type of video games I DON'T like. That would be Facebook games. Everything else, if I'm in the gaming mood, I will play. And I'm always in the gaming mood.

I have two favorites: Tom Baker and David Tenant. Tom because he was HILARIOUS, and David because he is the sexiest man ever and the first Doctor I saw.

Edited by ThatBoris
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Unfortunately, by the time I heard about Everfree the tickets were sold out. But if it's in Seattle again next year, I will DEFINITELY be there.

Thank you for the welcome song! And really, it's a question of what type of video games I DON'T like. That would be Facebook games. Everything else, if I'm in the gaming mood, I will play. And I'm always in the gaming mood.

I have two favorites: Tom Baker and David Tenant. Tom because he was HILARIOUS, and David because he is the sexiest man ever and the first Doctor I saw.

Very good answers. Tom Baker is my favorite and first. I'm not sure who of the 3 new doctors are my favorite. I'm inclined to say Eccleston because he had the best overall series. There wasn't a bad episode in the bunch. But Tennant was fun. But I have to say Smith as the doctor is growing on me. He kinda reminds me of Baker tbh.

OH! One more question... When anyone mentions RPGs I always ask if they like the following three series... Megami Tensei, Tales series and Dragon Quest? Mostly that first one though! (Seriously I'm a MegaTen addict)

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Unfortunately, by the time I heard about Everfree the tickets were sold out. But if it's in Seattle again next year, I will DEFINITELY be there.

Yes, and there is already a date and hotel! I think it's in July, at a hotel right by where it was held this year (literally, you could look out the window on the top floor of the Hilton and see it).

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I haven't heard of the first two up until now, and I haven't yet played Dragon Quest. I will probably play them one day, whenever that day may be.

I am looking forward to going, then! Assuming I can get the funds together by then.

I noticed, and I watched the new episode a couple hours ago. Despite still being early in the season, I think the Dalek Asylum episode will be my favorite one.

Alright, I'll be sure to when I need something!

And thank you to everyone for the warm welcomes!

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